Psychic Attacks


I would love to ask for any practices, or ideas anyone has for not allowing dear entities of a negatively polarized orientation from accessing thoughts and memories, and suggesting temptation.

Now, for anyone reading the thread that thinks they might be going through psychic attacks, I would love to discuss them a little in this thread.

Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks, are, from my experience, the attempt by an entity at a density higher than third to amplify the survival or egoic processes of an entity in the third density. My cat, although anyone else in my life has been a little affected, has oddly enough never really been affected, so, only usually happens very intensely to the third, it seems.

Also, if you spend a lot of time with these negative entities, you begin being able to peak into their thoughts, but you should rather try to ask for the thoughts and wisdom of angels.

You don’t know if what you’re seeing inside the negative entity is naturally happening or if they have constructed an entire narrative for the whole universe that seems coherent with what you know. This has to do with the negative seemingly loving to prey on your feeling that you know it all and that the way you understand reality will not completely change again, and has not completely changed before.

You should never, basically, purely out of good manners, try to “peak” into the thoughts of the negative entity.

The Power of Friendship and Love

To use an example from a famous novel, in the fifth volume/movie of Harry Potter, Voldemort had just returned at the end of the previous volume/movie, but most folks don’t believe it.

The Minister for Magic also doesn’t want to believe it’s true. He’s been convinced that professor Dumbledore is after his job, and wants to become Minister for Magic through spreading fear.

At one point, Harry is walking alone at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and there he encounters someone that was there, spending time with creatures known as Thestrals, which can only be seen by those that have seen death/the death of someone loved.

One of the lines he is told there is “Well… if I were You-Know-Who, I’d want you to feel cut off from everyone else. 'Cause if it’s just you alone… you’re not that much of a threat.”

Being controlled is not service to others, since all is connected!

You Are Genius!

One reason I am posting about such a weird topic is to encourage anyone, whether they have experience with this or not, to have faith in their truth this year.

It has taken me a little too long to realize that I was slowly lead into a box of forgetting what the past had actually held and feeling little to no love for anything.

If not for watching, online, something I believed was best suited to love, I would have probably decided, logically, using what I knew at the time, that the universe was hopeless.

i would even go as far as to say that you make the universe. Who made all the laws, and things we have today?

If you really want it badly enough, you should be able to discover some new way.

If an individual soul keeps part of their being behind, surely the original creator, or the logos, perhaps, will help, since we know it is infinite love - just believe this one always. I questioned it for you and reached this conclusion for anyone that’s curious through months of confusion and exploring, without ever acting on it, fortunately, darkness.

To conclude this bit: “Everything Is Genius!”

Desire & Control

The trick about desire isn’t that you can’t stop, but it’s that if you make one mistake, the ego will convince you that you don’t deserve any friendship or unity.

Honestly, looking back, I believe in a manner that is quite foolish, I only speak here because I have managed to, through it all, somehow reach 99-100% positive polarization.

I always looked online and felt like when someone said something imperfect it made them no longer spiritually reliable to most folks.

Of course, that I decided to adapt to a standard I didn’t believe in shows a certain ignorance, but seriously! I have done it, and…

It’s a horrible idea!

Also, the Confederation doesn’t need someone on Earth to sacrifice themselves to squeeze out a few drops of wisdom to help the planet.

Although I am happy about spending a few hours writing an “energy book” for any alien friends that want to learn about Earth, I feel like I made more than a few projections out of an imbalance as a prerequisite, on the road to writing that book.

I am happy about it all, but - uhhh… it’s like selfishness for most humans - sometimes you want to move on from something you used to enjoy (half the time).

At least, as a side effect, maybe someone’s higher self will like to lead someone to this thread, and hopefully this serves to annoy Voldemort a bit.

Honesty is important. Of course, besides “Everything is Genius!” (in 4th density, time, anything can become anything - mystery - magic) and “Everything is connected, so don’t get enslaved, dummy!”, a third rule I recommend is:

“Don’t Conquer The World”

Literally, I find this the best way to express it. Your goal is to be honest, but aim for making your honest self peaceful.

