"There is a wonderful companion that you have that enables you to find a higher perspective and that is your sense of humor. It is not that we discourage serious thinking. All things are useful in moderation. But the heaviness and the seriousness of spiritual thoughts need to be tempered with the yeast of laughter. There are always humorous aspects to the darkest picture. If you doubt that, set yourself to describing your situation as if it was a cartoon and your job was to find a caption. Make yourself laugh. Enjoy your own company and seek out laughter when you are beyond yourself. Watch a comedy. Share a joke with a friend or tell it to yourself. Then take that step back from utter immersion in what you are thinking. That gives you that lifesaving distance, that penchant for joy. "
Yes absorb yourself in lessons life throws your way, but tempering that with humour to take a step back is very essential. Walking that path… but remember (another quote) to stop and smell the roses
"The perceptions govern the experience, not the catalyst. "
“The nature of spiritual programming is that it overrides all other programming, changing the perceptions of the entity which is working within spiritual programs of thought, so that regardless of the experiential catalyst which greets the seeker the seeker perceives a spiritual question and attempts the appropriate spiritually motivated action in response.”
On a deeper level, these quotes show why such emphasis is based on the choice card out of all the tarot cards talked about in Law of One. The Law of One Tarot Curriculum
The choice between Service to Self and Service to Others…
Heres a quick run down… 77.12
"The philosophy was to create a foundation, first of mind, then of body, and then of spiritual complex. Those concept complexes you call the tarot lie then in three groups of seven: the mind cycle, one through seven; the physical complex cycle, eight through fourteen; the spiritual complex cycle, fifteen through twenty-one. The last concept complex may best be termed The Choice.
Upon the foundation of transformation of each complex, with free will guided by the root concepts offered in these cycles, the Logos offered this density the basic architecture of a building and constructing and synthesizing of data culminating in The Choice."
The choice may seem obviously important but not necessary even RA talked about this…
“The one great breakthrough which was made after our work in third density was done was the proper emphasis given to the Arcanum Number Twenty-Two which we have called The Choice. In our own experience we were aware that such an unifying archetype existed but did not give that archetype the proper complex of concepts in order to most efficaciously use that archetype in order to promote our evolution.”
" 77.16Questioner: What I am really attempting to understand, since all of these twenty-one philosophical bases result in the twenty-second which is The Choice, is why this choice is so important, why the Logos, it seems, puts so much emphasis on this choice, and what function that choice of polarity is, precisely, in the evolution or the experience of the created… of that which is created by the Logos?
Ra: I am Ra. The polarization or choosing of each mind/body/spirit is necessary for harvestability from third density. The higher densities do their work due to the polarity gained in this choice."
One of easier ways to polarise… just practice being thankful, and praise…
" It is a definite gift both to take the self seriously, seriously enough to do the work of spiritual seeking, and to take oneself lightly, so that one is not burnt out by the rigors of the road. As you ask yourself to become more disciplined, retain the ability to let all of the discipline go and to enjoy the moment. "
" The question that you ask when you ask to learn more of your true self is a question that has no answer but only a direction, a direction that says, “into the present moment, into life.” "
An there is a bonus gift to being more an more present in the present moment,
"When you ask, you open the door to the potential of the present moment and spirit will find many ways to give you hints and inklings. Watch for repetitive numbers. When you see them, ask yourself what were you thinking? Whatever you were thinking at that moment, it would be helpful for you to move further with, to seek more deeply and more profoundly.
Watch for curious coincidences. This also is an invitation that the thought that you were thinking when the coincidence occurred is worth exploring more deeply. Or, if it is indeed a repeating thought that is the coincidence, examine that thought ever more deeply. Sit with it and see how your deeper self responds too."
"…Although love is always the same and the one original Thought remains the mystery that it always has been and always shall be to the conscious rational mind, yet the codes of perception of this one original Thought of love are many and varied, not only from person to person, but in each person from moment to moment. "
Hmm lets just fling open the doors here… the sequence of quotes the follow, well they are just just crying out to be heard too
"Each of you seeks the truth and yet the truth comes in different clothing at different times. This is not due to the nature of the truth, but to the complex rational mind’s perceptions which have a rhythm of rate of permeability, shall we say, so that each entity is constantly shifting in its ability to perceive, not only because of physical, mental and emotional rhythms, and indeed not only because of the regular spiritual rhythm, but also and perhaps most importantly because of the irregular and unpredictable nature of transformative energy.
The irregularity of your own spiritual cycle can be maddening to the seeker, for the seeker knows the intensity with which he has sought for the truth, and when he knows that the intensity has been even, steady and strong for a significant period of time, there is a tendency for the seeker to take his own spiritual temperature and be disgusted at the result. This is inevitable, for it is only rarely and unpredictably that the mists of illusion can clear that extra amount and perception can be heightened.
It is one of the many paradoxes of spiritual seeking that although one can choose to seek and thus quicken the tempo of spiritual evolution to a great degree, one can never rule the moments of transformative realization. Therefore, one is much like the watchman who patrols night after night and year after year. But only once—and at the burglar’s convenience—does he find the object of his ceaseless searching.
