A Guide To NOT Accidentally Being Used By Negative
EDIT! I have made a mistake! I intended to make this more easy to receive by portraying things as somewhat external at some points, speaking of things such as StS attacks.
This was a mistake, though! Ultimately, self and other-self are both Self. You are right now the Self, everything is, you cannot escape existence. if you are Self, and Self’s nature is love, then all actions are destined to follow trough as love!
You need not ask “Is faith the truth or not? Is love the reality?” for you can see it with your own eyes! It is, though, a great testament to my limitations that I would write about it as suchr. As you can see, I can make mistakes. Take what I say with as much discernment as you feel necessary!
There are many times in this little odd journey that I could have truly benefited from a resource like this. Once, I kept getting these negative vision/thoughts about others and decided to try loving them and giving them more love. I did not realize the negative was trying to get my attention, my I feeling, my ‘I am’, the only real power that can exist in reality, to power negative thoughts about someone.
I am fairly certain in that period that someone, which I love by the way (grandpa is 100% going to 4D, he is very kind), did feel “a bit” lower.
This pain did not provide any evolutionary impulse, or, charge, if I may. I believe the wish to see this as necessary originates from a view of the laws of karma, the law of giving and receiving in particular.
“I create my reality” is a saying I have tested to mean you can create basically anything, but sometimes you just can’t avoid certain probabilities.
It’s not a matter of your being out of alignment if there is traffic. There are thousands of other humans in your area that are, out of ignorance, manifesting traffic. There is no one at fault, anything that appears to be at fault is ultimately a shadow. When you investigate it’s origin, you find out that there was nothing there.
- Perception Deception
1.1. Power And Corruption of Love - Free Will - Join Us!
- Blitzkrieg
3.5. Bonus! “Take Them To Court!”
3.6. The Fallacy of Pure Self-sacrifice
3.7. Love and Logic
3.8. Defense By Giving Attention To Anything Else
3.9. Nature - A Letter of Love
4,1, Laughter
1. Perception Deception
This is the trick I briefly touched on. When the negative inserts false images of someone into your mind. The priests talking about Jesus as the opposite to the Jews’ Messiah, might be a well-known example.
At one point, in the negative's attempt to stop me, as I had restarted sending love beams and decided to love as a first thing above any other desire, even if it meant complete death and eternal torture, they had no more self-serving cards inside my mind to use as control mechanisms.
1.1. Power And Corruption of Love
The idea of all these tactics is to hit from as many sides as possible at once, and make things appear as hopeless and saddening (I imagine a distortion towards wisdom would lead to an attempt to make things appear meaningless instead) as possible.
I had the experience of despite sending love beams and constantly exhausting my energy, having some entities see me in ways based on energies I had not sent at all.
At first, I kept assuming it was my fault. Which is really the natural conclusion. "What lesson am I not learning?" "Maybe I am trying to make others see me a certain way? Okay, I don't care about that..." "Maybe it is the little remaining desire I have left? (It is a miracle that God gave me a tactic you can use to integrate any desire... otherwise I would have believed this.)".
When things still happened although I was always working on self-awareness, and constant self-examination, I started to become reaaally suspicious, that something was strange (I know it's funny looking at it now, oh how dense I can be~).
2. Free Will - Join Us!
At it’s logical/polarity conclusion, what I am about to present amounts to “Free will is not real, life’s purpose is suffering.”
It is often, to those heroes it is presented to, shown in disguises. “Britain, please join us and the white race will make the world beautiful [It is not beautiful without us].” “Adolf, you love painting and creativity, but these bolsheviks and Christians are against it, you need to fight brother, free will is gained trough strength. You need to fight for Germany, the world’s only true hope against them!”
To quote a magical Japanese show:
Madoka Kaname:
No, this isn’t right, it’s too much for her![…]
If she gives up, it’s over. But you have the power to change this destiny. All this tragedy all this destruction, you can change it if you want. The power to do so lies within you.Madoka Kaname:
I can change it?
This is a case where the semi-negative is actually stabbing itself in the foot by giving power, as most cases I have heard of where the negative tries this go.
I have heard of a case where physical distortions towards non-health could potentially be used too.
So, continuing our discussion, I kept giving love until I had this feeling of hopelessness about things, and fortunately, God guided me, yet again, to experience this belief in the negative in an environment I could not leave because of a limitation the negative had been trying to make.
I thus got my proper choice. Do I want to, feeling like my sense of self was the only real thing in a saddening false world which had little free will and which I felt I had always lied to in trying to love, fully make the switch?
I will not say much about this, except noting that positive truths have very natural translations to the negative, and that it does not operate very differently from seeking love. “Two paths are one.”, Ra might say.
