What is emotion?

30.2 The mind is a complex which reflects the inpourings of the spirit and the
up-pourings of the body complex. It contains what you know as feelings,
emotions, and intellectual thoughts in its more conscious complexities.

99.7 The Significator [of mind] owns a covenant with the spirit which it shall in
some cases manifest through the thought and action of the adept.

To my experiences and discoveries, emotion is momentum. Perhaps confusion is momentum in differing directions.

Editing to elaborate: specifically, angular momentum.

Trying to understand your reply, not sure if such question is appropriate: Is emotion/momentum caused by inconsistency of the system?

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I would say it is caused by desire and intent; awareness. I apologize as I have difficulty verbalizing these less tangible concepts, which have most often come to me conceptually in meditation and validated through experience and contemplation.

I wholeheartedly recommend exploring Oxal’s channeling in the archives. Additionally, I made a post that may be of interest: The Nature of the Universe and the Relationship Between the Physics of ‘Reality’ and the One Reality

Edit: Perhaps considering emotions in the context of alignment may help, while picturing Indra’s Net. It is hard to maintain harmony with the whole with misaligned momentum. One may try and bring, either willingly or forcefully, others along for their ride – but ultimately, we are One. One being, one momentum, in unity.

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