Being 6th density wanderer & gender identity

Hello everyone,

I am going through some old layers of unaccepted and unconfronted parts of myself. Few years back, when I discovered The Law of One, many things started to make sense. Synchronistically and by connecting the dots, it was kind of revealed to me that I am a wanderer, probably from the 6th density in the past life. It makes sense, given how alien I feel looking at this world and the people around me. In a very casual way, I never really felt like I belong to this place - I might be good at blending in, but the feeling of being out of place stays with me despite years of working on myself. Being on this planet definitely feels like a sacrifice with a huge risk. And I do not want to sound negative, because being simply here in every moment is a blessing. It’s just that the line between it being a gift or a curse is sometimes very blurry.

But let’s get to the point. One of the parts of myself that I have a problem with accepting and being comfortable with, is gender identity. I have a male body - that’s the way I see it. But I don’t feel any separation between male and female as a soul / consciousness. Like I do not really feel I am this or that. I feel like a Being inhabiting this body, which is fine. And if I had a female body, I would also be having a sometimes great, and sometimes also bad time. Because I deeply understand that being on either side can be a meaningful experience. I always felt in between everywhere, because of my ability to understand two opposite views. But of course it is not easy, if in the world around me, the idea of separation is so normalized.

I wonder if that’s something that’s connected to being of 6th density in the past life, where the idea of gender is possibly “outdated”. Let me know if some of you share my feelings or have an opinion they want to share. Love and Light to Everyone.


If we were in the 6th Density, we were all hermaphrodites and we had no physical gender. So, from upper perspective, physical sexuality is just another of the distortions.

On the other hand, we must remember that we have 7 energy centers that determine our place in the Universe and our role in relation to the Creator. And we have to take into account even these lower energy centers like red, orange, yellow ray energy centers, which are weights of our psychical life and play an important role in balancing the whole system and giving the right conditions for experience and development.

If I could make a suggestion to you, I would suggest further exploration of the material and work on yourself with a special focus on the red ray center in parallel with the green ray center. What I mean is to balance these two centers with each other in peculiar way.

When it comes to sexuality as something purely physical and biological, tasked with the maintenance and survival of the species and such a very basic instinctual identification of us as male or female, it lies in the center of the red ray.

I suggest, therefore, focusing on the green and red ray centers by focusing on the work of the Heart (that is, the center of the green ray) and finding inside the center of the red ray what the Heart “thinks” about your gender identity. Pay attention to how you can give the most love to others, so that the red ray center and your sexuality gives the foundation for your being and carries that love of the higher center of love embedded in the lower one.

Of course, a series of work would be worth undertaking. Although I think that from what I have written you could start or just have it in mind to some extent.

Still another option is that as a result of the change in Density you are adjusting to 4D STO conditions, where the essence of sex and reproduction, I’m guessing, is different. At the 4D level we exist as physical-etheric beings, and there the essence of reproduction may be different than in a physical 3D body. Therefore, perhaps your higher Self is giving up manifesting its sexuality in favor of relieving its soul and dealing with more spiritual matters.

As you work on this and check it out, I believe things will return to normal and you will feel great about yourself in your full glory. Through knowing the choice at the deep level of yourself about your destiny and identity that takes place.


To my humble understanding it should not be a problem but if you say it is, it is so indeed. I tie it together with orange ray, so it is where you might search for answer.

41.14 Thus true color orange is that which it is, without difference.

Also maybe the following makes sense for you:

Session 48, April 22, 1981
Questioner: I have a question from the instrument that I will read. “You have suggested several times that sexual energy transfers aid the instrument’s vital energy and this contact. It seems that this is not true for all people; that the sexual circuitry and the spiritual circuitry are not the same. Is this instrument an anomaly, or is the positive effect of sexual activity on spiritual energy normal for all third-density beings?”

