Daily Q'uote from L/L Research Channeling

Wow a double dose of Tao how lucky… almost feel guilty putting in another quote :wink:
Thank you @BlueLoveLotus

The famous @B4.Steve , having your presence here what a blessing , an what a show stopping quote! Sorry just cant get over the funny mental image of him now in a room making fortune cookies :stuck_out_tongue:

Q’uote of the Day
February 18th, 1996

"[The] energy of life…is but a shadow of something that is within each of you that is even closer to the Creator than the light that you welcome into your energy field. For light is a manifested thing, yet that which lies closer than your breathing, nearer than your hands, is that which you are: the great original Thought of Love. One may identify with the body, or one may identify with the consciousness that is the one infinite Creator. And depending upon whether the person identifies itself as body or as consciousness much may be affected. We encourage each of you, while loving the body, to see it as the shadow of the true self, that true self that took this second-density physical vehicle to be its home within the Earth world, that consciousness that shall drop the garment of the body, lovingly, gently and with thanks when it is time to move on through the door of death. "

Thank you Quan!!!

Lao Tzu

The Tao is called the Great Mother:
empty yet inexhaustible,
it gives birth to infinite worlds.

It is always present within you.
You can use it any way you want.

Q’uote of the Day

August 25th, 2006

“You are the only you that ever was and ever will be. But you are nested into your soul stream along with all of the “you’s” that you have created in many blooming incarnations. You are a full garden of beings in one…And this is nested into your being a part of Earth itself, the tribe of Earth which you became when you took flesh and laced your soul carefully into the substance of the mind, the body, and the spirit…And all of this is nested into order of magnitude after order of magnitude, until you are the one infinite Creator. All is run not simply from the top down but from the tiniest iota of being upwards. And each iota of that universe of the creation contains the creation within it.”

Time to throw in a segue to lead to the next series of quotes… which in itself is what the discussion below is for, following that link in the chain\the resonance onto next step of being yourself more and more…

"It is difficult to discuss being itself. Words fail. And we can use only metaphors, stories and well known and even clichéd figures to describe the world in which that energy resides. Who you are and where you came from are things that evolve into your conscious awareness very naturally, little by little, throughout an incarnation, if you are interested.

Except for those whose karma it is, shall we say, to discover specific information, generally that information level is not given to you. What is given to you is the resonance, when you’re ripe, when you sense into something that is most deeply you and expresses where you may have been.

Look then for that resonance. Wait for that feeling within yourself. The energy within yourself will move when you run into something that speaks to you. When it does, take yourself seriously. If you can’t think about it right away, note it down and think about it later.

We truly are all one and you shall find that one of the great advantages of third density has been to block you from the knowledge of all of that so that you may pursue the heart of your seeking in a much more focused way."

Q’uote of the Day
August 9th, 2002
“Entering into silence is an unnatural decision to the earth-bound entity.”

Well the timing of this quote, as was just talking to someone only a few minutes earlier…who was in pain and saying how listening to silence can help… Well in circumstances such as that it certainly seems an even more unnatural decision!

Some great quotes in this transcript but to honour silence… today the ball in your court :wink:

Q’uote of the Day
October 3rd, 1992

" Each of you, how blessed we feel by you, and in return offer our love and like blessing. Truly you and we are loved and all that we do in return is only that which has rippled through from you to return. This is your love, our love, your, our, your, our…until there is one. In this oneness greet each other, always. "

Q’uote of the Day
November 13th, 2010

" You see, where you put your energy, where you put your mind, is vitally central to your experience. If you begin with an act of faith and say, “I think life is this way and I’m going to live as if it were this way,” then you cast yourself into the midair of faith having no proof of anything but the simple feeling, the knowing, that all truly is well and that the universe does make sense. It is not meaningless, and you are not alone. You are loved, you are needed, you are full of purpose, and you simply need to let go of any preconceived notions as to how that works and simply engage in life to the best of your ability, as a conscious seeker that understands the power of choice, the power of desire, the power of intention. The universe will begin to perceive you as joining the dance. "

"The universe will begin to perceive you as joining the dance. " an that music… well the music of silence… it may seem silence in this density but beyond its oh so much more… so start dancing … the more foolish the dance may feel, the better :wink:

Yes, when we join the dance, everything becomes so much less efforts in our lives.

