Q’uote of the Day
September 2nd, 2001
September 2, 2001 - Sunday meditation - L/L Research"
“Upon the surface of the incarnation the self is a personality, a collection of biases, opinions, beliefs and suppositions, an amalgam of gifts and quirks and challenges. The interesting thing about personality is that each of you chose both your gifts and your limitations, your abundances and your lacks, for very good reasons. The challenge is to come into some fuller realization as time goes on as to what the pattern is behind those challenges and those gifts. What was hoped for by the higher self that is you when you and your higher self planned …the plot points of this incarnation? Why did you put that blockage there? That remarkable gift there? That incredible stupidity over there? …Why did you choose relationships with this, this and this entity that delight you and aggravate you and make you angry? In each connection there is a fullness of goodness, if one can but see the plan. …One seldom sees the plan until the pattern is complete and one has the blessed advantage of hindsight.”
There will be some fullness to today’s discussion… so if your are in for a read well be ready!
Just to pause, before digging further from that quote above… this passage just before quote
“There is a call going out from your planet at this time that has been going out from your planet for a considerable number of years now, that has activated and doubled and redoubled the light energy upon your planet. Further, as many within this room are intimately aware, many entities have chosen to travel to the earth plane from other planetary influences for the purpose of entering into the experience of being an Earth native, plunging the self into the third-density atmosphere once again in hopes of serving the planet and its people but also in hopes of doing work upon the self: a reevaluating of that all-important choice of third density: the choice of whether to love by radiation and unconditional love or to love by control and magnetic attraction and the overriding sense that people need to be managed for their own good or for the greater good of the whole. This is work that is common to all at this time, all who are awakened, all who have begun that transforming opening of the heart and the spirit for which each took birth.”
To continue on regarding this absurdity yet marvelous beauty of third density life, when looking from a larger perspective.
Here are some inspiring words especially on the nature of insights…
" How to be one’s self? [This is] a question we still seek the answer to ourselves. We know that our direction lies along the trail that leads to the Creator, along that ever seemingly darkening trail that rounds curve after curve until, at last, that creature that eats its own tail that is the Creator has found its tail again and the self is swallowed up once again in absolute divinity. Light shines within that direction, yet in a way that is hidden from the outer eye and from the eye of circumstance. Most often the spiritual riches are found when life is at its darkest and most challenging. For it is then that the little hammers and chisels and acid water etch and smooth and craft and sculpt and find the gems within the ore that is the personality shell. So the learning to be the self is a geste of tremendous patience and persistence. And yet, at the same time, advances are often made in blinding steps forward that seem like the dawning of a sudden sunrise, the turning of a corner which opens into a new world, the epiphany of the senses and the soul.
Be prepared for sudden and stupendous moments of awareness because, you see, you are a being. You are not an activity or a process. And you surprise yourself being yourself sometimes. And in those moments when you have hit a resonance that strikes deep down into the self, suddenly the moment opens up and you become aware of all that you are, of the tremendous unity that you have with everything that is. This state of mind is an actual opening into one of the inner planes or perhaps more than one of the inner planes, depending upon the experience, so that you simply are seeing more into your self, more into the reaches of your true nature, which is inclusive, universal, timeless and divine. You have to remember that you are the product of the Creator’s thirst for knowing Itself, and your seeking to know yourself is part of the Creator’s seeking for Its own identity. And what fascinates the Creator endlessly is how that identity is the same, and yet it continues to grow because of the fecund and fertile nature of spirit."
Now more on the nature of encouraging those insights…
You seem to stand upon the Earth, sticking out into space, upon this ball that is revolving, day/night, day/night, day/night around a minor sun at the edge of a rather small galaxy. And yet you are standing upon holy ground within the creation of the Father, and you are the womb of stars, the grave of dreams, all emotions, all feelings, all thoughts, all possible processes. Out of all these things you have chosen a certain eccentric pattern of personality and experiencing, a certain set of filters to further confuse the already illusory data of the incarnation. You have set yourself within a situation where you are at once universal and unique. You are living a life and at the same time you are living forever, never stationary and yet unified. This is the key to grasping the nature of the spiritual journey. It is truly a journey because the Creator is never still. The Creator’s nature is extremely strong in freedom. This freedom of will creates a state of cyclical discovery, the desire to know more, the desire to seek. It is your nature because it is the Creator’s nature.
And what the Creator actually is evaluating and, shall we say, feeding upon is the essence of those emotions which have been brought up in various muddied states again and again until there has begun to be more and more clarity within that particular emotion. In a way, you are a refiner of emotions and one way to look at the work of spiritual seeking is to use some discipline in evaluating your thoughts and your emotions on a daily basis, if possible, certainly as often as possible. For there is always the temptation to let the good and the bad slide by with the oil of time and to seek the doing, and to seek the rest, and keep busy or unconscious, thereby removing oneself from some of the less comfortable aspects of those thoughts and feelings which you have had during a day’s time. Yet these responses you have had to catalyst are grist for the mill. These are the clues that you have, the harvest of the day at the end of each day that will help you to investigate your own nature.
We would suggest time spent perhaps just as you are drifting off to sleep wherein these emotions are looked at one by one as you remember your day. And there may be seen in each memory and in each cluster of emotions the opportunity to revisit those feelings, to see into the dynamic of those particular feelings. If it is a feeling of impatience, for instance, that you are investigating, you may accentuate the impatience and really give permission to the self to feel very impatient and then give permission to the self to allow the opposite of that emotion to come into and flood the senses so that you ask, “Show me patience. Let me feel what it is like to sense true patience.” This flexing of the emotional muscle in a very meditative and contemplative ways is most helpful to the unconscious mind and will, to some extent, clarify those dreams that are also hints and inklings that help one upon the spiritual path."