What does Service to Others really entail?

The ONE is a mystery to Ra even, so I probably have a long time till realizing that. 7th density I think is where you start to realize the infinite love of Creator.

I almost can’t wait to get to 7th density. 3D Life is tiring. But it’s also inspiring.

I wonder if Ra is at rest.


Hey @AnthroHeart

I wanted to share with you that I’ve been feeling a little bothered by some of your posts lately, and I’m trying to understand why. I think it might be because the subject matter is something that I hold as very sacred and meaningful, and sometimes it feels like it’s not being treated with the same level of seriousness. It almost feels like you’re just casually writing in your personal journal and sharing it with everyone. I just wanted to share my feelings with you.

It took a long time to write this.

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That’s a valid sentiment.
I normally don’t like to share pictures of anthros, but people ask what they are.

My question was valid about what service to others really entails. I took it very seriously, often worrying.

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My Intuition spoke to me today and asked me to ponder the concepts: Service to Self and Service to Others. It was an interesting study as was the string of thoughts that resulted.

I guess I instinctively approached it from the view point of a teacher of young adults, obviously as a secondary school teacher for many years, it seemed an appropriate beginning. The main reason for thinking about this at all, was a message from a member of the group “ Intuition – A Voice of the Higher Self” on another forum, that questioned how to best think of these approaches.

The voice/thought said “dichotomy”, and at first I thought, “Where did that word come from”?

I know I’d heard the word, most likely read the word in a book or heard someone use it in a conversation, but why did it pop into my head? I’ve seldom used it in a sentence.

So I looked it up…… and, what did I see? “A division or contrast between two things that are, or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.” and……… “A partition of a whole into two parts” In Botany it was described as “repeated branching into two equal parts.”

Now that was interesting. So then I looked up synonyms for dichotomy and I got : difference, disagreement, disunion, split, and separation. So there it was. The complete opposite of “Oneness”.

So the division between, and the representation of these two concepts of “Service”, is based on the belief that Self and Others are separated. In 3D that is such a simple concept to accept. Separation seems to be the theme of our 3D existence. In a negative timeline the Self being the important status, The goal of negativity is 100% thinking self, self, self.

Is there a motivation to move to a positive timeline? IMHO yes, and it necessitates a change of opinion, attitude and direction in the concept of “what is self and what is service”.

If then, our ascension from 3D/4D to 4D/5D depends of reaching and maintaining a more than 50% dominance of a Service to Others ability, the challenge is to gain that attitude and mind set while completely in a 3D world. The question is, will all 3D Earth beings attend the graduation/ascension? That is the challenge for you to answer and to determine if it is for you. You are the 3D fractal that would want to stop being a fractal, or a part of the whole, and join with all parts to become the “One”. Totally undivided and unseparated.

Can we think of our “Self” and whats good for ourself, and not think we are selfish? LOO indicates that while your experiencing 3D Earth Life you can. If you have no more that 49% of you attention to self you will still be progressing in your process of moving more toward 4D and 5D positive thinking/being. You never have to surrender your 3D self to being a door mat or always have to put others needs before yours while here. As ascension progresses toward the 6D frequency, especially like those who speak of the “Law of One”, the separation between self and other self becomes less and less. Understand…… It’s a process.

As an analogy this is simply like moving from Elementary to High Schools, to collages and universities. The learning process at each level prepares the student to better knowing their surroundings, potential and the many possibilities/probabilities that can occur. I know I’m talking to the choir here, but this may give you some ideas to help others, if they have questions about understanding a concept, as I feel I did today. I’m hoping this is helpful.


“who” might be hard to determine, but “what” (is STO/STS) is easy to determine.
The feature of 3rd density experience contain thick veiling, which enable STS/Limited Self Centricity to ‘make sense’. Without the thick veiling STS will never ever make sense.

The characteristic of STO is sincerity, and for STS it is the opposite.
The right hand will sincerely helped and support the left hand because both has no veiling that separate one and another #unity.
If let’s stay a veil is introduced between the right and left hand, only then the right hand will boast that he is the more able/ better hand compared to the left hand, and if the left hand wanted his help the left hand need to do something in return. #separation

Taking care of whom/what ever, if done in sincerity, is among the criteria of performing it unconditionally. Up to extent that it will not even be considered as a ‘sacrifice’.

Most of the time, even the “STS people” is not even aware of what is “STS”.
As mentioned above, better focus on “what” which is easier to do, rather than whom.
Ra/Quo explanation mostly focus on what is STO/STS rather than who is STO/STS.

Having said that: somebody need to take the role of STS, thus it’s an acceptable option to take. STS is required in order for the ‘game/drama’ to progress further. I personally do not believe that “those who are STS” need to banned, kicked out, punished etc… because actually such thinking is among the key characteristic of STS #control #needToBePutInOrder. STS is among the valid path for the entity to progress further.

Nearly all positive channels and groups may be lessened in their positivity or rendered quite useless by what we may call the temptations offered by the fourth-density negative thought-forms.
They may suggest many distortions towards specific information:

  • towards the aggrandizement of the self.
  • towards the flowering of the organization in some political, social, or fiscal way.

These entities see the creation as that which shall be put in order.