You have to love truth more so than you do honesty for honesty to be protected from anything.

It is like a doll. Honesty prevents love for the genius of life from burning out, and truth brings the two of them into balance. I used to believe “aiming for truth” was a far-off Enlightenment-like virtue, but it really is simple.

“Don’t Conquer The World.” and you need no ego.


Postscript: Please, whenever you’re reading this, be jolly. If you don’t spend at least a few days a year intending to be childlike for a few hours a day, when are you going to do it?

Once, someone taught me that programming languages evolve after their programmers. So do holidays evolve after you. You make reality.

Keep the intention going, and you can change anything. The angels are with you. Even when you seem to be unable to create, you can change, and often, that change will actually involve a self of yours that already had that strength and power, though you may be forgetting that.

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It seems like a topic discussed a zillion
times in a zillion ways. Maybe lending
press to inferior things helps manifest
them. Let’s give press in ways
improving the world.

Don’t take anything personally, forgive
others, extend mercy, strive to compassion.
Be loving kind in better chance loving kindness
finds you, like a golden rule.

Drink water may help so many things.
Breathe in ways expanding bliss.
Eat stuff that supports good vibrations.
Exercise in some way that’s fun and full of stoke.
Refuse to be a victim, be a victor instead.
Surround yourself with trusted guardians.


Wonderful. Truly, love in all things is protection.
I love your beautiful poetry, by the way, my friend. On a little side note from the topic, I’ve always admired poetry, and seeing that awesome style in threads you’ve written has actually inspired me to use that lyrical fashion more. Thank you.

I hope you have a wonderful, awesome day, and thank you also for contributing to this discussion with this amazing energy and creativity.


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(post deleted by author)


You don’t have to delete that post!

If I may, I hope it isn’t really really annoying that someone is replying to a deleted post.

I appreciate your answer.

It should be fine if I answer since this reply is made with non-admonishing intentions, right???

I kind of come to the spiritual journey that we all realize exists - this new dimension of reality -

From a bit of a childlike viewpoint.

I have decided to mention this sometimes to folks, I believe we can help anyone, even if they are an adult trying to use others, but the more time I spend on a spiritual path I realize you might just sometimes not want to try and help someone, most of all since the Internet is - I have discovered, after spending a while without it - really really really messy these days.

Q’uo wrote something I have verified over and over, the only difference in today’s culture is that attention is traded for profit.

T h a t ’ s - a - p r e t t y - b i g - d i f f e r e n c e - !

My love, these days at least, for the unconventional style I am using, is since, I dunno, I guess my actual age doesn't allow for many of the experiences some folks have, and for one reason or another I have always found current education and society strange.

Yes, this is why I wanted to reply, even if this was deleted, I truly love it when folks are passionate online!

One of my biggest dreams is to see the creation of Internet environments that feel much more dynamic, like face to face.

One idea would be using the existing MMORPG design, which a lot of folks on the Internet already really have shown they’d love.

Another idea I love is the idea of open-source academies.

If you think about it, this forum is like an open-source academy and interface for community.

So, now on to replying to the points, I wanted to note this part about age and my appreciation for honesty first, though, wafasfaf, I believe you noted something really amazing about what a psychic attack is: “Not entirely true. It is an attempt to reshape mind/body/spirit complex of entity or social memory complex in such a way as to suit the “attacker”.”

I find that so amazing because it makes it less about you, which is really useful for these situations.

I’d like to also add more of what I’ve found works for any negative matters (since it’s beyond negativity, though it can freely look at it), it’s infinite abundance!

I truly believe that human nature is really amazing.

Humans don’t need managing, controlling, etc.

And of course, all the other implications of infinite abundance, but the importance of what we might call management vs. inspiration I feel is glossed over sometimes in spiritual circles.

The ideas of Indian gurus like “Enlightenment happens by itself” is really, to me at this point, just a pointer to “human nature”.