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument, though not anomalous, is somewhat less distorted towards the separation of mind, body, and spirit than many of your third-density entities. The energies of sexual transfer would, if run through the undeveloped spiritual electrical or magnetic complex which you call circuitry, effectually blow out that particular circuit. Contrarily, the full spiritual energies run through bodily complex circuitry will also adversely effect the undeveloped circuit of the bodily complex. Some there are, such as this instrument, who have not in the particular incarnation chosen at any time to express sexual energy through the bodily circuitry. Thus from the beginning of such an entity’s experience the body and spirit express together in any sexual action. Therefore, to transfer sexual energy for this instrument is to transfer spiritually as well as physically. This instrument’s magnetic field, if scrutinized by one sensitive, will show these unusual configurations. This is not unique to one entity but is common to a reasonable number of entities who, having lost the desire for orange and yellow-ray sexual experiences, have strengthened the combined circuitry of spirit, mind, and body to express the totality of beingness in each action. It is for this reason also that the social intercourse and companionship is very beneficial to this instrument, it being sensitive to the more subtle energy transfers.

I’m not a sixth density wanderer. I may be, long story, one of the rare 4th density ones… sort of; I got stuck here many, many lives ago because I didn’t react to some sort of mistreatment by humans well… they knew not what they did, but I did NOT forgive them.

But my romantic partner of almost 16 years is obviously, again long story, here for the first time. She has trouble with linear time and finds it strange and somewhat disconcerting to be in a physical body at all. She feels neither male or female and honestly is rather annoyed with the extra things women have to deal with, hormones, periods, not being as physically formidable, more maintenance in terms of hairstyles ect. to appear optimally attractive, etc. But apparently I’m part of her rescue mission or whatever and I’m not attracted to male bodies, so I guess she had to choose a female one.

She is visual and mathematically intelligent and isn’t the best at language. She hasn’t read the Law of One as the wordiness conveys little sense to her. On psychedelics she has become a Ra type personality and considers my conception of spirituality “cute”. It’s apparently obvious to her that all is one and she finds my talking to my higher self like another entity strange.


There’s a lifecycle humans are on, and it can peak release of hormones in some periods more than others. These hormones might be cause for confusion and how one answers the questions posed is personal, like no one recipe works for all.

To me, this idea speaks to pluralism which suggests
strength in diversity by way of tolerance. Things like
age, sex, gender identity, culture, religion, disabilities, class, etc can factor in the concept of pluralism as
beneficial to the human condition.

So instead of trying to mold oneself into some
status quo by dysfunctional ways, some people
up-level their consciousness that being different
is not only okay, it’s better as some higher degree
congruent with some primordial desire, to
experience all things desired with some sense
of infinite variation. Embrace diversity.

However taking such a leap of faith to ease
confusion may simply make it all more confusing.
And maybe it’s not a mind thing, it’s a body
thing - to displace body confusion with body
acceptance recognizing the body has inherent
wisdom revealed by pleasure because it feels

One idea might
be to explore the body’s pleasure and in that
path, cultivate self acceptance which if nothing
else, passes time with high quality self love
feelings until a time arrives of less confusion.
Or you may still feel confused but don’t care
because you’re a greater degree blissed out.
A path of pleasure can evolve to greater
states of pleasure - and one might argue
there’s a primordial pleasure principal at
play in the universe which entails deep study
and research. Something to seek and find.

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Let’s try to see this from 6th density’s entity perspective, such as your ‘higher self’.
6th density entity is a conglomeration of many identities, how many? perhaps millions or even billions. From multitude of densities, 1st densities like rock, 2nd densities like plants or animals and so on. And some if not most of those identities might also experiencing on realm / planet outside of earth.

Relating to male / female human gender, a 6th density conglomeration of identities might contain some of both within the group.

To make matters more complicated, there might be possibilities where an identity/entity which is ‘hermaphrodites’ (both male and female). Or a species / race having more than one gender (3,4,5 and so on).

A 6h density entity, like your higher self is actually ‘you’ in the future.

37.6 Questioner: You said that each third-density entity has an higher self in the sixth density which is moving to the mind/body/spirit complex of the entity as needed. Does this higher self also evolve in growth through the densities beginning with the first density, and does each higher self have a corresponding higher self advanced in densities beyond it?

