If one looks back across the vast L/L Research channeling corpus, you’ll eventually realize that a few different Confederation sources have been channeled. Outside of Ra, the most well-known by modern seekers is Q’uo, the only source currently being channeled. However, in the early years of L/L Research channeling efforts, many more entities were present.
I’ve had a personal desire to enumerate all Confederation sources as channeled by L/L Research, for three primary reasons: (1) creating knowledge, (2) a desire to better understand the nature of channeling, and (3) sheer curiosity. I figure that folks here might be interested in the names, since I don’t believe any list of these names has ever been produced.
After performing offline analysis of the entire channeling corpus, I believe I’ve identified every channeled Confederation source present in the conscious channeling session transcripts as well as the number of their session appearances. I tried to account for spelling variations and typos, so a very small amount of error might exist for a handful of counts. Note that some sessions involved channeling multiple entities. If you believe I may have missed any, a comment on this post noting the specific entity would be most appreciated.
The names and number of session appearances during conscious channeling is:
- Q’uo: 577 (also spelled as Ku-ohl)
- Hatonn: 528 (also spelled as Hatton)
- Latwii: 296 (also spelled as Lattoo and Latui)
- Laitos: 113
- Oxal: 66 (the HARC group has taken to spelling it Auxhall)
- Nona: 50
- Aaron: 33
- L/Leema: 26
- Yadda: 26
- Quanta: 9
- Telonn: 7
- Yom: 7
- Amira: 4
- Philip: 4
- Monka: 3
- Orcas: 1 (the HARC group has taken to spelling it Oorkas)
- Christine: 1
- Calenda: 1
- Deltron: 1
- Ira: 1
- Kasara: 1
- Kootumi: 1
- Maitreya: 1
- Makai: 1
- Michael: 1
- Orkan: 1
- Ra: 1
- t’Michael’h : 1
- Yaum: 1
To discuss each of these here would take quite a while. For my own edification and perhaps someone else’s, I’m hoping to do a series of posts about each of these entities, particularly to highlight their unique contributions toward understanding the Law of One. In the meantime, the utility of the L/L Research search tool cannot be understated .
I do wish to highlight some trivia:
- Ra was accidentally consciously channeled by Carla on one occasion (1981-0816). A negative entity once attempted to impersonate Ra during a conscious channeling session (1986-0126).
- Those of Q’uo once said that “Mantuk” is part of them (1990-1025).
- Amira is said to be Jesus by various Confederation entities.
- Philip is also known as “Brother Philip” and “Philip of The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays”.
- Yadda is an absolute riot, but to find Yadda sessions, you will also need to search “I Yadda” in addition to “I am Yadda”.
I know that this knowledge isn’t strictly necessary. Still, I believe that, for the seeker, seeing all these distinct colorful personalities of the Confederation and the uniqueness of their messages reinforces the importance of shining and refining your personal light in the world, rather than choosing to imitate another.