Q’uote of the Day
January 12th, 2008
“As you transform, the core of your transformation is an awareness that has not been there before about the nature of your central or deepest self as being part of love itself or the creative principle, which is the one great original Thought of unconditional love.As you become full of new information that brings you to a place of transformation, you suddenly discover that you are no longer full. You discover that this very fullness and sense of new life tips you into the corresponding and balancing awareness of oneself as knowing nothing. It is a devastating portion of transformation, this realization that nothing is known and that nothing can be known within the illusions of the Earth world.”
And this too
"Faith is the most powerful force in the universe, it being another name for realized or positively realized love. " Now that is a quote… it comes from this whole passage
"The most effective tool in working towards transformation is the self-conscious living of the life. We are not talking about those who mull endlessly over every detail of their life and thought throughout each day, but rather we are talking about the most effective way to work towards transformation. The most effective resource is one’s own ability to observe oneself without affecting that which is being observed.
The one known as Jim spoke of being aware that in transformation it was important not to judge. And this is the kind of objectivity about which we are speaking. It is indeed important, indeed central, to refrain from judgment as one goes through the collecting of information about the self that is necessary in order for the self to be offered up and thus become empty enough to have the space in which to transform.
It is ironic, is it not, that in the search for truth the answers lie not in discovering that which can be known, but in discovering that the secrets to the mystery of transformation lie in unknowing and faith. Faith is the most powerful force in the universe, it being another name for realized or positively realized love. You live in a universe made of love. The original Thought was a Thought of unconditional love."