Daily Q'uote from L/L Research Channeling

Q’uote of the Day
June 14th, 1992

" There is no need to manipulate, teach, control, move or advise other entities. The need is only to do these things within the self, disciplining the self to a more and more balanced and clear acceptance of the universal nature of selfhood, and therefore choosing lucidly and clearly to serve others, to withhold judgment of or control over others, and to practice loving the self, accepting the self and allowing the errors perceived within the self to be self-forgiven."


Q’uote of the Day
December 29th, 2007

“There is a great beauty in being a creature entirely of love, and yet to blend love and wisdom in a more useful way in your energy system is something that each of you is hoping that this incarnation will produce. The catalyst of the day, the grist for the mill that you must grind, those seeming challenges that meet you as you awaken for the day: all of those things are your way of practicing the presence of the one Creator as you go, not segregating moments during your day when it is Creator-time and letting the rest of the day be worldly time. You hoped, when you came here, to find the way to so balance your awareness of love, power and wisdom that you were able to begin to sense the metaphysical world that is inherent in every seemingly passing moment.”

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Q’uote of the Day
November 13th, 2010

“Each time your heart beats and sends the blood through your veins, it beats in love. Love is the essence of your being at all levels. Love is the health of your body, the strength of your spirit, the deepener of your emotions. Seek to love and remember to allow yourself to be loved in return. No push, no pull, but a resting, a contemplation of beauty, and a devotion; a thirst and hunger for the Creator’s presence in your life…”


Q’uote of the Day

November 12th, 1989

“[One’s] emotional nature of a deep and strengthening kind is the basis of intelligence which forms the bedrock of faith. We speak not of faith in this, or faith in that, for the Creator is infinite and mysterious, and any specific belief system neglects much of the whole repertoire of spiritual tools and resources. Therefore, in encouraging one’s own deeper intelligence, that is, the deep emotions, one must seek within for that center about which the incarnational experience now [revolves].”

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Q’uote of the Day
May 12th, 1996

"If each can see itself as a kind of distillery and can see emotions as the raw products which go into the creation of the wine, there might be a good analogy of what it is to explore, refine and purify emotion, for the grape, with its skin, its fungus and its stems, the sugar with its impurities, the water with its impurities, [these together] are wine. However, they do not yet manifest as wine but rather as a collection of ingredients, mishmashed together, not yet finished. These are the emotions that the heart receives to begin with when new catalyst comes. Seldom is the entity receiving catalyst able to listen, see, touch or feel clearly. Usually, there is some degree of confusion in the response. Therefore, it is not well simply to advise the seeker to follow the heart and no more than that be said, for truly one needs to follow the heart, but first one needs to allow each experience to be refined and be purified by that distillery that is carried within that heart by each. "

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Q’uote of the Day
December 31st, 1989

“Each of you, as individualized portions of the one Creator, partake in [the great cycle of creation] by particularizing what is simultaneous, taking a small portion of what you would call the river of time from the ocean of eternity, and viewing that river of time as if under the microscope, looking at what seems to come before that which follows, creating the past, the present, and the future, in order that that which is and that is unity in many portions might be experienced in a more intense, varied and purified fashion. That small sliver, then, of experience that is chosen for each incarnation has working upon it your free will choice, so that that which is eternal becomes magnified and particularized enough that it may be examined carefully within an incarnation, be worked upon by free will, be refined in this process and be purified as an expression of Beingness, of the identity of the one Creator within yourself.”

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions

Q’uote of the Day
September 11th, 2010

"It is as if all of nature, from the elements and the powers to the plants and animals, to the very air you breathe and the water that you drink, the fire that warms your heart and the earth under your feet, are dancing in rhythm. And you are either part of that dance and part of that rhythm or you have not yet awakened to the true state within which you actually dwell in the creation of the Father. It is as a beloved part of the one creation that you come by this affinity for synchronicity. "

The next sequence of discussion just have to include!

“It is unknown to us when you first became aware that what you thought was your consciousness was, in actuality, a mish-mash of all of the politics and social training and enculturation that you have experienced as a child. We do not know when you took that first step out of the box, out of the matrix, but you have or you would not be here—you would not be seeking.”

