Contact RA by myself?

Hi. I am new here .
I occasionally listen to the audiobook format.
And i wondered if its possible to contact RA by myself ? For my own questions etc.

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Possible but unlikely to be frank. I would not share the messages you might receive with the public — not without a great deal of training.

This is a sore subject though with the claim of conscious contact with other sixth density social memory complexes. It seems like LLR cannot figure out how to relate to this coherently, so I’m simply sharing my opinion/advice.

I think it is fully possible, not only that, but that the contact wants to be called and to do service to others.

Session 65.15: Questioner: Then as these final days of the cycle transpire if the harvest were to occur now, today, it would have a certain number harvested positively and negatively and a certain number of repeaters. I am going to assume that because of the catalyst which will be experienced between now and the actual harvesting time these numbers of harvestable entities will increase.

Generally speaking, not particularly with respect to this planet but with respect to general experience, shall we say, in harvesting, how big an increase in harvestable entities can you logically assume will occur because of the catalyst that occurs in the final period such as this one, or am I making a mistake in assuming that other planets have added catalyst at the end of a harvesting period when they have a mixed harvest?

Ra: I am Ra. In the event of mixed harvest there is nearly always disharmony and, therefore, added catalyst in the form of your so-called “Earth changes.” In this assumption you are correct.

It is the Confederation’s desire to serve those who may indeed seek more intensely because of this added catalyst. We do not choose to attempt to project the success of added numbers to the harvest for this would not be appropriate. We are servants. If we are called, we shall serve with all our strength. To count the numbers is without virtue.

Angels also don’t really have free will as in they are binded to the positive polarity. So if you call them then they will turn up to help. Also, to not do so would invite the negative in their place which would not be a service and would directly oppose their general agenda. This also means though that they will talk through someone if they request the channel even if they have nothing relevant to say.

You will not likely channel like Carla did due to unconscious channels being extraordinarily rare.

The trouble you get with a lot of channeling work is that if you get anywhere, if you inspire anyone or show up as a light. Perhaps even if you make any sort of contact. Then the negative will turn up and try and mess you up. They can take advantage of pretty much anything that is not fully positively polarised. For me personally, a decade or so ago, I became convinced of a long list of famous past lives I now believe was due to negative greeting. This confused me for a long time but it was not my worst problem. Which was a physical medical condition I didn’t understand the seriousness of messing me up outside my conscious awareness (it effects brain chemistry!). This is what the negative was able to use to basically cause schizophrenia.

For me personally. I did do a bit of channeling. I had a recorder and transcribed some things. I felt an energy go through me and I said the words kind of slowly. One painstaking word every five or ten seconds. I didn’t have much idea what I was saying as I was saying it. But it made a lot of sense when done even offering some semi complex metaphors and such.

None of it was that interesting or inspiring - in my opinion. Not a lot of it has actually been transcribed, but I still have the audios I think. I am also balding and you need hair to channel as it is an “antenna”. The very last time I tried to do it was about five years ago, I received only one sentence “We reject this channel”. Some of my very earliest channelings signed off with the name of the Law of One contact, but not many after that. I felt this to be compulsive. I did not feel a lot of control over what was being said at any point. I think this channel exists in other parts of my life in a more diluted form.

For me personally I find more satisfaction ‘walking the path’ by studying already created works such as the Law of One, Human design, dream interpretation and philosophy. I don’t aspire to reinvent the wheel. So perhaps that’s why channeling didn’t work out for me I had another direction. There is nothing stated in the Law of One to state you can’t channel this contact. And they did not put forward a heirarchical understanding. I.e. only the super enlightened can channel that entity or anything like that.

That’s technically true, but it’s hard to generalize from one case. To leap directly to sixth density contact skipping over all of the experience Carla accrued for the decade plus she practiced lower density outer planes contact strikes me as fundamentally misunderstanding what is going on. Just my 2 cents.

This post is a little unfocused and is a bit of a splurge of ideas and thoughts.

I don’t relate those two experiences in the same way. None of us are Carla.

I have hurt my back recently. I was so careful with the gym but it has still happened, I know back issues are a problem I have had friends have to take months off for them. I only just started going to the gym and overdid it on the rowing machine last week. So I have hurt my back for the first time in years. Looking over the channeling I did write down. It actually mentions a hurt back. It mentions a few times as well that I am tired for reasons I don’t understand which is a direct statement on my medical condition that I previously didn’t understand and only got new understanding of in January 2023.

I have to say I just said that because it’s emotional and I feel a bit weird.

Anyway, I would not relate the two situations for several reasons. Carla was unconscious. It is completely different. Similar in a way as comparing Jesus to a modern day Reiki healer. Most of my channeling carries no particular charge because no one but myself is ever going to see it, and it sucks.

Also, anyone who channels now has the benefit of the Law of One material and the changed social situation since then. Also, I am fifth density where Carla was sixth. So I am potentiating not polarising. Which means that nothing I do will have a strong effect on others in the same way a sixth density entity would. The Law of One contact formed a message deep in love and compassion and that same message won’t be everyone elses. Her human design chart backs that up.

I know that a density difference might sound academic but it really is an absolutely huge thing in my understanding. It is a completely different world.

One of the benefits that Carla had that I do think is worth mentioning though is a lot of friendship and emotional support. Also, she was highly, highly religious and this was mentioned many times as being hugely important for protection.