Ra: I am Ra. To simplify this concept is our intent. The higher self is a manifestation given to the late sixth-density mind/body/spirit complex as a gift from its future selfness. The mid-seventh density’s last action before turning towards the allness of the Creator and gaining spiritual mass is to give this resource to the sixth-density self, moving as you measure time in the stream of time.
This self, the mind/body/spirit complex of late sixth density, has then the honor/duty of using both the experiences of its total living bank or memory of experienced thoughts and actions, and using the resource of the mind/body/spirit complex totality left behind as a type of infinitely complex thought-form.
In this way you may see your self, your higher self or Oversoul, and your mind/body/spirit complex totality as three points in a circle. The only distinction is that of your time/space continuum. All are the same being.

I remember some incongruity I confronted at some point that might relate to this topic. The idea is that are bodies have inherent wisdom encoded in our dna, like Darwin’s survival of the fittest or something. Specifically, the idea of serial monogamy as having survival advantage over polygamy. Like many people, I’m physically descendant of many nuclear families over many many generations, and this pattern seems like a subconscious impetus to live like that sans any conscious choice otherwise, it seems encoded in my DNA.

However that’s not the only possibility, it may be different with others. For example Stanford evolutionary biologists may resolve the reason humanity is so confused is because we are a mix of pair bonders or tournament breeders; i.e. monogamy and polygamy.

But it doesn’t stop there because spiritual space is shared space where endeared feelings can be shared with many many people having many different orientations, it can feel like polyamory - which may pose some further confusion when framed in the perspectives of physical reproduction.
My impression is that STO polarity is more highly polyamorous, STS less amorous in general, and possibly this stems from some logical control or power trip not so different than territorialism, I.e. turf war disagreements on shared space. Physical monogamy gene vs a spiritual polyamory reality can be an incongruity people can face on their spiritual evolutionary journey. Consciously growing greater degrees tolerant and benevolent can resolve this.

But fundamentally, I think it’s important to recognize that physical incarnation factors into evolutionary opportunities that are difficult or impossible otherwise. Trust the Logos has intelligent design at play and lend reverence to being alive. Celebrate aliveness with whatever turns you on and maybe by some random chance, childbirth may happen.

This is an interesting question. Overall, I agree with your opinion.

First, let’s start from the difference between sex and gender. Sex is biological; it is determined by one’s chromosomes. Gender is societal; it is determined by one’s relationship to cultural norms and expectations. As a person is reborn within our third-density experience, both sex and gender affects their polarization.

We used the term to indicate that in your bisexual natures there is that which is of polarity. This polarity may be seen to be variable according to the, shall we say, male/female polarization of each entity, be each entity biologically male or female. 31.7

…it is the bisexual nature of the species in general that is the kingpin of a seemingly endless list of other attributes, each of which has its opposite. Third density is chock full of unbalanced, biased and distorted perceptions. We would not say that this is a bad thing. It gives each seeker the fuel that it needs to press forward. 2009-0214

Also, bear in mind the conceptualization of the “divine masculine” and “divine feminine,” complex terms which capture two forms of spiritual energy. I recommend referring to 2010-0925 and 2022-0814 for illustrative elucidation of these complex terms. The reason these are mentioned is for the following reason: you appear to balance these energies well. To my wit, learning to balance these energies is a key requirement to make The Choice.

Differing from biological sex, gender is a particularly sticky topic because its conceptualization originates from within the many human societies across the planet, which consists most fundamentally of three distinct planetary groups incarnating together on Earth for “remedial” education. Due to this mixture of beliefs, no satisfactory answer will likely be found as to exactly what is Right for gender, though the contemplation of such ideals will continue to provide catalyst by which each of us may grow.

A point you may wish to contemplate is any potential reason why you are incarnated in a male body rather than a female body. What opportunities–both biological and societal–does the male body provide that the female body cannot? It is well enough to understand two opposite views, and beauty flows from their mastery such that you may, with pure service-to-others intentionality, employ the masculine form to achieve a more complete understanding of the Creator.

