Enjoy - made, to just show how the second part of the system, how everything is possible with the right methods, by the age of 17 on June 19th. Bmmph… (play is pretty important, it can be precious, if I may - see part 2 and 3.)
Opting into all of these.
Believe in kindness. Just do this one. Life without friendship isn’t fun; We’ll talk about the specifics —>>>>>> page 2;
Learning: Everyone can teach us something! All ideas, however strange they appear, can be - picture you have a sphere of light around you, that helps you get around in a virtual reality, from point A to point B, and you have a dent in that sphere.
Everything is interesting, as we’ll see in part 3, which relates a lot with this one and the first (the LoO tells us it comes first, if you didn’t catch quite - this is - cute reframing of (Why is there this and that but those, plural “that” - is with an “s”?? Another language exception!?!?) great wonderful LoO books), and everything can be done.
Basically, if we have someone with autism, ADHD, whatever, the key is to always approach it with forgiveness.
Of course, forgiveness is more about kindness, but that’s kind of how the first principle relates to this one. “Listen to everyone”. Choose to believe in peace, that all ideas can come together.
Believe in the Universe, and believe in a happy Universe, as mentioned.
Still, if you want to do unusual stuff or go somewhere (I might retire honestly if the first principle didn’t exist to a cave for a very long time, but I guess with it I’d love it even more if I could have true true harmony, like, real, actual harmony that’s pure, AND meditating. Oh - did I mention it’s thanks to you guys that I love meditation and all this this much? I truly thank you, and this system, which answers all my questions, is thanks to - everyone).
- Uniqueness, freedom. Basically, besides just including everything in your reality, and kindness, this one is about change.
It’s about choice you choose, and that you choose to be friendly!
This part, and all parts, if you actually build systems to embody these principles (which seems my higher self has wanted me to do - at the very least since it answers deep questions, I actually don’t know), basically, this is about having a bunch of systems you can create to support freedom.
What appears as uniqueness for us is just the idea of art, of various lens on something.
Page 2: To give you an example of how you’d make something like this for the contemporary Internet, you’d create an open-source academy that allows any ideas to be shared, with some voted to the top.
Then, you’d have, which makes sure you can vote to the top with minimal corruption unless chosen by folks, a community. I like to imagine this as a “Community Interface” rather than socials, for example MMORPGs, although they’re one thing I haven’t really played save for a game about kingdoms 6 years ago, and a bit.
They seem to me to allow for non-linear narrative (The writer has to get energy super-well for you to get something from online).
They also keep the power of the Internet, that being that they allow for fast change. They don’t bind you too deeply to “my community” as you are bound to school, or family, yes, or other “guardians” children and most of all younger folks, though anyone can have, where you don’t really have law o’ the rights in society’s eyes.
Basically, since we’ve made this leap from old world to Internet, let’s see if we can create a system kind of like the USA government was founded through it. It also has 3 branches, though it’s less open. Then you have liberte, egalite, fraternite. It’s allll the same, the fraternite one became nationalism and denial of reality, though, so—
I would say “woops”, “at least they never got Thailand”.
Anyways, that little joke aside, the second branch would on the Internet of now be like so. I imagine out there you would create venues for folks to organize conferences freely. You kind of see this today. It’s not so bulletproof considering travel, though I am sure we can build things in the face-to-face world as well.
It’d be pretty off to see it go not turned into something magical if someone wants that.
- For turning the third matter into a system, in the contemporary Internet, I imagine you’d make a lot of systems.
For example, a parliament for the MMORPG that discusses ideas, that inspires (I call this inspiring vs. management. Of course, the words have certain meanings that aren’t exactly the ones we’re using, and then you remember - “Oh, actually, inspiring still allows you to consider “managing people”, “making people ok”” - but you wouldn’t do it.
Basically, the goal of ruling is never to “make people right”, it is to inspire - a righteous, a free, a kind character.
It’s not about adding things, furthermore, most of the time (and I like to apply it as much), it’s about just removing what prevents proper full expression of folks.
I believe that ultimately applying such a system would allow you to include even the - oh - the Universe -
- Apparently the Universe might already have room for everyone, and be workin-
Sacre bleu!
I am a fan of asking God questions. Probably related to what astrology calls Gemini, so, adaptability, openness to - this, this, … beams of the famous, if not so famous sometimes, love.
I used to like just about any humor being done and appreciate everything. I may be old. I now make jokes that are comedic about truth (I still believe that anything can be accepted. It’s just ultimately, I dream of everyone living beautifully and these non-truth-seeming-centered comedic matters are often in our world about “me”, my power, anyways, if something doesn’t feel nice, bleh)
This is where - yes! In the process of getting on such a system from an ego system, I cannot answer the question “Why does suffering happen?” with this system, so anyone still gets to - I don’t know - just do whatever, ultimately, but please come on to friendship and unity, it is - yes, it is “epic” - no “having a big story that’s super cool”.
Alright, I offer that I may be wrong with this system. Maybe it’s just being biased in some kind of box. I’d like to believe that my believing in kindness, again, is true.
I would also love to get some ideas for just what you believe about this, and anything you’d do.
Oh yeah, some more ideas could include folks contributing ideas, here, to this system, so if you pay attention, the boundary between ruling and public goes down more, since the public can contribute ideas.