An the feeling when in the dance or not becomes more an more evident… an when its not well thats when its a good time to find a seat an have a rest :wink:

Also, there is a reason why many of the ancient tribes and native cultures, have some form of dance…As a above so below perhaps?

Q’uote of the Day
October 6th, 2007

" …We would remind all of those who attempt to communicate that if you hold words in one hand and love in another, love is heavier. Love is more important. Love is the essence; words are the form. Find the love in your heart and let your heart fill the form of words with love, affection, compassion and laughter. "

Its one reason why patience is so often mentioned… when that communication is not coming from love just take a few steps back have a moment. It is one lesson that you could say is universal in this third density :wink:

An here is some further background to the quote
“… it is well to remember that you speak with a great deal more than your voice. Each of you has body language which communicates on a level which is below thought. Yet other entities will receive the communication of your body: how you hold it, whether there is tension in it, whether emotions are within you that are causing your facial muscles to change your appearance. It is well to acknowledge those levels of communication and to honor them and if possible to address them within the self.”

Well one example in relation to this paragraph just has to be said…a comedian, they master the art of that communication, being able to elicit laugher in the most absurb way… when if said by another may cause the opposite!

Hi Everyone! thank you Quan!!!

Lao Tzu

We join spokes together in a wheel,
but it is the center hole
that makes the wagon move.

We shape clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want.

We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable.

We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.

Hi an thank you as always for the great quotes

Q’uote of the Day
October 3rd, 2009

" How does one know what the right service is? We say to you that this is an unskilled question. The skilled question is to find the love and the service will follow…There is merely service. The heart leads the way. The faithful servant follows. And the love appears. The light shines through."


Lets flip this session back to front… as within that setting the above quote can be illustrated further.
“Question from L: The question tonight is about the dynamic between actually being of service to others and being able to perceive that we are being in service to others. The example that L gives is of people coming up to her on the street when she has no money to give. She doesn’t know how to be generous when she has no money. She could give them a ring, but they could not take the ring and get what they want, which is a drink. And it disturbs her that she is somehow not being generous. We would like to have any spiritual principles that you could give us to think about in considering the true desire to be completely of service to people and where the rubber hits the road on how you behave in a service to others.”

So now lets go full circle back to the quote and how its ties a nice pretty bow to this question. As that question does pose quite a conundrum, (that is if you look at it from a loving yet intellectual and rational point of view) Well to put in in a nutshell…The quote is pointing a reminder to listen to your heart to what feels right in the moment at hand.
There is further discussion tho, here is a lil snippet or two…
“You ask concerning the dynamic betwixt the most sincere and wholehearted intention of being of service and the manifestation or demonstration of the qualities of being in service, such as generosity…
The reason that it is a subtle point is that in that attempting to be of service of others you are attempting to express unconditional love in an illusion which is filled with conditions.
You cannot know if that which is requested is that which is honestly desired. You are working by faith alone to know yourself and to give of yourself in a way that will be of true service to another. The discrepancy betwixt what you desire to offer and what is possible to offer of that which the other actually needs or desires is variable. Perhaps what you see is what you get. Perhaps the request is genuine, heartfelt and transparent. However, it is just as likely that a request for service comes from an entity who does not know himself or accept himself and who is not aware of that which he actually desires in a spiritual sense. The waters therefore are muddied. The goal is almost impossible to see.”
There are interesting comparisions to other densities, an being a lengthy transcript other facets to consider too…

Q’uote of the Day
June 28th, 2002

"To us, gazing at each of you from the whole system of our bodies, minds and spirits, we see your beauty as an ever-shifting kaleidoscope. Each of you has a beauty that is endlessly describable, and yet it is the harmony and the combination of energies involved in the spectrograph of self that are so fascinating about each entity. "

An one more for the road…

“There is not a person, no matter what his station, his state, or expression of morality, that is not beautiful. Each entity at the soul level is tremendously beautiful. Indeed, each entity—being the Creator—has a beauty beyond all imagining, for each is all that there is; each contains the universe. And would not each, then, have all aspects of beauty and ugliness, the entire range of esthetics within the self, locked in many, many treasure troves within the personality, waiting to be opened by the right combination of circumstance and motivation?”