I engaged in a conversation with our brother in the YouTube comments under the latest video of the Seattle Law of One Study Group:

The comment I want to send to him eventually became so detailed that I thought I would post it on the forum and provide a link to it on YouTube.

To avoid spreading the content around the forum, I decided to add this post under this topic. While it may not be directly related to the previous posts, it certainly pertains to the overall subject of this thread. Here’s my response:

All in the Universe strives for polarization. This is one of the main acts of manifestation/distortion - the creation of two polarizations, positive and negative. Soul development towards higher densities is based on the difference between these polarizations; the neutralization of these two poles does not yield fruit.

Sexes are an effect of polarization that creates man and woman; the neutralization of these two poles (man and woman) also does not yield fruit. Polarization is a fundamental aspect of the Universe, and the polarization manifesting as man and woman is intended to create new qualities through their union. On a universal scale, thanks to polarization, the Creator makes possible experiences that would not normally be possible. The interaction between polarizations is crucial for this process.

Sex (biological sex) in practice has many points of contact with gender. So I don’t see any reason at the moment to distinguish sex from gender. In practice, these differences become blurred, so when I write gender, I also mean sex. When I write sex, I also mean gender. It may happen that I also write sex/gender or gender/sex - I mean one, because they blend together in practice. One has a direct impact on the other. Physical sex and gender identity are closely intertwined. So I’ll treat it as one and the same, understanding some differences between the two.

Non-binary or transgender identities do not polarize sufficiently in either direction. Male and female genders are analogous to the division into two polarizations, Service to Others (STO) and Service to Self (STS). Someone might say they do not identify with either polarization, neither STO nor STS, claiming to work toward a third or another form of polarization, like a “polarization of service to the pink elephant.” Similarly, someone might say they are neither male nor female, identifying as non-binary or someone else. However, in the fundamental aspects of existence and polarization, there are not three or four polarizations; there are two.

Someone may recognize that there is a third polarity like “service to the pink elephant”, just as there is a third “sex/gender”, but this is a subjective recognition, and it just isn’t there. However, everyone has the right to carry any beliefs about reality, according to the Law of Confusion. Other people’s views as to the various different genders other than male and female should, of course, be met with acceptance and full respect for free will as to the recognition of these genders and saying about them. One can create any personality identity and gender for oneself, here there is no limitation and it can bring results. Nevertheless, it will not necessarily be helpful from the perspective of, for example, the work to be done for the development towards the 4 density of Service to Others in current incarnation.

…However all of this does not close the topic but rather opens it. On one hand, being gay, lesbian, or transgender is not a full expression of a given sex/gender polarization, which in undistorted state is to bear fruit through the contact of two polarities and in this case it is the birth of a child from a woman fertilized by a man - the child is the literal and physical result of the meeting of two polarities. Being homosexual is a distortion from being heterosexual. Being transgender is a distortion and neutralization from being a polarized man or woman. Both allow for some new experience of the Creator through those people, but it is nevertheless a form of distortion from the basic conditions. For most, I think, this is not beneficial.

On the other hand, it must be considered that the Creator, working through us, seeks to know and experience itself in many ways. Sometimes someone is gay, someone is lesbian, sometimes people desire to be a woman in a man’s body, or vice versa. This has its place in the broader scheme of existence and must be respected. This stimulates the development of the soul.

I believe that every situation has two sides. The same situation for two different people can mean different things. For example, take a woman who was mistreated by a man. She chose this lesson. But instead of choosing love for men and herself as a woman, forgiving man for their bad behavior and herself for her choice of the wrong man and believing in her femininity again, fully expressing and strengthening it even more than before. Love here is the signpost, healing and development of the soul. And all this within the one female polarity.

She might irrevocably resent men, abandon contact with them, stop believing in herself and her femininity, start identifying as transgender and strive to become a man, reflecting men negative behavior, or conversely, behave as a man as she expected men to behave. However, this is twisted and pathological. She should forgive men and herself, discover reserves of feminine self-confidence, and continue to love in other relationship as non-transgender, heterosexual woman.