Its funny reading that, yes preincarnative planning comes into play too… I remember that first time at a very young age thinking do other people think this much on things? Or do I only think this much, as i tend to contemplate things deeply. I did not know by meditation thinking can change an become single pointed. I digress… now back to the quote its takes off next from here…

"Once you wake up you move through many waters, experience many dark nights of the soul, because it is painful to learn new things. It is uncomfortable to experience that learning curve. You might do many things. You might read and read until you burn yourself out. You might meditate until you make yourself crazy. You might do any of a number of things which are as confusing as they are excellent.

just love that line… “You might do any of a number of things which are as confusing as they are excellent.”

But slowly you begin to dwell from time to time in silence—that silence in which you are able to hear that still, small voice that speaks in silence to your heart of hearts. And you begin to realize that this walk that you are walking is not a physical road. It is what this instrument would call, with her mystical Christianity, “the King’s Highway.” It is walked not in space/time but in the unseen worlds of time/space. That is where you, as a citizen of eternity, have never stopped dwelling.

Yes, you are in a physical vehicle and yes, you are deeply limited in your awareness by the heavy chemical nature of that physical vehicle. But within you, closer than your breathing, is your consciousness. That consciousness, unlike your brain, is common to all. It is the consciousness of love, the Logos, the one Creator. And when you relax and allow the “monkey mind,” as this instrument often calls the biocomputer with which you were born, that excellent choice maker and that slave driver—when you let that mind rest, the consciousness allows you to think differently, to see differently, to understand differently."

There we have it… those final two sentences which then are expanded below…

As your moments of silence build your new awareness you gradually realize that you cannot function with only your mind. You must use your consciousness as well if you wish to advance or evolve within the body. There are many ways to enter the silence. Some there are in this circle who are very comfortable with prayer. Others enjoy contemplation or meditation or walks in nature. Any way that is comfortable to you to tabernacle with the infinite One is that which you should do. There is no one good way to spend time with the Creator.

The thing that all these techniques have in common is silence. Silence is the key that opens the door to understanding."

There you have it…have silence which when you tune to that rhythm of creation or dance of life, it will manifest in whatever works best for the moment!

“Now, here’s the way that it works: once you have taken the leap into faith you set into motion a different set of rules. You are now awake, vibrant, magical, dancing with the energies around you, knowing that you are a part of all that there is and that all that there is loves you as you love all that there is.”

I wanted to highlight the above paragraph to finish discussion… but well this one below it is beckoning to be included too…

“When you have taken your leap into faith, when you have realized the power of your intention and your will and your desire, and when you have begun to set your intention to seek, to set your will to be a servant of the light and the love of the one infinite Creator, when you have awakened that magical part of yourself that knows that you can create your own creation and that which is forgiven by you is forgiven, and that which is not forgiven by you remains unforgiven, then you begin to be aware of the dance of Creation.”

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Q’uote of the Day
September 2nd, 2001
September 2, 2001 - Sunday meditation - L/L Research"

“Upon the surface of the incarnation the self is a personality, a collection of biases, opinions, beliefs and suppositions, an amalgam of gifts and quirks and challenges. The interesting thing about personality is that each of you chose both your gifts and your limitations, your abundances and your lacks, for very good reasons. The challenge is to come into some fuller realization as time goes on as to what the pattern is behind those challenges and those gifts. What was hoped for by the higher self that is you when you and your higher self planned …the plot points of this incarnation? Why did you put that blockage there? That remarkable gift there? That incredible stupidity over there? …Why did you choose relationships with this, this and this entity that delight you and aggravate you and make you angry? In each connection there is a fullness of goodness, if one can but see the plan. …One seldom sees the plan until the pattern is complete and one has the blessed advantage of hindsight.”

There will be some fullness to today’s discussion… so if your are in for a read well be ready!

Just to pause, before digging further from that quote above… this passage just before quote
“There is a call going out from your planet at this time that has been going out from your planet for a considerable number of years now, that has activated and doubled and redoubled the light energy upon your planet. Further, as many within this room are intimately aware, many entities have chosen to travel to the earth plane from other planetary influences for the purpose of entering into the experience of being an Earth native, plunging the self into the third-density atmosphere once again in hopes of serving the planet and its people but also in hopes of doing work upon the self: a reevaluating of that all-important choice of third density: the choice of whether to love by radiation and unconditional love or to love by control and magnetic attraction and the overriding sense that people need to be managed for their own good or for the greater good of the whole. This is work that is common to all at this time, all who are awakened, all who have begun that transforming opening of the heart and the spirit for which each took birth.”