Admiral Thomas Cochrane, whom I find to be a really inspiring figure, helped with his naval command ability and daring bring about the independence of -Chile; -Brazil; -Peru, although after having run-ins with the dictator of Peru, who wanted to even skirt paying him, after making himself dictator, he may have raided a ship carrying the Peruvian treasury, and he may have had run-ins with Brazil's king also -

Point is, I still kind of dream of a world where human life itself is just - really like “playing a game”, or even better, like going on adventures.

If I had a mountain nearby, I bet you I’d cite hiking here!

Anyways, yes, for anyone that feels like they experience limitation and, as numerology websites call it in such an awesome way, persecution -

Remember that everything in the world has it’s beauty and meaning and purpose, really, I’d say, although I believe acts of evil aren’t some kind of divine action, but more not intelligent.

And, I really believe human life is also about passion, my friends.

I've gotten to see a lot of folks calling others insane, folks the world would believe "unfixable!" become amazing.
I was in a kind of phase last year where I believed you could put everyone into Mathematical categories and "oh, these are the [...]" but -


I'd like to contribute this to the discussion, Infinite Abundance.

I like to use this affirmation, while focusing on feelings, which are great barometers for thought, right, the subtle, dream world, runs on it, I have found: “I renounce all belief in lack.” and “I affirm that I am infinite abundance in the Universe.”

The last part, “in the Universe”, acts as a kind of portal for the energy we’ve just built up to be channeled out into creation.

It’s kind of like “breathing out”.

Really, words are like magic.

If anyone wants any protective words, by the way, for any situation, and they find this thread, feel free to ask!

Also, I wanted to address one more part of the original message, yes, I am cheating and getting it from emails!

On my noting having 99-100% positive polarization, I kind of had to at the time convince myself of that.

Now I’d be a lot less interested in these things, since I’ve learned from experience that I prefer just believing in everyone from the start, even if I were a demonic entity I’d pray I could still be taken in God’s arms, still, and the world around me could help, and I don’t really feel so off about that.

Thank you for pointing that out.

Finally, yes, "Don't conquer the world, and you need no ego." and "You make reality. Keep the intention going, and you can change anything." definitely sound contradictory.

I go to school, though, and I’ve found that, if the purpose of human life, of being able to have an experience, is just to suffer enough you surrender to God, that doesn’t sound like spiritual awakening.

I hope I am not going too far off, this is just my experience with believing they are contradictory.

My interpretation, and of course, this is just so, my interpreting it, seems to be that making human life fun and interesting isn't exactly service to self.

The way I got to that is that I don’t believe the Creator needs a blood sacrifice, or, having you be selfish, just so you can be loving.

These are a bit old Christian notions that were really helpful from some folks.

The Law of One uses a lot of terminology like “Armor of Light”, which comes from Saint Augustine, but I kind of believe that a more humanist philosophy would be helpful for today.

Humanist philosophy kind of says: “Let’s make life on Earth awesome first.”

This is what the Enlightenment was kind of about, Renaissance, Enlightened despotism (which is still despotism, so then you have the revolutions that came later).

The spirit of the strong needing to win out seems to have emerged though to the forefront, control consciousness, scarcity, struggle, we need to be strong to go through life consciousness.

Right, the same kind of religious anger that lead to Jesus’s being crucified as “Wrong! We need a Jewish militaristic Messiah!”

The idea that humans can be mistaken and need changing, or that life needs to be a battle has hurt us a lot over time, and one example of that is obviously Hitler's "Mein Kampf", "My Struggle".

I like to think of it by looking at many Historical examples like Jesus’s cruxifiction, “Yes! Let his blood be on our hands! And our children’s hands! And our children’s children’s hands!” - and so on -

— But even without that, looking at the 20th century, communism is also based in “life needing to be a struggle”, though it’s minus the belief that one race and identity needs to at least be on top over the inferior ones.

This belief in a racial struggle for hegemony lead Nazi Germany, and the belief in a struggle against empires and everyone needing to believe in the common cause lead Japan, and later Communist China, in a sense, though I haven't studied the CCP well enough quite to know for sure.

Basically, trying to control others and manipulate others, and make others right to this day hurts us.

If you will allow me, both the idea of a “mental illness” that suddenly takes you over, and of illness in general is itself a bit weird.