On the other hand, we might have a woman who, after being mistreated by men, begins to reflect masculine traits, starts displaying lesbian behavior despite previously having heterosexual relationships. It turns out that in her case, the unpleasant situation allowed her to discover her destiny, give catalyst to the right direction in here specific situation. There is no loss for her; she simply desired such a life, more difficult, more specific, more interesting and challenged from the perspective of her soul. Her soul wanted to develop in a specific way, and simultaneously the Creator desired to manifest through her in an unusual manner.

The matter is complicated; each person must be approached individually. The reasons for a person’s behavior can vary. For one, it may be a natural choice stemming from the needs of the soul; for another, the same behavior may be a sign of severe psychological and personality problems and act against themselves.

Generally, for us, as people engaged in spiritual development, it is most efficient to accept everyone as they are. This is the first important step. We don’t need to agree with them or support them, but accept them and the situation as it is. Accept another man and woman without meaning of what is his/her situation and what is best for her, because we can’t be sure about that.

To raise our polarization in a positive way even more, we can help others find their true selves, according to their free will and their own requests for help. Bearing in mind that these are individual matters, for one person, for instance homosexual behavior or becoming transgender may be an expression of not coping with reality; for another, it may be destiny and a choice of the soul.

Well, this is some of my view on it… In addition, various other things can be taken into account. For example, if one is a 6th density Wanderer, then actually living in full individuality as an integrated male and female into one - so it is a kind of hermaphroditism or bi-sexuality and someone can reflect that hermaphroditism in the 3rd density. And for him/her it may be normal and appropriate.

On the other hand, Q’uo often points out that distortions/manifestations like physical sex and other chosen biases and distortions are ways of experiencing and specific lessons we specifically came here for. To be men, or women, not hermaphrodites. Finding specific ways of self-expression that involve predispositions belonging to the specfific biological sex, male or female.

One must be open-minded and treat these things in relation to specific individuals. Everyone’s situation is a little different.

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Hi Silence,

One of my parents used to say, “Be on the Earth but not of it.” I ate that up–until I realized it was an escape. This phrase was as good as a drug, and he used it to check out. I say, “Be on the Earth, love the Earth, and have some stinking fun potentiating the different areas of your complex.” Try Kundalini. If you’re in this physical form, it is to integrate aspects of your physical/mental/spiritual complex. Wake each of your energy centers with love.

Good luck with the light!

OK, I want to first explain my understanding of densities and how it fits into various peoples psychology and then I will move onto how this may be relevant to gender identity.

Firstly, the wanderers as I see them. Jim is 6th density as stated in session 59.3. Jim is “Power” as we know. And I see power as a higher type of wisdom. It is knowing one small piece of wisdom but completely, through your whole body. To know something completely is to give it power. There is often an incredible sweetness to the loving aspect of their lives. Often expressed through children.

We know that Carla as another 6th density Wanderer being here learning love that the reason she is learning love, is that her being already has a lot of wisdom and needs to balance that with Love. Therefore, this is not the wanderer of Ra. Because Ra has an abundance of Love and is still trying to balance that with wisdom. Therefore, Jim is the wanderer of Ra.

Then we have Don Elkins who is the fifth density. The being that is only here learning wisdom is the being from the density of wisdom. What the fifth is doing here exactly when they are harvestable to sixth thus, assumedly, don’t have lessons is a bit of a mystery.

In my experience, the entities I identify as sixth density wanderers are passionately grounded and passionately animalistic. They often have high sex drives that link them to others and get involved in a lot of the dirt and earthiness of life in general. Remember Jim and Carla are spiritually inclined being involved with this information. In my life the unbelievable groundedness of 6D wanderers in general is a sight to behold. It is ongoing and utterly exhausting. Hot blondes that go to a lot of parties, have millions of friends, and never run out of energy. Guys that keep three girls on the go at any one time, then channel that energy into business eventually probably.

Fifth density wanderers on the other hand are ‘light on their feet’ and sometimes almost asexual, like Don seemed to be (although my Dad was probably 5D and he was a massive player). They are also liable to be lead by tracts of wisdom that supersede their feelings and such. They live from the mind, not from the body. The fifth density literally chooses their physical form, and for this reason it is obviously highly changeable. This is where I would expect there to be an issue. If everything is changeable it is easier to get caught up in the postmodern agenda.