To continue on regarding this absurdity yet marvelous beauty of third density life, when looking from a larger perspective.
Here are some inspiring words especially on the nature of insights…

" How to be one’s self? [This is] a question we still seek the answer to ourselves. We know that our direction lies along the trail that leads to the Creator, along that ever seemingly darkening trail that rounds curve after curve until, at last, that creature that eats its own tail that is the Creator has found its tail again and the self is swallowed up once again in absolute divinity. Light shines within that direction, yet in a way that is hidden from the outer eye and from the eye of circumstance. Most often the spiritual riches are found when life is at its darkest and most challenging. For it is then that the little hammers and chisels and acid water etch and smooth and craft and sculpt and find the gems within the ore that is the personality shell. So the learning to be the self is a geste of tremendous patience and persistence. And yet, at the same time, advances are often made in blinding steps forward that seem like the dawning of a sudden sunrise, the turning of a corner which opens into a new world, the epiphany of the senses and the soul.

Be prepared for sudden and stupendous moments of awareness because, you see, you are a being. You are not an activity or a process. And you surprise yourself being yourself sometimes. And in those moments when you have hit a resonance that strikes deep down into the self, suddenly the moment opens up and you become aware of all that you are, of the tremendous unity that you have with everything that is. This state of mind is an actual opening into one of the inner planes or perhaps more than one of the inner planes, depending upon the experience, so that you simply are seeing more into your self, more into the reaches of your true nature, which is inclusive, universal, timeless and divine. You have to remember that you are the product of the Creator’s thirst for knowing Itself, and your seeking to know yourself is part of the Creator’s seeking for Its own identity. And what fascinates the Creator endlessly is how that identity is the same, and yet it continues to grow because of the fecund and fertile nature of spirit."

Now more on the nature of encouraging those insights…

You seem to stand upon the Earth, sticking out into space, upon this ball that is revolving, day/night, day/night, day/night around a minor sun at the edge of a rather small galaxy. And yet you are standing upon holy ground within the creation of the Father, and you are the womb of stars, the grave of dreams, all emotions, all feelings, all thoughts, all possible processes. Out of all these things you have chosen a certain eccentric pattern of personality and experiencing, a certain set of filters to further confuse the already illusory data of the incarnation. You have set yourself within a situation where you are at once universal and unique. You are living a life and at the same time you are living forever, never stationary and yet unified. This is the key to grasping the nature of the spiritual journey. It is truly a journey because the Creator is never still. The Creator’s nature is extremely strong in freedom. This freedom of will creates a state of cyclical discovery, the desire to know more, the desire to seek. It is your nature because it is the Creator’s nature.

And what the Creator actually is evaluating and, shall we say, feeding upon is the essence of those emotions which have been brought up in various muddied states again and again until there has begun to be more and more clarity within that particular emotion. In a way, you are a refiner of emotions and one way to look at the work of spiritual seeking is to use some discipline in evaluating your thoughts and your emotions on a daily basis, if possible, certainly as often as possible. For there is always the temptation to let the good and the bad slide by with the oil of time and to seek the doing, and to seek the rest, and keep busy or unconscious, thereby removing oneself from some of the less comfortable aspects of those thoughts and feelings which you have had during a day’s time. Yet these responses you have had to catalyst are grist for the mill. These are the clues that you have, the harvest of the day at the end of each day that will help you to investigate your own nature.

We would suggest time spent perhaps just as you are drifting off to sleep wherein these emotions are looked at one by one as you remember your day. And there may be seen in each memory and in each cluster of emotions the opportunity to revisit those feelings, to see into the dynamic of those particular feelings. If it is a feeling of impatience, for instance, that you are investigating, you may accentuate the impatience and really give permission to the self to feel very impatient and then give permission to the self to allow the opposite of that emotion to come into and flood the senses so that you ask, “Show me patience. Let me feel what it is like to sense true patience.” This flexing of the emotional muscle in a very meditative and contemplative ways is most helpful to the unconscious mind and will, to some extent, clarify those dreams that are also hints and inklings that help one upon the spiritual path."

