The Title of this post really says all I have to say really… but if not only for the sake of joyful praise -or the gratuitous rantings, to which I do so enjoy, so as to impose upon those unfortunate selves that have unwittingly, and perhaps naively, chose to co-create in such a lavishly flamboyant display of phonetic gluttony to which this long-winded, yet far-loving reflection that is mySelf all but too often has been assigned proprietorship of- I will indulge upon the subject.
As I’m sure like most (if not all) of you who have so bravely made it this far in reading this post, will some mornings wake up in a state almost inversely correspondent to that of what you would typically describe as you to be. My wife has given my morning, other-self the name “Ahole!” So I’m sure everyone now has a very vivid understanding and perhaps mental collage of various depictions that I’m sure aptly translate to the state of which I am referring. Yet, as aforementioned, this is not who we truly are is it! But it is a part of who we are still, yes? Now where I’m going with this might sound so absurdly convoluted that any reaction other than “WTF?!” would be just as surprising as where I’m taking you with all of this nonsense. I’d love to go into the philosophical discussion of higher-Self/shadow-Self/Integration of Self,Other-Self, Infinite/Eternal-Self, but not here. That is not my prerogative at this time nexus, though I encourage those who would like to add to this topic I’ve created to freely spark up discussion of any subject matter that is or in the like of that nature. My aim is here and now, fully in this moment, is to be ridiculous but more importantly, light. Detaching from my digressive prose, I get to the point. These days it is so easy to see the wonder and beauty of Creation in every single moment down to the moments within seconds, that even despite starting the day like as an Ahole, one can transmute itself right into its rightful state of being resonating in contentedness and love by the smallest instances that this person probably would never have, let alone cared to, notice as the former self it’s resided only a very short time, in all respects, before. The experiences I’ve had these past few years, generally speaking, and the knowledge gained from those experiences have created an entirely new worldview for this Self that mention of the New Earth that we so often here of today, has a next level of profound resonance in my heart. There is such beauty to be seen on this planet we call home though this for many now here may not be such an accurate statement after all as they may at some point, perhaps even soon, come to find, yes? I marvel in the awesome scope and intricate layers and weaving that is Source, the Divine Infinite Intelligence and Creator. One moment my mind is being blown by its complexities or the unbelievable magic that exists within it, to then, with barely a breathe to separate the thought, begin to resonate in mindful appreciation for the awesome beauty in its simplicity… All is One. All is Love.
I send light and love from the Divine Infinite Creator to all other-selves that have heard, are now hearing and have yet to hear this wondrous truth. Go in peace and love, my friends, on our path in the service of All that is the One.