It is perhaps well to remember this when one has the tendency to feel different from those who do not seek consciously, for you and one who does not seek, though different in a great many conscious and rational ways, have precisely the same number of opportunities for transformation. "
"No one walks alone. This is important to recognize. As alone as one may feel in the most difficult experiences, there is always aid that is available, especially to the entity who seeks in a fervent manner using those rituals that you may call prayer or invocation, or in the sincere and heartfelt pleading that comes from that place deep within where the personality retreats when it has been stretched to and beyond, it would seem, its limits. Each entity has at its beck and call, as it were, teachers, friends, guides and the force of light imbued with love, that move to support and inspire the entity through dreams, meditation and the presenting of the appropriate person, book, program or experience at the appropriate time within this process of learning. Thus, the entity that perseveres beyond all hope of success and who seeks ardently that assistance from within, shall move most efficaciously through whatever difficulty surrounds the process of learning which carries the entity on to a new plateau of beingness. "
Words that are comforting like sitting around a fire on a cold night…
"Thus, the entity that perseveres beyond all hope of success and who seeks ardently that assistance from within, shall move most efficaciously through whatever difficulty surrounds the process of learning which carries the entity on to a new plateau of beingness. “”
opens the picnic basket, hmm lets see what treat we have today
Q’uote of the Day
November 23rd, 1986
"There is a kind of awakeness of consciousness which is…a proper and appropriate goal in consciousness, and that is the state of present joy, for the consciousness of creative love, the consciousness of the Logos, is ecstasy…The nature of love is a joy beyond expression, and we find that that is the definition of the word ecstasy. The Logos is orgasmically joyful; that is a steady state. "
This is one of those quotes that is like a feeling… feeling of resonance upon read it. Nice isnt it
now its time to lie down on the picnic rug and bask in the sun
"…There is a function of your spiritual evolution which it is impossible to fulfill unless you are to a significant extent empty instead of full, and doing nothing instead of keeping all the balls in the air. Have you ever wondered why there are so many of your people who have turned to solitude, fasting and silence as means of spiritual growth? They are attempting to empty themselves, that there may be room in their lives for the fulfillment of the spiritual function of polarizing by turning the attention to the search for the perception of the infinite Creator. "
The emptying of life to just follow love… the joy it can bring is infinite priceless… an much more freeing to in this illusion full of endless choices So let your lifes plans shine forth, before this incarnation the overall big picture was much more evident so trust in that… there is still room to maneuver tho of course. The gps of the heart will always have a way back. An sometimes those off road experiences can provide the most enriching catalyst. All is well!
" Behold the self as it is: an outer defense system of clay, bone, flesh and blood; an inner network of feeling, and, within that feeling, an inner network of truth, and within that truth, an inner network of the one infinite Creator. May you rest in that tabernacle whenever there is suffering within your life, and may you rock the child within. Protect that spiritual self with your love, with your compassion, with your acceptance of the suffering that is going on, placing it all within the loving arms of that Presence that rests within the tabernacle of the heart. "
" All entities that you meet are a portion of the Creator. Indeed, as the Creator created all that there is of Itself, each of you is an holographic representation of the Creator, and herein lies your great and fundamental equality, for each of you is in all ways perfect. That is your reality. You are channeling a distortion of your actual original self. You are dimly perceiving your true nature, and you are gaining in experience in this illusion so that you may refine your perceptions and more and more define yourself in terms of love and all others in terms of love until your perception becomes clear.
The take home message tho lies in that last line “more and more define yourself in terms of love and all others in terms of love until your perception becomes clear. .”
" Perhaps the most common mistake that positively-oriented seekers make is the mistake of feeling that they know what another entity needs. Indeed, it is the work of some patience to come to that place where you are willing to wait until you are asked in order to attempt to be of service. This sounds very simple but is very difficult when you feel that you have something to say that will help another. When this feeling hits there is the urge to share, and we do not say that this is wrong. We simply say that it may not be service to others, for what entities desire they shall ask for, and it is when that other entity asks that that precious gift of service may then be shared. "
Ahh a handy reminder here
Its especially important given the major emphasis on The law of free will/law of confusion
" Ra: I am Ra. There is a law which we believe to be one of the more significant primal distortions of the Law of One. That is the Law of Confusion. You have called this the Law of Free Will."
" 15.21Questioner: Well, in yesterday’s material you stated “we offer the Law of One, the solving of paradoxes.” You also mentioned earlier that the first paradox, or the first distortion I meant, was the distortion of freewill. Could you tell me if there’s a sequence? Is there a first, second, third, fourth distortion of the Law of One?
Ra: I am Ra. Only up to a very short point. After this point, the many-ness of distortions are equal one to another. The first distortion, freewill, finds focus. This is the second distortion known to you as Logos, the Creative Principle or Love. This intelligent energy thus creates a distortion known as Light. From these three distortions come many, many hierarchies of distortions, each having its own paradoxes to be synthesized, no one being more important than another."
"…The heart of all service is being and allowing your being to shine. And we say to you, “allowing,” because there is a tremendous amount of courage needed in order to allow yourself to be most deeply and truly yourself. "
That courage is especially needed in this illusion that despite day to day life, you can view yourself as the One Infinite Creator too… can you allow that to happen? More mundane life can seem… the greater the challenge
Of course there are different sides to this… if you planned your life to specially work with energies up to green ray then the above is not necessary or needed, just allowing love to shine through you is more than enough…
" It is difficult from within the illusion of third density to have a clear, lucid point of view concerning one’s own outer gifts…The essence of service is that there is not a specific right service, but rather there is an opportunity that will revolve and come about again and again, and each instance of this sort of opportunity to pursue an outer gift will, if pursued, blossom into a viable path. Consequently, you cannot make a mistake; you cannot choose an incorrect road. You can choose only between a more direct one and a more roundabout one. "
"You can choose only between a more direct one and a more roundabout one. " and either one is jam packed full of enriching experience, an catalyst to be gleamed…
Lao Tzu:
The Tao doesn’t take sides;
it gives birth to both good and evil.
The Master doesn’t take sides;
she welcomes both saints and sinners.
The Tao is like a bellows:
it is empty yet infinitely capable.
The more you use it, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you understand.
That Lao Tzu seems to be a popular cat in the spiritual circles! Imagine if that guy wrote fortune cookie messages for a living.
I was even going to use a quote from him in the thread talking about thought forms, before the conversation changed:
Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.