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Q’uote of the Day
September 13th, 2008

" The key to creating of the life a sacred journey is the attitude with which this journey is taken. We would suggest that the invocation of gratitude and thankfulness is a great key in bringing one’s day-to-day life into focus. For no matter whether that which faces one in any particular instance would be thought of by the world as a blessing or as a challenge, yet still, in essence, that which lies before you is the perfect gift for this moment, containing your service and your learning. "

The attitude, all about the attitude… An the secret mentioned here is very easy, just practice being thankful… there’s always something to be thankful about an that only gets easier an more proficient when practicing… yes just by ‘being’ enough when that vibration of gratification is there but if not you can say with words or both!

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Q’uote of the Day
October 3rd, 2009

"When you ask what would be of service you are removing faith, [and instead] you are using the intellect to replace your faith. You are not moving love but trying to emulate love. One can try to cultivate love, but we would suggest in the way we see it that this is a temporary result, perhaps an inspiring model but not the end result, not a permanent objective. Love cannot be cultivated by will or logic. Love is cultivated by allowing it to accumulate naturally as the seeker continues to seek, continues to give thanks, and continues to point his or herself ever toward the light. In this way love arises naturally. And when love arises naturally and fills the heart, and the mind lets go of its judgments and turns itself over to faith and true service is performed, this is not easy. It is not something one can achieve by practicing this or that skill, but that which will come as it will; come with patience and dedication to the task of being a servant of the light. "


Q’uote of the Day
November 16th, 2003

"Most entities among your peoples live a kind of inner life that we would describe as horizontal. The world of things spreads out like the skyline, full of detail…One drives the streets, one walks the sidewalks, one moves horizontally along the face of the planet…Imagine standing upon the ground, seeing with the physical eyes that it extends flat in each direction, horizontally as far as the eye can see…There is contact between the soles of the feet and the ground. And that thin meeting place represents the depth of reality. But imagine suddenly realizing that precisely where the sole of the foot meets the ground there is an infinite opening, upwards and downwards; upwards into the world of ideals, guidance, godhead; downward into the ground of being. It is as though chasms open beneath you and above you and suddenly you are not standing upon a thin slab of ground but upon the razor’s edge, in intersection with eternity and infinity.This is in fact, your situation. "

That balance between the horizontal life and the vertical…

" If that horizontal life were called the x-axis, then the world of spirit could be seen as the y-axis, the vertical life."

“This is in fact, your situation. You are in the position of being able to live both a life in space/time, the horizontal life, and a life in time/space, the vertical life, simultaneously. We might say that the ability to remember this image, the ability to remember that which is unseen, that which opens to the Creator and to the essential self, is a measure of how well you are doing with the simple act of remembrance that is the key in many ways to progressing in spiritual, mental and physical evolution of self. How to remember that what you see is not all that you get? How to remember the intersection with wonder and magic and infinite possibility? This instrument pursues a daily and weekly spiritual or religious program which includes group worship within that distortion of spirituality called Christian. This is one way in which she attempts to be a creature of remembrance. There are many ways to be remembering who you are and why you’re here. That is one way, the simple act of setting aside time, such as you have this day, to seek together. No matter how the meditation goes, no matter how you feel that you have been as a part of a seeking circle, the intention, the dedication of time, are the things that create the feeling of remembering and honoring the portion of yourself that is living that vertical life. In moments such as this, as you allow the energy to move around the circle, we feel sure that each of you has that riveted feeling of opening to the infinite possibilities of the moment.”

Well another way to remember the vertical life is to check out a certain daily quote, on a certain forum … It seems to work for myself how about you :wink:


Q’uote of the Day
April 6th, 2003

" It is more for the planet than for the people that many of you have chosen to be in incarnation upon the planet at this time. It was your hope that you would be able, by awakening within the dream of physical life, to become a magical person, a person able to act as a crystal entity, receiving energy, transmuting energy, and sending energy out into the fourth-density web of planet Earth. "