Okay okay, better not leave this post today with the above question… lets unravel it some more * cough* energy center * cough* , sorry did something just get said then :wink:

Here’s some more words…
"The definition of beauty and the issue of beauty, then, is not the shallow and simple thing that it might seem upon the surface, for each entity is working primarily with one or more of the energy centers, but usually with one primarily. And this colors the way that the layers of self appear to the self, and an entity working primarily through red ray will be seeing different things than an entity working primarily through orange ray or through yellow ray and so forth.

So the question of what triggers the appreciation of beauty is a question that cannot be answered in a simple way. The one known as T1 asked the question from the standpoint of observing physical beauty, and so we shall first address the question from red ray, which is the root chakra and the seat of sexual desire and the desire to survive. Within this energy center, the definition of beauty is colored heavily by the reptilian and mammalian brains, which are instinctual and concerned with nurture and groups, respectively."

thank you Quan !!! I was slow to log in but I am so happy to see you here !!!

Hi Flo!!!

Hi BlueLove so good to see you here !!!

@flofrog welcome, wow what a blessing to have you hop over here :wink: :green_heart:

Q’uote of the Day
December 29th, 2007

"…The present moment is that which is. It is the realest focus which a person within third density may achieve. For it is that link with time/space in which all is one, and time goes away, timelessness reigns, and everything occurs now. "

Alright now let put any comments from myself aside, and just bomb out a large sequence of quotes… as each paragraph just want to be included too… so here it all is!

"In a very real sense, this is the world in which we live, or should we say, the illusion which we enjoy. All that seems to you to be passing by, to us is occurring in a circular now, so that there is no such thing as past and present and future, but rather there is our choice of which place we wish to insert ourselves in this harmonious and rhythmic dance of the One.

For you within third density, life has a very heavy sense of time, time passing, time rushing by, and so forth. This is not something which needs to be resisted. You came here to experience this passing of time. You came to work within these limitations. You came to sleep until you could awaken to the now, to the truth, to the love and the light of the one great original Thought.

Indeed, in a way, you came to be the Logos. And that is a very telling phrase, “To be the Logos.” One does not have to try to be a part of the Creator. You are the Creator! You are a holographic spark of the Creator, as is every other portion of this interactive and very much alive creation. But you are a holographic sample or bit of the whole. You contain in every cell of your body that one great original Thought that holds all things together. You do not have to strive or stretch. You have only to allow yourself to be. That is your nature.

It is a tremendously exciting adventure, my friends, to begin to allow yourself to know yourself more fully, to rest in the now and be aware of your being, your essence. You are actually an everlasting part of an infinite creation and this entire experience which you now are enjoying is but one of an infinity of such experiences.

Yet this is the one which holds your attention at this moment. This, out of all the things that you could have chosen to do, is precisely where you hoped to be and here you have every opportunity that you could possibly have to be of service to others, to be of service to the one infinite Creator, and to come ever closer to the realization that you know absolutely nothing. For this is not the density of understanding. And yet you know all that there is to know, for you know love. How precious is this opportunity for you to learn and to serve and to grow.
We encourage each of you to look at the various elements of your day-to-day life and target those repetitive elements that may act as triggers for the remembrance of your true nature and your true beingness as part of the one. Each entity will have different things that will remind him to move back into a balanced and focused awareness of the present moment."

An to add to those last two sentences… hopefully these daily quotes each day serve as a reminder, a trigger just as it does for myself… its certainly a supermarket full of them today!

Well wait…seems to be a secret section, click here to read more… no wait kidding just scroll down :stuck_out_tongue:

“If you remain in the upper chakras, working with your heart and your communication and your meditation and work in faith to the exclusion of paying the most exquisite attention to your sexuality, your state of mind as regards whether or not you are happy to be here and full of life and glad to be living; if you put aside relationships so that you may spend more time meditating; if you devalue your work because you wish to be a spiritual person, you’ve lost your focus. For it is your whole self that is sacred.”

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Thanks Quan I really appreciate those added passages. Hello Flofrog