Do we have the power to create and change our reality?

Hmm… I will have to come back to this one. All my brain is getting is “Wah, wah, wahhh”. No offense. I’m sure there is much to learn from this but my brain is getting in the way, currently.


Whoa. Hold up right there. This something like the opposite of an emotional trigger, it’s a gentle invitation to seek, to seek in order to serve. Just be quiet and dip into that ambivalence. Know it. On one side you may find fear and on the other, love. This is an invitation, some might say, to more deeply track these two fundamental experiences inside yourself. It is most cool that you are giving yourself these opportunities and then studying why you do and do not follow the proverbial trail of bread crumbs. This would be self-knowledge in action, live, right here on this website! More or less.