" we would ask you to open yourselves to the concept that you are the peace and harmony that you seek, for you are a spark of the one great original Thought of the infinite Creator. Say that the Creator, in its infinity, in its impossibility of being described, is a vibration. You have that original vibration, which is unconditional love, as the basis of every cell of your being."
And continues here
" Without that Thought of love has nothing been made that is made. It is not something you possess, it is your very nature, it goes far deeper than the marrow of your bones, it is far closer to you than your breathing. It is far more real then the impressions of sense. For it is that impulse and spark without which you could not take thought, take breath, or enjoy existence or consciousness. This nature of the principle of Deity is the heart of you, is the truth of you. You are as the stone within which the perfect sculpture hides. Each detail, each chore, each duty, each disturbance, each warfare chips away, pounds away, hammers away, rattles away, and aggravates away bits and pieces of detritus, of those things that are not you, gradually beginning to shape that faceted gem that lies within the details of a busy, earthly existence. How blunt are the instruments of catalyst! And yet how effective."

Its about that tuning… to that state of love, state of natural vibration that is at the heart of all…
Now its re-explained in another way here… “moving from the inside out and not from the outside in”… here is the full text below

"Within this instrument’s mind we also find constant efforts towards the re-tuning of the mind and it is in this direction that we would like to go in discussing ways to work with the situation which you now enjoy, which is, basically, a very good environment: observe, analyze, and alter the priorities of thinking which cause your particular mind and attention to focus upon one thing rather than another of the details of those things which are occurring at any particular moment.

At any particular moment an entity may be experiencing a multitude of catalysts. There are catalysts that come to the ears, the trains that pass, the telephones that ring. There is catalyst for the eye in the passing view and catalyst for all the senses in that which is occurring. There is catalyst for the mind in those thoughts which are sparked by the sense impressions of the moment. And there are those thoughts involved with the reactions to the original thoughts that have been thought by the self. In all of this arrangement, there has been no thought described which has not been caused by the outer environment impressing itself upon the being. The one known as C was expressing her desire to move beyond the thoughts of that level, to move into those thoughts which are authentic, original and her own thoughts, moving from the inside out and not from the outside in, so that there is a feeling of being, shall we say, as the flower that blooms to meet the wind, rather than as the scrap of tattered rag which the wind blows any way that it wishes to, for there is no root in the tatter but only material that has been beaten and torn.

Each of you feels at times as a tattered rag, as a thing for the wind to make sport of and play with and indeed it often feels as if the wind of spirit has picked you up and put you down someplace where you would rather not have been placed.

To the mind that is focused upon the love of the one infinite Creator, the view of all that comes through the senses, the thoughts concerning those sense impressions, and the thoughts judging those thoughts about sense impressions are all seen as the bits of froth upon the surface of the waters of life that they are. If the single thought that the mind is stayed upon is the love of the infinite One, then the being within has the opportunity to choose to maintain that focus, not only in those moments of silence but also in moments in the noise of culture, of warfare, of crowded conditions, of distressing amounts of inequality in a world which yearns and hungers and demands absolute equality."

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Quan thank you, This is really so beautiful.
( Sept 2, 2001 session)

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Ahh thats good you were in for a bit of a read :wink:
A nice session indeed

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Q’uote of the Day
January 21st, 1996

"…For each of you is the universe. You are looking out at a world that is actually interior. Such is the illusion created by flesh. "

"Such is the illusion created by flesh. " A better choice of words here… doesnt glorify third density too much does it :laughing:

Well lets jazz it up some more with this paragraph
“We wish to tell you that your model of the universe is very, very limited. The attempt to nail down a history which is replete with metaphysical subject matter shall always be unending and full of lacunae, holes, gaps and spaces where there is no logic, there are no words, there is no road, there is no structure. Not that there is no structure, just that there is, beyond all structure, love.”
This part here especially…
The illusion is so very, very deep. For you are a dream, yet when you leave the flesh and enter a larger life you will still be a dream, for we also are but illusions and ahead we see illusion. Yet always that siren call which beckons you and beckons us calls us all forward. And yet are we forward-going? We do not think so. We feel at this point the comfortable awareness that we do not know what is occurring. We only know how to be faithful to love. When it is accepted within the heart that nothing can be known and that a sea of confusion will always surround love, then the mind and the heart are better armed to take up the walk of the pilgrim who seeks truth, peace, and love."