This is my opinion and I am entitled to it.

I did meet one girl that was one of the most female people I have ever met in my life. A borderline. I believe to be a sixth density wanderer here learning the lessons of love. Pisces and endlessly deep emotions like an endless river. She believed when she was younger she should be a guy. This was perhaps to do with not being able to accept her high sex drive. In her case I don’t think there would be anything good about that belief. I obviously can’t speak to all cases.

In my experience, individuals who are spiritually derived from higher densities tend to have a moderate interest in physical sexuality and a moderate number of partners. I also suspect myself of being such a soul, originating from a higher density, possibly between the 4th and 6th.

Let me share how it generally appears from my perspective, which I believe may resonate with other wanderers and individuals spiritually connected to higher densities. Growing up is often not an easy process. You notice that you differ from most people, particularly in how they don’t understand the pull towards spiritual matters, often dismissing them lightly.

As a result, you rarely become the life of the party or connect deeply with many people. However, due to your natural positivity, people generally like you, even if you don’t make a special effort to gain their favor. Nonetheless, you find it challenging to form deeper connections on various topics, particularly those that touch on spiritual issues.

You often choose solitude, preferring to be alone with your thoughts, focusing on reading and engaging with what interests you. When you do socialize, you are most inclined to spend time with people you know well and with whom you share common ground, especially if they understand you to some degree on spiritual levels.

You don’t tend to meet many people, including those you might develop a romantic or sexual relationship with. The fact that you’re naturally not very well-adjusted to social dynamics, combined with your tendency to prefer solitude, further limits your social skills.

You might be a kind soul and highly intelligent, but if you neglect certain practical aspects of life in the 3rd density—where much of your time must be spent interacting with others—this can make you somewhat more shy, less confident, and less developed in interpersonal relationships. It’s not necessarily due to a lack of emotional intelligence, but rather because you don’t fully grasp or engage with the social rituals, norms, and games created by different groups.

Unfortunately, the sense of sexual desire can be a challenge. On one hand, you recognize it as natural and something to embrace, but on the other hand, you hold high ethical and moral standards, striving to live a chaste life and seeking a loving partner who understands you, desiring a deep connection. The difficulty lies in not finding such a person.

Some wanderers remain single for long periods, perhaps even for their entire lives. Others may fall in love early, influenced by chemistry, hormones, or destiny. For most, it’s a constant battle of priorities, where finding a balance between spirituality and physical relationships, including sex, is not easy.

On one hand, you desire sexual freedom and satisfaction, like most people. On the other, you are constantly drawn towards the spiritual path, trying to spend as much time as possible receiving and sharing light and love, which transcends any physical experience, including sexual ones.

I, personally, know someone who I strongly believe to be a 6th density wanderer. In this person’s case, the decision was made at a young age not to start a family, and has adhered to that decision. This person is highly intelligent, well-educated, and very open to spirituality, esotericism, and similar topics, with a very SERIOUS strive for Truth of every kind. For this person, it is more comfortable to consider a close spiritual connection with someone than a physical one, as if that alone suffices.

This person has been diagnosed with a certain level of autism. Functions quite normally and is generally happy, enjoying overall mental and emotional health. This person’s sexual experiences include several heterosexual encounters, but has not entered into a permanent relationship or marriage.

This person views sexual experiences positively, but the difference of the depth that spirituality and emotions provide in fostering closeness with another person. This creates some confusion because high physical intimacy does not necessarily translate into high spiritual intimacy, even though physical closeness is tangible while spiritual closeness is not.

In general, this person does not have much time for socializing in the context of fun and entertainment and sex. In fact, does’t have sex at all daily. Focus on gaining knowledge and serving others with a strong commitment to sharing this knowledge as a teacher, lecturer, professional psychologist, research collaborator, mentor, and simply a friend.

OK, it is not clear that you want my response here or the reason that you were responding to the post.

