That’s a very interesting channel you led me to, Quid
That’s a very interesting channel you led me to, Quid
The Ra Material describes UAPs as a mishmash of things: UAPs are of 3rd to 6th density, operated by humans, ETs, or unmanned. Some are thought-form projections from some of the higher densities. Some, reverse-engineered crashed vessels.
Other UAPs are highly maneuverable drones with configurable LEDs reported by people who do not understand the advancements in drone technology and the flight characteristics and abilities of such drones.
I was pondering the geodynamo magnetic field
of the Earths core, as suspended in liquid lava,
spinning at a slightly different rate to the Earth’s
crust in ways spiraling coriolis ebbs form that
transfer up and out. Ra mentions pyramids
used as balancing devices no longer needed,
that crystallized individuals are sufficient.
So I’m pondering that in the context of the
Popocatepetl volcano In Mexico, somewhat
infamous for so many sightings, going in and
out of the volcano in some way that seems
transdimensional. Are these earth balancing
For example, magnetism degrades when
temperature nears the Currie point. Some
consider that the workings of the magnetic
field are not well understood. An obvious
conjecture might be the Earths magnetic
field is owned and operated by beings way
beyond our current understanding.
Heavy solar activity causing Auroras, cosmic rays
as extraterrestrial muons interacting with Earths
magnetic field in ways photons are created, causing
the sky to glow.
I’ve been pondering the magnetosphere as highly
non-spherical, more compressed by the solar
wind on the Sun side, and more hyper extended
on the shadow side. At dawn, it seems like
there’s a field compression as going from night
into day.
This change likely corresponds to morning Chi,
(early morning stiffies), and luxuriating in feel
good love bliss. I think someone invented a device,
a Qi-Coil that assists the Rev-up of chakras by
way of magnetic field effects. I can’t say because
I never tried a Qi-coil device, but there may be
something discovered that supports the idea,
Chakras may have some electro-magnetic character.
Heartmath suggests the heart chakra has a torpid
shape and can extend five miles.
Big disclosure day for the UAP community,
congratulations to those in that loop. The
idea of transparency may lend an STO
vantage that promotes greater understanding
or appreciation of infinity to more people
than an otherwise secretive culture that
seems more STS controlling in nature.
I’m not sure about the nomenclature, for
example Grays being extraterrestrials.
It may be that they’re predominantly
terrestrial, or resident of this planet and
actually not alien, haha.
Today they talked about reverse engineering
from recovered craft. I remember old hearsay
suggesting fiber optic and semiconductor
technology stemmed from such work. How
weird if something like that gets revealed.
The idea of sixth density residing within
UAP might be related to psychic linking
of some sort. For example, Apotheosis
may entail some degree of psychic link
capability, whereupon people interacting
with UAP, feeling as if they’re influencing
the experience might in some degree be
them residing in some 6th density psychic
link state - a unity within engagement that
has a lesser degree of us/them and some
greater sense of we together.
There’s a Jacob Barber video out built with high production value and what seems to reference many credible sources. As a variety of independent voices come forth, strange notions become more difficult to deny. Thank you for sharing that video.
A mention of ontological revelations brought a couple things to mind. First, an “egg” dream symbol suggests beginning perceptions and the formation of new ideas.
Second, a crystal called Ajoite energizes the peace chakra field between the throat and heart, promoting brotherhood connection between realms by extracting dysfunctional energy and filling with pure living energy.
(Reference: Melody’s book Love is in the Earth.)
Some people mention the possibility of dual bodies that are both third and fourth density, and the experience Jake describes might describe a transitional phase going from something like third to dual density.
Law of One suggests a hierarchical structure from Logos to sub-Logos to sub-sub-Logos, which seems a hierarchy based on providing guidance and protection, in an STO way.
The military seems to have a negative hierarchical structure based on secrecy, control by fear, technological superiority, and destruction in an
STS way, as it promotes an agenda of obtaining
more power and control.
So what may be happening on some level is that the planet is resonating fourth positive and positive polarized soldiers are becoming attuned to the planetary vibration in a way that there’s a toggle,
the military STS hierarchy is being bucked for a
greater STO hierarchy at play.
The conflict here might revolve around the notion that fourth density positive types don’t play well with fourth density negative types, developmentally they segregate for evolutionary purpose. For example, higher density negatives at some point - may get ushered to a negative polarized planet to afford space needed for fourth density teach/learnings. Yes, can we agree that there seems a sense of sadness in such conflict?
When I learned of injuries incurred by the transportation of “mystery boxes”, it reminded me of that movie Indiana Jones and the Raiders of The Lost Ark.
It seems like “disclosure” has been happening
for 500 years and may continue another 500 years.
There seems no urgency despite some degree
of critical mass evidence piling up.
The situation seems like an awkward conversation
a parent needs to hold with their teenager about
sex education. The parent puts it off until finally
it can no longer wait. They sit down and talk, and
the parent discovers their teenager knows more
about sex then they do.
The nature of this disclosure approach seems to
complement the nature of veiling. From Law of One,
we learn veiling seems beneficial to establishing
harvestable polarization. The choice to unveil
oneself into greater self awareness, then entails
some seeking volition to know some greater truth,
the truth doesn’t seem thrown in the face as rude
wake-up call, it’s more merciful. Likewise, strategies
of snowing mid-information and throwing out red
herrings distract from clear understanding, to some
degree consistent with the law of confusion aka
the law of free will allowing degrees of freedom
in how one knows oneself.
Why does disclosure seem important? Possibly
there seems opportunity for life after death, given
adequate polarization, For third density, polarization
seems important for this reason, more important
than understanding well what is really going on
in the universe. Polarization seems to have
priority, and this complements disclosure tactics,
when in doubt create confusion.
Related to life after death seems a concept of
advanced being helpers routing individuals
spiritually to past life review, future life
planning steps, and reincarnation waiting lines.
Being aware of future life opportunities may
help catalyze spiritual development, or not.
Potentially, there are also helpers for animals
and pets which are likewise upon an evolutionary
journey, or not. Interfering with the workings
of advanced beings may jeopardize their ability
to help, it may jeopardize future life opportunity.
There was a show X-files that talked about
Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBE), and
many many shows play off the different types.
An EBE type four may be called a TE which
stands for Transmorphic Entities. These are
resident in dimensions or planes beyond our
conception of space and time, composed of
pure mind energy which they can channel
into matter.
A potential bridge might be to propose Ra
as an EBE type four TE, dare I say; where
then the Ra Materials may be some significant
disclosure artifact, where reading and
comprehending may benefit a person, or not.
I heard this song today and it weirdly struck me
as a “disclosure” song. There’s some show on
Hulu about skinwalker ranch, featuring an elder
archeologist who describes “not talking” as the
recommended approach to such topics. The
song has a “hey” feature and tambourine beat
that reminded me of Native American song,
and strangely that Jacob Barber mention of
a profound love flush that can sometimes
happen in encounters; it seems like reason
to sing and the lyrics seem congruent.
Edit add - someone in the song comments
wrote “dear alien”, haha! We commiserate!