This comes to mind from Law of One with that last part of discussion…
“An example of this would be the observation of the questioner that the Fool is described in such and such a way. One great aspect of this archetype is the aspect of faith, the walking into space without regard for what is to come next. This is, of course, foolish but is part of the characteristic of the spiritual neophyte. That this aspect was not seen may be pondered by the questioner. At this time we shall again request that the query be restated at the next working and we shall at this time cease using this instrument. Before we leave may we ask if there may be any short questions?”

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Q’uote of the Day
February 12th, 2006

" When you feel that you may perhaps have evoked or become part of the archetypal part of the human experience, that does not mean that you have moved from humanhood to an archetype. It means that you have hollowed yourself with enough clarity, honesty and purity that you have made room within the dedication of your seeking for your experience to be filled with the resonance that moves from finity to infinity, from specificity or locality to universality or non-locality. …Touching into the archetypal is touching into the entirety available within specificity. "

More on that here…

" It is in the state of your mind as you approach the present moment that the use of the archetypes lies. The archetypical mind, as has been iterated often during this gathering, is a resource of the deep mind. It is a plat, if you will, of energy paths that are possible within the system of illusions that constitutes space/time and time/space within third density upon your planet. It is a finite, delimited resource created for use by third-density entities within incarnation upon planet Earth.

It is a comprehensive encyclopedia of what this instrument has several times called the road maps available for getting from here to there within the inner geography of that infrastructure of roads, byroad, lanes and little tiny paths that constitutes ways in which you may turn and make choices when you are investigating how to respond to that which you see coming into your view in the present moment.

Most often you use the archetypes inadvertently. You become one of them by moving through a situation with a certain degree of purity. We cannot be more specific that this, for within each situation there is a wide range of ways in which you may be pure, depending on how you are assessing the situation that you see before you and from what standpoint you are assessing it."

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Q’uote of the Day
March 17th, 2002

"…When the desire is to help and intercession goes up and the prayer is offered for those entities that you see in pain, that they may resolve their issues and may come to a balanced awareness that does not give them so much pain, these prayers are very effective. These very invisible and very silent voices that speak in the house of prayer have a real effect within the entities for whom prayer is offered. "

Hmm to say or not to say… well heart gives okay so I will. This is about pray… always remember well most telling story among others of actually seeing the effects first hand. Years ago, there was a family friends mum, I grew up with her children when our parents met and hanged out(a group of friends you know), until teenage years, then rarely after that. Although my parents did still meet up with them. After growing up I had not seen the mum of whom im talking about in this story for a while, some years perhaps cannot recall but . I heard she had cancer and not much long left, so in weeks of hearing that I often prayed to send love to her… often alone sometimes with my mum or wife. One time during a dream… or not a dream depending how you look at it perhaps a vision, a window appeared circler and she was there. behind her was a natural setting, beautiful and amazing- well beyond words really, words cant really do justice, she spoke between this world from that window and said to thank me for all the love sent to her, that the cancer was her choice it was needed to further open up her familys eyes to love(husband and 2 daughters at that time in their 20’s). That the life she had in that body was like a grain of sand on the beach… Anyway after I woke up at was middle of night I checked the time, and I was just buzzing almost euphoric no way could sleep just meditated for long time, had to sit up. The next day my mum told me that she had passed away the night before… i asked my mum was it around that time… when the dream was she asked me shocked how I knew an i told her about that experience the night before.
That was a wonderful gift tho, it inspired me to continue with those prayers as before that experience I had not really put much effort in prayers, now its just common place all the time for small things for others or more seemingly dramatic. Whether inner planes, outer planes whoever or whatever comes to mind. Not to much to the extent its impinging on silence tho…

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions

Q’uote of the Day
March 16th, 2003

" …Your peoples, beneath the veneer of those decisions made by few which affect the culture or the experience of all, are as the rind of dead energy that is enclosing a very fresh fruit that has been growing from the inside out and is coming to a state of ripeness. Consequently those who are in power at this time, being more of a service-to-self tribe, shall we say, create the apparent history, the apparent news, the apparent on-going story of your peoples. Whereas the true story of your peoples is that story that moves from the heart, that moves from the seed of the fruit that has ripened within the rind of militarized thinking that infects your planet at this time. The inner fruit is healthy. And in times of disaster the rind of militaristic thinking is chipped away and people suddenly become aware that they are alive and in considerable and substantial opposition in feeling and in mind to those militaristic actions which tend to be the agenda of the day for any group of those who hold power at any time. "