For example, if a company tried this model, you could get into the oil industry for the fun of it and to create an opportunity for helping others, or give of yourself to others (doesn’t remove the love-light choice, I belieeeve. It seems. If I am getting the choice well, getting all. D o n ’ t k n o w.)
This system helps solve the question of parallel perceptive realities, and other matters, by going straight to universal principles that can, presumably, last forever. The knowledge part isn’t needed, to be honest, in my view, right now. But, then again, part 2 tells us that we can find more by listening to folks and bringing everyone together to hear them out.
Believing in the world, in others, and their abilities, is something you slowly come to over time.
It’s typically not something super intuitive, I guess- when I was 11 I actually saw, kind of like your WEF probably does, that maybe folks can’t manage their freedom too well. Where I maybe differed is I dreamt (I’d heard the saying “Dream big”, and later “If you aim for the moon at least you’ll wind up in the sky, or space”, or something like that) - well, it was a bit of an amusing dream of changing the entire world. You know, there are personal growth videos that tell you “If you aim to change a billion lives”, and it’s what I decided to believe in.
These days, I just believe in kindness, that’s ultimately the answer to this. This system kinds of suits as a wanderer story since it’s literally me put into words, xd.
It’s kind of a bigger story, rather than just “What I did”, etc.
As Obama did well in a speech at the DNC in 2004, stories are part of bigger stories.
Like the story of how I have always, even when able to change this, somehow returned to loving not ending things and really covering everything.
Leonardo da Vinci said “Art is never finished.”
Anyways, I hope this gives you some ideas. From age 12 to 14 I sort of hoped that just being super awesome, creative, comedic, was the life, but I had to at 14.5 discover there’s more than just making stuff for others to enjoy then and there, and I am happy I did. I have a happy life, and I am happy.
It’s interesting how despite all this creativity and stuff, if you look at spiritual systems, you can still apply a lot of them.
Wanting to change the world and make it great and then wanting to just forget about it, zzz - hmm - a lot of folks today are very happy, very awesome, but they kind of doubt that.
I suppose everything happens under divine protection and trust.
Back to our longing, I am not talking about forgetting and trying to avoid something, though it can seem so.
I kind of want to leave this part out of this authentic sharing since it’s confusing, and I have sometimes found things kind of a bit like this a bit confusing, but if this was my open-source academy, I’d say, “The more the better!”
I have now a way of living where I am a fan even of what some would consider just bleh, TikTok.
I’ve never used it even, but I just hear some nice things like “Hey, a TikTok that lead to a village in Africa getting electricity so children can walk home from school safely”, or the like.
Really, that is the message the 2008 election, the election of J.F.K., a catholic, in a protestant country - and the Internet…
It is one thing that we might perhaps be actually able to integrate into our world…
Our - spiritual world of truth and love.
Our - TikTok world of I don’t know what even is on TikTok, but I hear there’s awes- alright:
Our - world of our dreams and achievements.
Such a world can appear clearly false, but we can kind of include it into our world, in some kind of sense.
I don’t actually get anything super clearly, so feel free to say anything you feel like saying, anything you feel like mentioning, and finally, this whole thing is just a system.
It’s not an actual law of the Universe. It’s just a system, like some vast spiritual systems.
Oh, and for more ideas, you could have ideas like creating a console - for learning and games at school.
If children don’t like what they’re learning, I would call this passive resistance-
Alright, this is just one example of how you can make sketchy ideas you should probably discuss and consider a bit.
I guess, as a testament to trust to the Universe, I’ll give you this as-is. This isn’t objective truth, again, though I’d be ‘super happy!’ to receive at least a prayer for a trafficked child, and a prayer [greedy?] for my being protected from evil. Do it for the message, and like an organization in early 17th century Paris that put up posters about “finding us or being found by us by the power of thought” (what we believe is “the norm” isn’t even the norm…) - I shall not actually know by the power of thought, because that’d be so weird by Earth rules!
Hmm, I wonder if applying terrain theory to something [I promise I have never had], schizophrenia, would work?
Basically, like how a low PH environment, low electrical charge, low oxygen, all related as one factor “unbalanced” environment -
Well, that unbalance needs to be taken care of in the body since it doesn’t match with the body’s way of operating - vibration - so for example, the body starts healing by compressing.
Compressing the sickness into an area, for example, and we call this healing act cancer.
That happens to be why you can’t, the one thing you can’t, you can’t “heal cancer” unless the environment changes, kind of… ----------------------------
Alright, that’s enough for today, bless everyone, adonai.
4 disclaimers:
- I don’t know for sure what I am writing;
- I am not special;
- God bless your life, believe in friendship and believe in life, if you like the way you’re reading this, it’s never about becoming like someone else, as you may have guessed, if not, well, see, all ways are fine.
- I don’t know how right I am on all I have written, and how close to everyone’s reality it is.
I would be super happy if someone could read this and not discard it, also, on the opposite end, before reading to here. If you have, thanks for making that dream true ;D
I will know… from the shadows… I know all. [not really!]
This letter is a test itself of part - what was it… oh, yes! Part 3…!!! Everyone is awesome, wasn’t it? Peace. Oh, that’s part 2.