Maybe it can be said, but that might not make it true.
Since healing and unity goes hand in hand. I would say that our shadow side is only fully “healed” when we become all/whole again in 7d.
In the meantime, the (self) exploration continues.
Maybe it can be said, but that might not make it true.
Since healing and unity goes hand in hand. I would say that our shadow side is only fully “healed” when we become all/whole again in 7d.
In the meantime, the (self) exploration continues.
I wonder if this has to do with balancing Love & Wisdom, balancing caring for the person or people involved with, ahem, holding a mirror up to them, as it were, to reflect truth back to them?
From that same quote (74.11):
The third step is that step which, when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able to know and accept other-selves.
Yes, I’m sure it’s a big job, but how good that must feel!
I don’t get that feeling, myself, if by “shadow” you’re referring to unprocessed personal emotions. I expect Ra has gotten past that in 6D and I expect Hatonn in 4D has as well. What they are working on, as I grasp it, is not what is hidden, per se, but the ramification of the subtleties involved with creative expression of what is and what can be.
I am referring to the Creator as a whole. For example, part of the Creator that is STS, some parts will not stop being STS until Unity is sought once more. We ALL have this inside of us, since each of us is the Creator in full. If we accept that part, but that part is still rejecting us, then we are not whole/healed again. In 7d, in timelessness, we reach that point where ALL is whole/healed again.
I guess I shouldn’t state that one couldn’t master the personal shadow. It’s certainly far from a futile effort and perhaps one could attain a certain mastery over steps 1 & 2.
Yes I guess i never looked at it in that way. You could look at The Creator splitting it’s own infinite nature as shadow work. Each Logos being a different element of “Self” to be integrated.
I could see how there would be love and wisdom involved with the healthy integration of an Archetype. I guess when dealing with a shadow element, there is almost a distinct lack of these elements. When I first noticed this Archetype acting in the shadows, I was able to identify how it acted through a desired outcome. This was more of a function of an element of the ego that wanted something, and when that desire became illusive, so did I. The recognition sort of knocked me on my butt, realizing I wasn’t acting through love.
And so I continue this work. Each time I identify and overcome parts of myself I feel myself staying longer in the state of Oneness. It’s like sometimes, when I’m heavily invested in the moment, I forget about my true origins as an intimate part of The One. It’s hard to say in those moments if I’m Doing or Being. But it’s all my work, whether the application is momentary, or later upon reflection. My ultimate goal is to be able to bask in Unity in every present moment experience. What a thought!
Each time I identify and overcome parts of myself I feel myself staying longer in the state of Oneness.
Maybe you are actually properly integrating those parts instead of overcoming them. You give them their proper place and role in your own story so that it fits well with the rest instead of causing undue distortions.
Hey, Ronin can you do me a quick favor?
If you see Buddha on the side of the road could you please kill him for me?
If we accept that part, but that part is still rejecting us, then we are not whole/healed again.
Yes, but I’m not so sure it works that way. Once our “creatorhood” is well developed, I expect we will have the ability to, within ourselves, bring those areas into unity so that they are no longer rejecting us. I expect that this type of self searching is a major source of catalyst in the upper densities. And–I seem to be on a roll here–I would go one step further to say that a 6D entity dropping down to 3D could be doing exactly that kind of work here, that is, the subtle work of healing internal self division.
Wouldn’t it feel better to contribute in ways which might be generous and helpful instead of creating stink bombs?
within ourselves, bring those areas into unity so that they are no longer rejecting us.
Yes and all these seemingly parallel happenings such as: bringing those areas into unity within ourselves, “them” releasing polarity in 6d and those areas no longer rejecting the rest. All these are the same event. The same event but told from different perspectives.
Hey Mr.Mirror! Love and Light lol.
Yeah I think stink bombs are unnecessary with you guys, in a way I’m my most self on this forum than at any other time but I digress.
So, first let me apologize for the miscommunication as it is always a two way street, no matter how you look at it.
But anyway “If you see the Buddha on the side of the road, kill him” is an oooold oooold phrase. There’s a book with this title that’s pretty good about just a more balanced way to counsel individuals.
So, a long time ago there was this Chinese monk who made that statement to one of his students and the point he was making to that statement was that we would never find the Buddha because the stage of enlightenment where we think the Buddha sits is an on going lifestyle, and therefore anyone claiming to have reached that final level…just may wanna think about that a little more -smile-.
The other lesson to that statement was that you also would never be able to find the Buddha to kill him because the Buddha is inside, within us.
-shrug- I don’t know…I guess when I typed that I just thought maybe you’d understand what I was saying and I’ll do better with communicating in the future.
