Does Ra look like a human being in his 6th density? Discussion about our human bodies in this creation / universe

I don’t know if this has already been pondered on this forum. But what will our appearance be when we move into 6th density?

I found an interesting excerpt while rereading the Law of One.


Questioner: [Inaudible] how were you able to make the transition from your— Venus, and I assume the sixth dimension, which— would that be invisible when you reached here? Did you have to change your dimensions to walk on the Earth?

Ra: You will remember the exercise of the wind. The dissolution into nothingness is the dissolution into unity, for there is no nothingness. From the sixth dimension, we are capable of manipulating, by thought, the intelligent infinity present in each particle of light or distorted light so that we were able to clothe ourselves in a replica visible in the third density of our mind/body/spirit complexes in the sixth density. We were allowed this experiment by the Council which guards this planet.

We know so little about what life is like there, how they live it. This line made me think they reached 6th density using the same bodies they used in 3rd density on Venus. That’s interesting. Two assumptions occur to me:

    1. It is a property of all creation of a given octave. That is, the whole our octave (universe) has such bodies, such appearance. And densities do not affect the appearance, but the degree of understanding of unity. And accordingly the ability to use the forces that become available after understanding of unity, but the appearance does not change.
    1. This is a property of our Solar Logos, which designed these bodies specifically. In other galaxies and solar systems, where there are other logos, the bodies look slightly different accordingly. But still the difference is insignificant.

So it’s quite interesting that presumably we retain our appearance, perhaps some habits from past lives. They say that Venus is 5th or 6th density suitable. So it’s the same planet as us? I wonder if there’s gravity, for example. Or why then do they live “on” the planet?

About appearances, I found another interesting passage, spontaneously, when I was reading other material.

Question: Hidden_Hand, I know you’re trying to focus on spiritual questions and questions about the density shift. But if you could detract for a moment to answer my questions about shape shifting I’d appreciate it.

Answer: Shapeshifting is not a “natural” phenomenon. “Shapeshifting” creatures / races do not exist, at least certainly not in any realm, Galaxy or Density we have ever experienced.

That is, it is likely that octaves have certain properties and limitations. That is, even if you increase density, you are still inside this “limited” octave.

From what I understand, beings in the 6th density do not have a defined appearance. They are pure consciousness and energy, not bound to any specific shape or form. If one were to encounter a 6th-density being in its natural environment. It would appear as a unique and individualized expression of intelligent energy.

In such an encounter, the 6th-density entity would not be seen in the conventional sense but rather perceived, unless the observer’s consciousness, through its expectations, beliefs, choices, and various personal distortions, imposed a form upon it. This form might appear as white light, indigo light, or take the shape of a humanoid figure if that reflected the observer’s inner biases.

For instance, one entity might perceive an angelic being clothed in radiant white and golden light, while another, at the same time, could experience the presence telepathically as pure, thinking energy. Alternatively, someone with different deep-seated beliefs might even perceive a horned devil, as their belief system might interpret a positive entity as a threat to them.


Wow, this is very interesting about the horned devil. It turns out that the appearance that I see, for example, the appearance of Ra, it will depend on my beliefs? Or Ra can influence how I would see him? I’m trying to figure out who’s influencing.

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This question is in the arena of a question that has been simmering for me—did ALL of the intelligences of Ra have a humanoid form?

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Everything is subjective and dependent on our consciousness. All that exists is, in some form, an illusion. Objectivity can only be conventional, as the universe is not fully knowable, thus preventing the creation of an entirely objective framework.

This stems from the fact that our consciousness is rooted in The One, which is unified, infinite, and without a clearly defined foundation. Only The One is truly real; everything that emanates from The One as a product of creation is simultaneously a projection of consciousness and a distortion of it.

The same principle applies to our perception of beings and spiritual worlds that are not material. Matter provides the illusion of permanence and reality. However, it must be understood that this is merely akin to a projection from a holographic projector. What we perceive as matter is fundamentally thought in its origin—matter being like frozen thoughts. This gives the appearance of solidity to our bodies. This allows us to experience individuality and recognize ourselves, including familiar aspects like our faces. At higher levels of existence, this dynamic operates differently.

As for your question, I cannot offer a definitive answer. It seems unlikely that Ra would have any specific reason to manipulate their appearance, as this would be more characteristic of service-to-self (STS) entities that aim to influence their recipients. However, I also acknowledge that altering one’s appearance could be done with service-to-others (STO) intentions. For example, to appear in an understandable way without violating another’s free will.

I tend to believe that if we were to encounter a 6th-density being in 6th density or witness a projection of one in our 3rd-density reality. There would likely be a consensus formed between our consciousness and theirs. In a one-on-one encounter, this consensus would manifest through mutual interactions at a deeper level, influencing both the way Ra appears and how an observer, such as you or me, expects to perceive them. If the encounter involved a group, then the collective consciousness of that group would shape both the manifestation of Ra and the way each individual in the group perceives them.

However, it is important to remember that these issues can be very broad. There may be some restrictions or orders on appearance. One would need to understand how these densities are connected to each other, what their relationship is, what they are exactly, in fact.

I would like to add that I once came across a quote from Q’uo (Hatonn/Latwii/Ra) where they were asked how to envision them. Rather than offering a specific visual representation, they suggested that it is up to each individual to discover internally what resonates most. If our intentions, inner sense, and belief in their presence align with the energy they project, it may open the gateway to communion with them and potentially allow for some form of manifestation.

I’m uncertain how real this experience was—whether it was simply my imagination or something else—but I once had an interesting occurrence. One evening, I asked in a dream for some sign or manifestation from Ra. Instead of sleeping through the night, I was awakened by a gentle white light emanating from a piece of furniture, illuminating the space above it. At first, I thought it was just my phone powering on, lighting up the screen. I turned my attention to it briefly and went back to sleep.

However, in the morning, I realized my phone had been in an entirely different location, making it impossible for it to have been the source of the light. I then began to connect this event to the manifestation I had asked for. While I can’t say for certain whether it was them or what exactly it was, it was certainly a curious experience.

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