Suddenly, a second power from God's power appears and somehow does this forcing, victimizing, of your body and wreaks havoc, and you need to go to this external authority, then, of course, there's no other way, magically, to change things, except going to a Western doctor.


This is actually helpful if you feel you experience psychic attacks, no entity can make you sick except through changing your thinking and eating, I believe, at least to some extent.

I am willing to lick the ground [of my home, there still is such a thing as Chemistry and I don't know what's on the streets] to prove that I won't get sick without -

I’d love to talk more about this, it’s a law you aren’t taught in school, the law of Synchronization with the Environment.

It’s one big base for something called Terrain Theory, which is an alternative to Germ Theory in medicine.

I guess I’ll say it, nevermind!

I like it when folks aren’t obtuse and just tell me everything quick quick!

So, do you guys know what happens when a lot of women get together?


Their menstrual cycles link up - they synchronize - correct.

So, the same would happen if my house was a microwave.

If you come into my microwave house, I’d probably get sick, and you’d probably get sick.

It’s not because the microwaves are “bad” or “evil”. It’s like ingested lead from tap water, the lead isn’t bad or evil, it’s just not what God created our bodies from.

In the same way, microwave radiation just wouldn’t resonate with our spectrum - it’d be lower, and cause a decrease in cellular voltage, most likely, and thus other factors too which we’ll discuss shortly (this is why I was hesitant to start talking about this - It’s such a big topic!)

If everyone on these forums came to my microwave house not everyone would get sick, but some folks are, and they’d then say: “You horrible person! You gave us microwave sickness, you should’ve worn a mask!”

It's actually the environment, the terrain, that gave the sickness, because our bodies and energy fields synchronize with the environment.

I know this better than anyone else, attending school, a fixed environment, while continuing to aim for truth, or even if you just go on the street, there’s places you feel really light near nature, or places where there’s just cars, noise, etc.

We synchronize to our environment, again, in part because we are all connected.

So, I’d like to give one more interesting example of how sickness isn’t caused by some second power, the virus, the misfortune of the virus’s hurting us.

Firefighting classes used to teach, I’ve heard - I don’t know if they still do - that below 90% oxygen saturation you should take patients, in, let’s say, a burning house, to the hospital.

If you put a device on your hand and measure the oxygen saturation - I’m forgetting the name of the device - you will find that if you wear a mask it drops to 90% in one minute.

I just wanted to note this, since I kind of wonder if the pandemic wasn’t just made by some folks in power that understood this stuff, and knew that it’d appear to folks like it happened exactly as they intend everyone to see.

I don’t know enough about this, though. I’d love to hear what everyone believes about that.

To return all the way back to our discussion about creating reality, and intentions, my approach to non-dual ideas and the like is to try and change things.

I don’t believe that God would, if God could speak to us, say: “Hey, my brother, you sit here in the education system for a while, that’s your soul contract, then you work a job, then you have a spiritual awakening when I want you to at 30.”

God is within everyone, so I kind of believe in taking care of everyone’s wishes and believing in them.

I don’t have any issues with your reply, though, and I really love it when different perspectives come together.

Please give me more…

Just because someone has a tougher lifetime, or an easier lifetime, and is rich, that doesn’t necessarily need to make them better, unless we choose to see each other like that.

It’s all about, I finally get why Ra uses “brothers and sisters” in their wording after over 2 years, we’re all equal!

Egalite. Liberte. Fraternite.

It’s actually amazing, then you see, the U.S.A. government also has 3 branches.

I kind of wonder if the founding fathers tried to make each of these branches act under the core laws of reality.

The judicial in democracy takes care of free will and culture, if you think about it, then the executive of love and community, and community interfacing, and action, and the legislative primarily of light and expression, discussion.

Anyways, this is all a very messy response, since I am really mystified by a lot of things as we talk now, but I hope this is a nice help for anyone.

One more thing, actually, if anyone feels tempted by ideas of lack and worry and needing to make things happen with power, what Ra might call “social power”, I guess one thing I’ve found helpful is getting the Law of Attraction more.