Again I’m sorry for coming across like I was speaking in bad-faith, I really do care for you guys.
But its a lesson learned about communication for me and I’m pretty sure you won’t have that issue out of me in the future.
Okay, sad story over. Have fun! Lol
For example, part of the Creator that is STS, some parts will not stop being STS until Unity is sought once more.
I remember reading from Quo material that once the STS entity reached the 6th density, it will be more positive than those who took the STO path to reach 6th density. It has ‘more motivation’ than the “STO native” to do the work of unconditional love. But I seems to forgot which date of channeling to quote it here.
Having said that, ‘accepting’ the negative / STS part of ours is indeed the difficult part.
once the STS entity reached the 6th density, it will be more positive than those who took the STO path to reach 6th density.
I can attest to that. At least that is how I’m experiencing it.
‘accepting’ the negative / STS part of ours is indeed the difficult part.
I find that studying accounts of Near Death Experiences helps a great deal with that.
It is often described how we incarnate in teams and we take roles of perpetrator and victims.
It helps people who committed hard crimes to forgive themselves and it helps the victims to realize that they are not really victims.
But of course, a great deal of discernment is required while studying those accounts. Yet I find it very useful.
Found it
Graduation to sixth density is very difficult for the negative polarity, for sixth density is the density of unity. When negative entities reach the point in sixth density at which they fully understand the lessons of sixth density, that is, that all things are One, they find that their negative path is at an end, they are at a standstill, unable to evolve one iota more. Using every bit of determination, will and faith that they have, they cause themselves to switch polarity in order that they may go on evolving. This seems at the time to be a service-to-self choice, for one thing that may be said of all densities is that there is an undeniable drive towards evolution.
However, when the negative entity has switched polarity, it quickly discovers the sweetness of its choice. It must review a great deal of material it has missed, but it is the convert that is more fervent, if anything, than the one who has always been positive. It is the most positive of positive entities, the most loving, the most desirous of service, for it knows that it has finally discovered the truth that will continue its evolution.
Therefore, you see that of which we shall speak in a moment must be seen against a backdrop of a great length of time, and, indeed, in sixth density is not the end of learning, for those in sixth density study and perfect the combining of compassion and wisdom, until compassionate wisdom has been grasped to an acceptable point, and the final lessons of egolessness and foreverness begin to be yearned for, to be learned, and so there is another graduation into the density of foreverness.
The question this evening concerns UFO abductions. UFO abductions are occurring at an increasing rate in this country, and much is written about these “gray” entities who seem to do most of the abducting. Not only do the people who experience these...
To answer the query “why so few of us seems to be doing so directly?”
with respect to confusion;
Can/has not a focus increasingly grown/growing in seeking to understand the innerness of Self in response to the seeking of Self from without (climate change,energy, scarcity ).
Hey Mr.Mirror!
No worries. Thanks for the self reflection–as it were. That is, thanks for your comment.
Can/has not a focus increasingly grown/growing in seeking to understand the innerness of Self in response to the seeking of Self from without (climate change,energy, scarcity )…
If I understand this (??), in a previous edition of your response you were commenting that the LLR group has always had an “outside looking inward” perspective on the human experience rather than a deeply inward perspective which looks outwardly. If that’s what you’re saying, I would certainly agree with that. I’m not aware that any of them meditating into deep, transcendent states of being (execpt for Jim’s brain orgasms). Nor am I aware of any of them working directly in collusion with spirit beings to do work in spirit, beyond general things such as the banishing ritual or with the channeling. So, that’s a very good point in regards to the OP of this thread.
And yet, to me, it appears to be a short step from working with spirit entities to channel spiritual information to doing the sort of work noted in the OP. But, I suppose that the process of preparing oneself to do this is different from the process of preparing oneself to do channeling?
in a previous edition of your response you were commenting that the LLR group has always had an “outside looking inward” perspective
Yes I had placed that in my previous edtion and took it out, out of “respect”.
I suppose that the process of preparing oneself to do this is different from the process of preparing oneself to do channeling?
I am with you in the observation that channeling/meditating with the higher Self (becoming the instrument) is a form of both direct/indirect and indirect/direct work touching on the OP.
I searched for Buddha and found this thread. The Dhammapada roots in the feet of Buddha’s teachings.
So I read that and came out with these, a sort of sand in the toes of the feet. I was searching for oracles.