I don’t know why you would think someone that is a lecturer, teacher, highly introverted and is described by the Law of One itself as having behaviours of the fifth density, is in fact sixth density?

The fifth-density Wanderer is one who is not tremendously affected by the stimulus of the various rays of other-self and in its own way offers itself when a need is seen. Such entities are not likely to engage in the, shall we say, custom of your peoples called marriage and are very likely to feel an aversion to childbearing and child-raising due to the awareness of the impropriety of the planetary vibrations relative to the harmonious vibrations of the density of light.

To describe a sixth density entity, the kind of personality I would think of is Anthony Robbins. They are passionately engaged with life, VERY able to have deep discussions with others and be the life of the party, and they are spiritual people. But not new age people usually. Like, they have profound things they think and whatnot, but those things ten to take a secondary perspective to “service”. Like, Anthony Robbins type of people do help a lot of people even if their message is not suited to everyone.

But I mean, could be? That just wouldn’t make sense to me personally.

6th density Wanderers originate from a plane of existence characterized by the unity of love and light. Having already progressed through the 4th density, which is the density of love, and the 5th density, the density of light and wisdom, these beings possess an immense amount of knowledge and are highly developed in the positive polarity.

When a Wanderer from the 6th density incarnates in the 3rd density, it brings with it a deep reservoir of wisdom and a strong desire to serve others. Such a soul may naturally gravitate toward education, seeking to become a teacher or mentor, driven by an inner calling to share its knowledge and help others on their path.

Their interest in academia or the pursuit of knowledge often stems from a profound respect for wisdom and an innate sense of mission to offer their unique perspectives. The academic path, though not the only option, can be particularly appealing to them due to their deep commitment to learning and teaching.

6th density Wanderers, being energetically more distant from the 3rd density than those from the 4th and 5th, may experience a stronger sense of disconnection or maladjustment to the vibrations of the 3rd density. This can manifest as shyness, loneliness, or introversion, though this is not a universal experience. Much depends on the upbringing they receive, the catalysts they choose, and the environment they find themselves in—some may opt for easier circumstances, while others might choose more challenging ones, which could further complicate their adjustment and impact their confidence and trust in others.

Regarding Anthony Robbins, it seems unlikely that he is a Wanderer, though it is not impossible. While I am not intimately familiar with his teachings, it does not appear that he delves into deep metaphysical or spiritual knowledge. Wanderers are typically more focused on liberating themselves from the constraints of 3rd density and returning to their 6th density home, sharing the insights and experiences they’ve gathered along the way. Robbins, on the other hand, seems to emphasize success within the framework of 3rd density reality, without necessarily highlighting the spiritual Choice between service to self and service to others. His approach to success, which aligns with societal norms, may not resonate with the spiritual objectives that Wanderers prioritize.

Wanderers are generally not individuals who are passionately engaged with life. They are often described as “brothers and sisters of sorrow.” Imagine this: as beings in the 3rd density, you and I have a special mission to fulfill and tomorrow we must descend to a lower density—where you become a dog and I become a cat. Would your reaction be one of excitement, thinking, “Yeah, this will be great, I’ll have fun!” Or would you rather think, “F***, does it really have to be this way? Isn’t there another option?”

For Wanderers, the answer is “No. There’s no other way to do it.” Some things require incarnation in the 3rd density, whether for personal growth or to aid those within it. If I were required to leave the 3rd density for the 2nd, I would feel sorrow. However, I might do it for a higher purpose, for the greater good, if it were necessary. I believe Wanderers feel similarly, which is why they choose to incarnate on this planet in the 3rd density, despite being beings of the higher density.

This is not to say that Wanderers are perpetually sad or frustrated. Many of them find unique ways to experience life and derive meaning from it. All Wanderers possess a strong sense of individuality and a rich inner life. It is from this internal space that they draw motivation and construct their own framework for what constitutes true success. Even if they are not overtly joyful or laughing constantly, they find deep inner satisfaction in the progress they make during their incarnation. When they encounter others like themselves, they can open their hearts fully and experience profound happiness in the company of kindred spirits.