Daily Q'uote from L/L Research Channeling

Q’uote of the Day
November 5th, 2000

"…Love is the blanket in which the seeker may roll up and rest at the end of the day, when will and faith are exhausted. That love lies within the heart and is accessible at all times. There is simply the choice made to crawl into that blanket and to roll oneself up in it. We greatly encourage this turning to love itself, turning to the heart within. For at the end of working with change there is great weariness and there is the need to rest. And this the Creator has provided for with a full and loving hand. "

The discussion that lies before this quote on change, is very worth the read, but that is to much to place in this small area giving its not directly related to todays quote. Now before that passage, here is a talk on will and faith…

"there are two forces which are tremendously powerful and one overriding force, which we will speak of to conclude, that to our way of thinking are the greatest areas of potential within the incarnation. The first is faith. The one known as T spoke of faith, and we would agree that faith has a powerful effect upon how change occurs within the incarnation.

Now each, as we have said, has a fairly set personality shell, and each has a fairly set system of relationships, issues, learning and service. However, these factors only produce a fairly random series of crises, times when the spirit that is you must choose one way or another to act, to think, to be. Faith is a faculty which reaches into the heart and pulls from that place a faculty which believes not that which is seen but that which is hoped. It takes that which is hoped and places it in the position of being known and being believed. The choice of this attitude of faith that all is well and that the plan is good is that which will reliably illuminate that issue or that relationship with which you are sitting. It does not obviate the need for patience, tolerance, kindness or the innocent and heartfelt desire to communicate. But it creates a vibration of light that is far closer to the truth that is the Creator, to the vibration that is the one great original Thought. And it is as the element that enters a confused pattern and, by being placed in that pattern, stitches up the ravels of that pattern and creates a moment of clarity where the pattern emerges from the tangle and the structure is seen in one moment of crystallized learning.

And in those blessed moments of faith it is seen that all truly is well and that all will be well, and the bare memory of that moment is enough to illuminate and ease the entire process of transformation that would otherwise would seem a plodding and ungainly practice.

The second faculty that is most exciting to us and is very efficacious in creating positive as opposed to seemingly negative changes within the life experience is the faculty of will. Will may be seen as desire with a vector. Every entity has appetites. The physical body creates appetite as its first offering to the personality shell. The mental aspect of the physical body, with its predilection for choice making and for either/or, offers its refinements to the faculty of will. There become desires for this, desires for that. The consciousness itself has deeply seated desires that do not come from the body or from within the mind but from within the spirit. And these are deep desires of the soul that are often unspoken throughout the entire incarnation and, yet, even the shadows and echoes of these deep hungers of the heart affect the incarnation deeply.

The art and skill of developing the faculty of will is beginning to become aware of your desires, and as you become more and more aware of your desires becoming able to prioritize those desires, and sitting with them, beginning to see into them, and to choose those desires of the heart which you truly and deeply wish to follow. Once you have begun to identify those deep desires then it is that the faculty of will may begin to be pointed and the appetite and thirst may become a driving desire which may be expressed in prayer, in affirmation, in faith, in hope, in speech, in action, and in intention. The pointing and the continuation of desire is a faculty which will transform and accelerate the process of your spiritual evolution. This is perhaps the greatest of helpers in coming into a relative degree of mastery of the forces which are moving throughout your incarnation. The skill of pointing a desire is, paradoxically enough, that moment when it is seen that desire of the self and desire of the infinite One are one and the same thing. And there is a surrender of the small self to the Creator self so that these lower orders of body and mind and personality shell begin not to fall away but to have less sway over the incarnational process, over the thinking that feeds into the choices that you make."

Here is one quote for ‘safekeeping’
“Will may be seen as desire with a vector” .

After those above paragraphs, this leading passage which then finishes on the daily quote above, and the ahem blanket metaphor :wink:

“That which lies beneath will and faith, like a blanket, is the Logos. And that Logos may be seen as the Creator. We say that this Logos is as the blanket because we feel that it is an apt simile of the spiritual walk, that long and winding road, to say that it is a walk in a cold climate. It is lonely, and the bed is the earth at the edge of the path. The ceiling is the stars above. And it seems a stark landscape often. For metaphysically, each truly walks alone as far as the making of choices and the creation of a tapestry of incarnational colors and textures. Each entity and each entity’s choices are individual, to an absolute extent. Certainly, each walks with helpers. Each walks with spirit and the messengers of spirit, messengers of love, of understanding, of support and encouragement, and an awareness of this level of love from the Creator is helpful in softening that hard bed of earth and in bringing those cold stars closer.”