Group Mind Emerging

We’re not there yet, but I find this little snippet of a session encouraging. I imagine that it takes some serious collaboration with one’s deeper self to be a part of such a group-to-group experience.

OCT 1, 2006

Interestingly enough, when a certain amount of the awareness of a planetary group of people such as yourselves reaches a critical mass of consciousness, the people themselves, from their deep unconscious minds, begin to collaborate without knowing in their conscious minds that they are doing so. The result of these collaborations is a tear or a break in the continuity of the illusion of consensus reality. And in that hiatus, images may appear that bring forward into outer expression the hopes, the dreams, and the fears of an entire culture or population of a planet.


I’ve been wondering along similar lines myself. What started me thinking was the idea of morphic fields (Sheldrake).

Indeed, the Richmond Meditation Circle received a message yesterday that seems to align with this (not published yet):

…the glory of the new age, the birth of Gaia in the fourth density, is not something that needs a harbinger or a vanguard, but instead will simply become obvious to each mind/body/spirit complex as the yellow ray matrix continues to wobble and cause such dislocation, such chaos, and such opportunity for letting go of what one thinks one is.

To me this “mass subconscious coordination” is akin to “sympathetic resonance.” We generally think of evolving to fourth density as some sort of outward actions we would take that would evince it, but maybe the very faculty of social memory that is emerging has its beingness in the subconscious, where the coordination cannot be proven. Maybe fourth density always sprouts up in some ways orthogonal to–or even in spite of–third density patterns of relating.

The wonderful thing about this theory is that it doesn’t require political alignment, and if that’s true, then thank God for that.


I listen to several podcasts that feature a variety of channelers, mediums, as well as balanced out with scientists ranging from biologists to quantum physicists. A very common theme I’m hearing in the past few months is that as a collective species we are on an upward trajectory and that as more and more individuals achieve a higher frequency they are helping to boot strap the entire human species into the next phases of our evolution. If it was just one person saying that it would be one thing, but this message is being repeated over and over by people from varying backgrounds, ethnicities, education levels, etc. One could argue it’s some form of mass delusion, but like anything and everything else I say use your own discernment. I can only say this this concept resonates with me and that I do believe we are in the process of a massive shift.