Q’uote of the Day
December 29th, 2007
"…The present moment is that which is. It is the realest focus which a person within third density may achieve. For it is that link with time/space in which all is one, and time goes away, timelessness reigns, and everything occurs now. "
Alright now let put any comments from myself aside, and just bomb out a large sequence of quotes… as each paragraph just want to be included too… so here it all is!
"In a very real sense, this is the world in which we live, or should we say, the illusion which we enjoy. All that seems to you to be passing by, to us is occurring in a circular now, so that there is no such thing as past and present and future, but rather there is our choice of which place we wish to insert ourselves in this harmonious and rhythmic dance of the One.
For you within third density, life has a very heavy sense of time, time passing, time rushing by, and so forth. This is not something which needs to be resisted. You came here to experience this passing of time. You came to work within these limitations. You came to sleep until you could awaken to the now, to the truth, to the love and the light of the one great original Thought.
Indeed, in a way, you came to be the Logos. And that is a very telling phrase, “To be the Logos.” One does not have to try to be a part of the Creator. You are the Creator! You are a holographic spark of the Creator, as is every other portion of this interactive and very much alive creation. But you are a holographic sample or bit of the whole. You contain in every cell of your body that one great original Thought that holds all things together. You do not have to strive or stretch. You have only to allow yourself to be. That is your nature.
It is a tremendously exciting adventure, my friends, to begin to allow yourself to know yourself more fully, to rest in the now and be aware of your being, your essence. You are actually an everlasting part of an infinite creation and this entire experience which you now are enjoying is but one of an infinity of such experiences.
Yet this is the one which holds your attention at this moment. This, out of all the things that you could have chosen to do, is precisely where you hoped to be and here you have every opportunity that you could possibly have to be of service to others, to be of service to the one infinite Creator, and to come ever closer to the realization that you know absolutely nothing. For this is not the density of understanding. And yet you know all that there is to know, for you know love. How precious is this opportunity for you to learn and to serve and to grow.
We encourage each of you to look at the various elements of your day-to-day life and target those repetitive elements that may act as triggers for the remembrance of your true nature and your true beingness as part of the one. Each entity will have different things that will remind him to move back into a balanced and focused awareness of the present moment."
An to add to those last two sentences… hopefully these daily quotes each day serve as a reminder, a trigger just as it does for myself… its certainly a supermarket full of them today!
Well wait…seems to be a secret section, click here to read more… no wait kidding just scroll down
“If you remain in the upper chakras, working with your heart and your communication and your meditation and work in faith to the exclusion of paying the most exquisite attention to your sexuality, your state of mind as regards whether or not you are happy to be here and full of life and glad to be living; if you put aside relationships so that you may spend more time meditating; if you devalue your work because you wish to be a spiritual person, you’ve lost your focus. For it is your whole self that is sacred.”