Will we ever truly experience Unity/Infinity?

I had this thought yesterday, and I believe I might have a bit of a solution to it but I’d like to hear others opinions on it.

We are technically doomed to exist— there is no possibility or sense of not existing. Thus in this way, existence (God) can be said to be non-dual, because the duality of existence doesn’t technically exist; it’s a coin with only one side.

I think I have become confused in some way when considering the Law of One’s concept of octaves. To my understanding of the process of Creation, Infinity is intelligent, which is aware, which then has free will to think it isn’t infinite/united, which then creates the illusion with light, which then organizes itself into the universe we see now. The Logos (Love; the creative principal that comes from free will) comes before the creation of time, and thus moves in spontaneity. This meaning that it was both inevitable and eternal that Infinity has the free will to experience finiteness and separation.

In an octave, all which exists is stripped down to pure existence, then works its way back up through movement, decision, understanding, wisdom, balance, and finally perfection in the 7th density. HOWEVER, once the end of the 7th density is reach, which is sometimes referred to as the 8th density, the next octave will begin, and the illusion of separation and finiteness is reintroduced.

So in this way, we will never truly reach unity and infinity, because once we reach the end, we simply start over in the next octave, and onwards for eternity.

I try to be objective when asking this, though I can’t help but semi-depressingly think “We are doomed to never experience true unity and infinity for all eternity, but to instead hopelessly/futilely evolve and evolve just to never get anywhere; like trying to count to infinity”.

I think feelings of doom and doubt can
indicate some tuning issue, or play as
contrast to other perspectives.

Someone pitched an idea tte other day
that we embody reference frames and
they infinitely vary but are likely to be
in some degree dependant on thoughts.

So if thoughts are quieted, how does
that impact our reference frame(s), do
they simplify or evaporate?

What if secretly we create a reference
frame that is all densities overlapping
all at once, couldn’t that reference
frame be used to observe things
differently? Maybe it would be like
stacking an octave’s worth of reference
frames and peering through them.