3. Blitzkrieg
The word blitzkrieg is German for "lightning warfare", blitz-krieg, and is most commonly known from the second world war.Then, the German forces advanced into Belgium and sent thousands of refugees westward, slowing the Allied advance.
An area of the French border known as the Ardennes, which was full of swamps and forests, was thought to be impenetrable by the French, and as such they had left the area with relatively weaker defenses.
The Germans saw an opportunity and put everything they had into this push, striking a blow trough the French lines, surrounding the British, French, Belgians and Dutch around the coast, culminating in the escape from Dunkirk.
On the other side, Italy had also declared war, and as the German army had captures large parts of France, including Paris, the French surrendered, general Charles de Gaulle making an attempt to, with 8000 remaining soldiers, form a government in exile and continue the fight.
Germany did not annex all of France, instead occupying the coast and leaving France as a German ally in the south and Africa. This was the case as Hitler’s aim was eventually to invade the Soviet Union, however being at war with Italy, “France”, and Germany, together with the soviets having a non-agression treaty and there being speculations they’d join the Axis from a very few, must have been tiring.
At the same time, German U-boats attempted to sever the link between the island, it’s dominions and Britain’s only great power ally, the USA.
This failed, however, though this war would ultimately expand and devour the lives of tens of millions, and great amounts of joy and positive polarity. What was gained can only be described as choice for man. God did not wish for any to suffer.
“All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers […]”
― François Fénelon
3.5. Bonus! "Take Them To Court!"
When all fails, take them to court. We see this in Harry Potter. I won’t spoil much, but someone is trying to use anything they can to convict Harry guilty and make it so he can’t attend Hogwarts any longer.
Another example might be the prosecution of Jesus. But, sticking to what I can clearly state, I will share with you the most amazing prosecution story in existence, and a final proof that sometimes, no matter how much energy you beam out, and how perfect your self-awareness is, you can’t control the negative and trying to would make you turn negative, ironically.
3.6. The Fallacy of Pure Self-sacrifice
Of course, I did for a while consider that controlling the negative was possible and toyed with the idea once. “Even if I have to lose power, at least it can-” but how much are you going to sacrifice before you can be satisfied?
“Sacrifice 999 lives for 1001?” - to quote from another Japanese tale of a certain brother and sister.
Any form of victory that involves a sacrifice implies that the universe is imperfect [if love is true]. This implies an inevitable end to the happiness [~Incomplete].
“Thus, any form of sacrifice -”
“Is defeat.”
3.7. Love and Logic
Taking ideas to their logical/polarity conclusion is such a useful tool. We think logic is the mainstream scientist, when it’s actually the philosopher marveling at numbers happily, that built humanity up from it’s darkness so often. Logic can be unaware of certain variables, but still…
If you have any questions about this, please ask. I cannot answer without loving questions!
3.8. Defense By Giving Attention To Anything Else
So, what's the story I talked about. Basically alll the demons I still had left inside me, primarily pertaining to self-doubt as some of my potential distortions, suddenly came out, together with a sudden increase in external potential issues.
I tried to just not give it attention, which probably lowered the amount of energy usable for this, but still, things happened. Having to attend a certain place, with any other option being a denial of love trough suicide or running away, it was interesting.
I won’t talk too much about the event in particular, since I don’t want anyone thinking things of the incredibly kind being that took part which was themselves tired (hah, coincidence?).
3.9. Natura
Please take care not to blame yourself too much for everything! Go out in nature if you need help, I promise it is basically the only place that will guide you, together with God.
4. A Letter of Love
Finally, this is for everyone finding their consciousness as I did.
Let no one tell you things such as “You’ll break!” or “You’ll fail!” - Even if the whole world were to see you as evil, trough my healing, I have come to heal all as holding the potential for fourth density.
The fourth density is not sadness, it is not fear (“The only thing to fear is fear itself” - Vedal, creator of AI Neuro) or anger (“Anger is what happens when a goal gets blocked.” - Aaron Abke, teacher of spirit recounts his parents’ words).
We journey on the roads of those forests that are so fun to explore, exploring the Earth with our shaky footsteps! Adventuring. Ultimately, there is not “one universe” you can think of, though their roots may be one.
Indeed, this is a great fallacy, that God is limited to these karmic laws and things. It is all a lie! A beautiful game. Leave behind what thee anoys, ahoy! Ahoy!
4.1. Laughter!
The series Harry Potter has the spell “ridikulus”, for monsters that are not all that powerful but try to take forms that scare you. Think of a funny form for that scary things. The scary teacher wearing a clown hat and dancing, for example. Cast the spell and the monster shall transform (Note: Teacher may cross by exactly as you cast spell on test monster.)
Laughter also saves over time. Not taking things so seriously all the time.