Buddha Bits
love flowing strong
hatred and blame
wearing divinity
in desecration
or in reverence
reflecting minds
deflecting as
roofs repel rains
mourning of evil
delighting of virtue
a personal choice
to advance
to rejoice
many paths
one proven
of ample joy
climbing heights
a mountain of wisdom
obtaining serenity
unable to turn back
approaching perfection
an earnest way
steadily working
straight - those
crooked thoughts
a wild mind
guarded, tamed
bringing happiness
an astral traveler
of the heart
living freely
protecting fragility
with knowledge
conquering temptation
a path of virtue
available like finding
the right flower
living as
bees collect nectar
words without action
as sad as
flowers without scent
living virtuous
as wearing a perfume
among fools by
being solitary
identifying oneself
as wise - a fool
but as fool - wiser
bitter fruit
born by way of
faulty understanding
without repent
nor any crying
a deed well done
leaving darkness
free of trouble
owning nothing
grounded in knowledge
without clinging
acting truly free
a sage amidst
blame and praise
a virtuous person
not wishing success
by unfair means
from unhappiness
finding a better way
appearing worthless
yet enjoying Nirvana
as if birds in air
becoming quiet
a hint of freedom
by true knowledge
wherever venerable
people dwell
it is delightful
just one word
enough truth
to become quiet
to conquer oneself
as to become the
greatest conqueror
one day reflecting
better than
100 years ignorant
work to see
the highest law
the immortal place
simple happiness
the outcome
of goodness
drop by drop
as a pot filling
full of goodness
evil as poison
as things
to be avoided
blows back upon
the offender
not found by
punishing others
harsh words
in similar way
nothing can purify
one who is overcome
with desire
beware of
inflicting pain on
the innocent and harmless
surrounded by darkness
seek a light
find laughter and joy
proper discipline
avoiding disappointment
good virtue
lives away from
approaching Nirvana
with an extinction
of all desires
watching oneself
holding oneself dear
to our duty
purity and impurity
belong to oneself
obtained by oneself
good deeds
beneficial yet
difficult to do
the virtuous
resting in bliss
aroused without idle
the best thing
the reward for first
steps in holiness
swans upon the path
of the sun
with miraculous power
good deeds brightening
as a moon
freed from the clouds
the awakened
as trackless
beyond conquest
without desires
nor snares nor poisons
to lead astray
the fully awakened
delight in the
destruction of desire
simply teaching
to do good and
to purify the mind
dwell happily among
hate, ailing, greed
don’t entangle in it
owning nothing
as bright gods
fed on happiness
a gift of health
and total trust
follow therefore
as the moon follows
a path of stars
born of contrast
in experience
the world
holding dear
the virtuous
un-bewildered in love
as carried upwards
by a stream
having gone afar
so long and then
saluted on return
not attached
to name nor form
as without suffering
brake the anger
stop that chariot as
a real driver does
there seems nobody
upon the earth
without blame
beware of anger
in its myriad forms
practice virtue instead
blown away as
entering heaven
food and drink shared
without a fret by
one who finds rest
blind to faults
rarely offended as
closer to bliss
outward acts
alone as illusory
path through air
non violent
by law and equity
call it just
an elder beyond
superficial gray
truly respectable
weigh both sides
take the balance
choose the good
elect, with pity on
all living creatures
watchful speech
restrained mind/body
opening a wise way
forms of illusion
seen passive in pain
on way to purity
an infantile love
as if a calf
milking its mother
an autumn lotus
cut, cherishing
peaceful roads
causing pain to
gain pleasure but
entangled in hatred
we steadfastly
do what ought
to be done
the disciples always
well awake with
thoughts set on all
people shining
from far away—
the snowy mountains
saying that
which is not -
an evil deed
careless acts
broken vows -
little rewards
some deeds
left undone
to avoid repent
false doctrine -
a downward course
silently enduring
abuse as if
a tamed elephant
draw out of evil
as an elephant
sunk in mud
a wandering mind
held steady as if
a furious elephant
bound, not eating
longing for
the elephant grove
thirsty monkey
seeking fruit
our sufferings
falling off us
repelled droplets
spiders web
left behind us
cut free
weeds damaging fields
feeling rewarded
when their gone
in restraint
well controlled
to delight inward
receive little
without despise -
worthy of praise
act with kindness
calmly reach
that quiet place
enter the empty
house, happy
in that clarity
26a) holy
stop what’s made
to understand that
which wasn’t
sun by day
moon by night
always bright
enjoy pleasure
without injury
where pain ceases
regard highly -
unshackle free
from attachment
26b) whole
deep knowledge
known direction
going higher
a mustard seed
dropping off
a needle’s point
traversing that
impassable, reaching
the other shore
to know, to see
to reach the end
all perfect