You’ve already received plenty of good answers, but for me the old human saying “it’s the journey, not the destination” is enough for me. Just because I might someday, to use our time concept since I cannot really think comprehensible without it, merge back the infinite one, doesn’t make exchanging love or engaging in novelty any less special.
I like the fact that I’ll get to eventually merge with my loved ones and nothing will be permanently forgotten. Haven’t you ever loved another person or pet so much that you wanted to merge with their soul and mind, to truly understand one another?
Let’s say I have a video game, I’d still want to play it even if I know it’s going to end and is ultimately interconnected code. Or let’s say I know a novel will eventually end. I still want to get attached to the events and characters even though it’s just an object with words written on it.
The law of one is great and I find it very comforting and I think it’s nice to know you’re never truly alone or unloved. But I also think some balance is advisable, spiritual stuff is interesting to think about, but I think spending time focusing on experiences, adventures, and relationships and getting out of your head is good too.
Yeah, unfortunately negative entities exist, but not everything is one of their plots. And I speak as one many normies would consider a “conspiracy theorist “ and I’ve encountered such entities occasionally. I think Ra warned against viewing everything as some supernatural event. There’s a lot of randomness in creation.
I’ve always found psychedelics quickly eliminate feelings of pointlessness, personally, but do as you think best for you, many would consider me reckless and I admit I like shortcuts to spiritual states which Ra doesn’t strictly recommend. In lieu of that, remember love is the most powerful magic in the universe. I know finding close human friends or lovers can be difficult, but don’t discount our second density friends. Dogs, cats, horses, etc. are all pretty great. Even plants, I’m partial to trees. The right companionship can make all the difference.
In regard to spiritual matters, the creator doesn’t play favorites and it’s there, all around you if you wish to commune with it in whatever manner. The aliens seem pretty into meditation. You don’t need to overcomplicate things, just love, compassion, and forgiveness. Or take the other path, but I don’t understand why anyone would want to, not that I’m perfect, mind you.