The Law of Attraction is actually a mechanism through which the Universe, or, I beileve, your higher self, brings you the right experiences for your evolution/fun (not different things, goshdan-!), based on your changes in character and actions.

A.k.a. the Law of Attraction is loving!

It’s a pointer to the natural to you.

I called it “human nature” before.

In a sense, a kind of surrender that’s broader than the physical or energy, though including anything and everything, to your self, to your beauty, is everyone’s right.

Adventure, mystery, curiosity, emptiness, if you want it, anything you want - you can get them whatever age.

If I haven't *checked out* though I even in kindergarten, at 5, remember, that - if I had to phrase it - since folks were loud and it seemed really limited - I cried that I didn't want to go to kindergarten anymore.
And, I have actually had a lot of times where things did go well, and so on.

Finally, if anyone is feeling really really lost, as I did, around September, finding something or someone, doesn’t have to be someone you speak with, something or someone that you just want to be happy no matter what, or a seeking for truth that you just don’t want to give up on.

– Yes, that’s probably the best protection you can find from negativity, dis-empowerment, and lies of any kind.

– Soup’s comment has nice ideas, but if you want them phrased in my way more, that’s the last two paragraphs and this whole text, in actuality.

Believe in humanity - music at the streetlights as the key to world peace (dance and music at home will help you lots) - feeling all feelings.

Recently I discovered one more thing, while feeling just tired, anything you can feel in your inner world is an emotion, save for love, and the Universe, which are a beautiful world beyond the veil of concepts.

The veil of concepts is nice, but not so nice.

Also, one more thing I’ve heard that is interesting, on meditation and sexuality, this is really - really super-duper amazing:

Oh, and I won’t stop pestering everyone about it, since it’s just such an awesome metaphor, and historical event, happy 80 years and 1 day since D-Day!

Edit: One more thing, since the current Internet is really a bit strange, I will probably not be using it so much, so dunno when I'll reply.

Also, added a bit of spacing with
s (that’s how you do it, right???)

Edit 2: /br>s + an extra “<” before the “/br>s”

Edit 3: Eh???

Apparently the account of the someone I was actually replying to, Kain, is, reading another post about this that’s in the recents at this time, deleted, and it’s messages are deleted?


Anyways, yes, if this is confusing, my friend, I may or may not have replied to the wrong someone, but I’ll still leave this here, and I’d love to hear everyone’s views on all of this!

L/L Research has provided some introductions to protective magical rituals, which can be found at the link Rituals - L/L Research. Among them, my personal favorites are the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and Circle of One. Additionally, Carla explained how to handle Psychic Greetings during the Channeling process, and Jim even demonstrated the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram live on stage. You can refer to this link for more information: February 9, 2008 - Channeling Intensive 1, Session 5 - L/L Research

I hope this can help


This use of language may imply things that
might carry meaning which may not be accepted
as reality for some people who have never had
a psychic experience, so psychic phenomena
may simply seem paranormal hocus pocus.
Assuming a person has awakened psychically,
they may be hyper sensitive in some way that
psychic injury is not only perceptible, but may
degrade quality of life in some way warranting
psychic protection. Psychic discernment is
needed to distinguish injurious thought forms
with cold feelings indicating the presence of
a negative, from say other stuff that might also
be psychically perceived. The idea is negatives
may pose some incompatibility with positives
for some stages of evolution, so it’s better to
give them space for some workings. The skill
of displacing heavy psychic energies can be
practiced during astrological transits using
things like Puja, Metta Prayer, and Mantra.

At some point there’s the idea that love
displaces fear, as if people in a fearless
state tend to be more level headed and
make better decisions than those in a
fearful state. A fearful state can be that
which is STS manipulated to be a more
stupid state, where decisions may not
go as favorably as in a loving state.

Furthermore, a loving state may be a
more laminar flow state from which to
create from, as opposed to a turbulent
state, depending upon the artistic
expression desired.

I reflect that STS may operate a lesser
degree of heart center love, however
there may be some seductive quality
of cognitive beauty which disguises that.
Hence, a degree of psychic discernment
seems appropriate - can one tell the