Also, we have the negative. When I talk about the negative I am reminded of a film scene where the main detective woman was talking to someone that had information on Hannibal Lector, he wanted to capture Hannibal for the reward money and she didn’t want him to, but she wanted him to give her the location and she says: He has killed a lot of people and he will kill you too. And he did just that.

The negative is very real and very clever.

For me though, the negative was already in my life. It didn’t matter if I did some irrelevant channeling. It mattered that I was looking at the Law of One and in proximity to Llresearch as it was back then. Resisting all the attempts at manipulation in my personal life, because I was obsessed with spirituality, I realise; now I look back on it. That’s what I think about the negative. I don’t think it is justifiable always to stay away from something that might cause negative greeting because often what you are doing has already set it off and there’s nothing you can do.

The reason, I believe that each answer from the contact starts “I am Ra” is so that entity is in your life anyway. It is the same reason the founder of human design changed his name to Ra Uru Hu. There is a feel to human design people, you can feel that entity in their lives. I think if you are in this material that entity is in your life anyway. So I don’t think it matters if you go the extra step of channeling.

Just my thoughts.

Hi there. Welcome to the party.

Simply judging this by appearances, I might suggest you’d have a far easier time trying to commune with your own inner guidance, be that your soul stream or higher self.

This is far safer and a good place to begin.

Best of luck!


Just curious and wondering what type of questions you would ask if you could?

Also, I guess you missed the part where it says the necessary requirement for the contact is the group meditation? Doesn’t happen by yourself- just fyi.

You could probably use a pendulum to ask them yes/no questions.

Hi just wanted you to know that using a pendulum for yes/no questions is not channeling RA or anything close to channeling another consciousness. Pendulum is only channeling your own higher mind/self.

Do you have a source for that?

If it’s your higher self then Ra could talk through them too.

I would suggest to you that you should research what ‘channeling other consciousnesses’ is and how it works. Or possibly learn what the differences are between working with crystals vs. channeling the higher mind and/or channeling other entities. There are many sources available regarding the information you are questioning.

Ultimately- does it really matter who it is answering?
Is the source of where one gets their information determinant on the information itself?

I’m not saying words to you because I’m trying to argue, I don’t care what you think or if you believe me or not. I’m not trying to be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’
However after a quick glance at your profile it seems that you somewhat ignore the fact that others have attempted to advise you on this subject as well.

That’s good. I don’t want to argue either. I was pointing out possibilities of talking to entities. Though you’re right it might not be channeling.

How old are those posts where I didn’t seem to listen to advice of others?

I’ve had a substantial spiritual experience this year so far.

The reason I find working with certain groups important is that it gives them the opportunity to be of service. Though I could get the information from many places.

I think your intentions were that you mean well and (hopefully) just trying to ‘help’ or advise with your reply to the initial questioner above who asked about contacting Ra.
But for me personally, I would never try to pass along any information that I don’t fully understand myself. I’m more the type person who would be doing a good deal of research and taking in information and fully learn all aspects to completely ensure that the information I pass along is correct and true and as accurate as possible. Especially if I’m sharing information to a ‘newcomer’. Because I just personally don’t want to miss-lead anyone. Or completely confuse anyone. But I do understand not everyone has the mindset like me.

As for the last 4 lines of your most recent response to me, I’m having trouble understanding what exactly you are trying to say. I’m having trouble understanding what you going through “substantial spiritual experiences” this year has to do with your working with certain groups- as you seem to have determined somehow you’re giving them the opportunity to be of service?
And collectively these 2 things together…? I’m just not understanding where this relates to the clarification on Channeling or of what the higher mind is? Apologies if you are meaning something I missed.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective. I appreciate the insights and will reflect on this further. Wishing you the best on your journey! I don’t want to take over this thread.

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I can speak about my experience with Anthro, it was an enlightening one. Like you, I questioned many things from Anthro in the past interactions.

I realized that even though Anthro may sometime expresses “the fool” (as in representation in tarot) There is much wisdom of the hermit in the exchange.

Lesson of discernment, compassion, and love. Especially kindness.

In my own observation, between you and me, how do we know that perhaps Anthro and other-selves may have karmic tie? that requires much wandering, and perhaps even getting lost for it to resolve.

Sometime we are led down the wrong path, so we can have contrast of where we should be instead.

This may be what is happening… But remember, attachment is what keeps the wheel of karma spinning.

Much love to you, and Anthro

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As others have mentioned, it is not a boulder you would wish to move by yourself.

But your freewill is paramount, and perhaps we don’t know what we are talking about.

Be safe, have fun, and try not to hurt anyone, especially yourself. :green_heart: :sun_with_face:

I don’t engage in channeling anymore. But the closest I do is in my communion. I sit with the bread and grape juice, light a candle and pull up my journal as a word document and see what comes through.

One thing I notice about it is that it is absolutely exhausting. I can have energy beforehand to the extent I don’t feel there is anything amiss but I feel exhausted afterward.

The Law of One compared Carla’s channeling, one session, to “many, many hours of hard labour”.

Also, we all have dream interpretation. We already have the Law of One itself. So I don’t see that it would be needed. There are also definite drawbacks to channeling as an information source. In that you can’t reason with it at all. Whereas something like ‘philosophy’ you can work ideas out more.

Like I said, I do think the entity will come if it is called. But I personally, do not know what would need to be asked.