It seems to make sense to 4th density STS and 5th density STS
who are not behind any veil.

4th and 5th are still behind veiling, albeit thinner veiling compared to 3rd.
As such that Ra/Quo named 4th and 5th density as “Social Memory Complex”.
The memory are shared, yet still limited within the group.
“Them” still exist, which is not in “Our” group and whose memory are beyond “our reach”.
As entity furtherly evolved, the entity will realize that “them” actually do not exist, as the veiling grew thinner and thinner and thinner until it POP!.
STOs realized this early on (4th and 5th) although they might not yet experienced it.

The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then becomes known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex.
The advantages of this complex are
the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness and
the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking.
for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society.
The Law of One, Book I, Session 11

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im aiming for 95% service to others in thoughts and actions.
Its not necessary what you do but how you do it.
The greatest service anyone can do is be their truest self.

The paradox of serving self results in serving in others and service in others services self.
Eg, The catalyst of selfshness and helping others inspires others to help you.
its not that serious. at your heart you desire to serve others, just live your life how you want.
people learn more incidentally then directly

Every Day , You are the hero of your story.
in your local reality. there is 8 billion people .
Living in your own light and radiating yourself can create a peace in others.
if you go out to be virtuous then its rooted in ego
when service is apart of you.
you are always ready to be a instrument in whatever work, infinity throws at you .
the simple smile of recognising the infinite importance and brillance laying in potential in all us seed buddhas
Simple kindness and empowerment and encouragement of others .
Just telling people everythings okay.
theres always a way and always more to do.
the whole world needs cleaning up of a physical,mental and spiritual level.

as the yogis say. “The greatest reward of work is the capacity to do more work”

help 1 , help all
harm 1 , harm all
including you as the 1


To me, “Service to others” means passing on the unconditional love of the One Creator to all other-selves through loving kindness. It’s still simple, but not always easy.
Jim Upperpenni


When talking about service to self or others. It may be helpful to reframe the perspective around the duality that is polarization.

Positive cannot exist without negative and like a magnet or electricity, the energy states flow from one position to another.

Ra does state that in group meditation, individuals may gain in positive polarity without doing any physical work.

This implies that actually offering yourself in some way, is the means in which you may polarize positive.

Be it in writing a poem, or even this post, that is your service.


Nice coyote humanoid. I’m going to pretend that’s a certain Native American shape shifter I like.

I wonder if it’s possible to make your body look like whatever you want in 4th while “alive”, I say alive as changing my form in time space, what I assume to be that, artificially entered while alive has been possible at times. If you could either move on as a human, but you’d have that body until whenever it is you can just mentally configure things even while alive and in body, or repeat 3rd, but it’s a nice sto planet that progresses easily and the species is your favorite blend of human characteristics and whatever other species or species you prefer, which would you go with? You don’t have to answer this, I’m just oddly curious. I’ve always wanted cat ears, always found human ears lacking in triangularity.

Sto can sort of be hard if you’re introverted and full of anxiety like me. You speak of healing and loving with energy. I’ve been able to open my heart far more lately after certain events that I don’t blame anyone for not believing. It’s frankly hard to close now, which has ups and downs. I’ve been trying to send, what I don’t need to try to help certain loved ones, to just whatever entities are suffering. I hope it benefits someone or something somehow, it’s not much compared to certain presumed higher density entities I’ve encountered in a fashion,

What’s annoying is I can’t even volunteer anywhere nowadays without showing proof of poisoning myself a third time with a certain drug that almost killed me with the first two doses. Usually I like drugs…

And it’s very difficult feeling less useful than I could be after “embracing the green”… being mostly numb was certainly simpler.

As to the thread I think a fully open heart is the best compass, you just have to keep the free will thing in mind and not help those that do not want it.

I just wish the planet had just a few fewer impediments. So much entrenched division. Everything for profit. Everything political or tribal. So much needless cruelty. Weird little ego games everywhere, look at any comments section online.

This used to make me angry, and anger made me feel powerful and schadenfreude instead of empathic pain easy. Now I am just sad. This species is very sad.


What’s wrong with Channeling alone? That book says the risk is that someone can have poor discernment and do stupid things. I have good judgement in general and have always been somewhat of a skeptic, so I’d never go around declaring I’m Jesus or whatever other silly thing the book mentions.

What other risks are there?

As I recall it, the strong recommendation is that channeling your own higher self, by yourself or with others, is just fine. The risk of channeling alone comes when connecting in with beings of a more powerful order who might pretend to have good intentions, but do not. You have to understand that Carla’s opinion is colored by some very unpleasant experiences, and she strongly meant what she said. Naturally, your own behavior falls under your own discretion.


Because those who have their ‘antenna’ opened definitely will also attract the attention of negative oriented entities.

Once one opened up the “antenna”, depending on his/her tuned frequency, it can then receive messages in correspond to his/her frequency, just like the radio. The frequency however fluctuate along with his/her mental condition, mood, feelings, environment condition etc… Having others as support system can help with this, especially during low frequency period.


Ra says somewhere in the Law of One that ultimately all service is to the One. And that makes sense since we are all the One Infinite Creator in manifestation. A tricky part for me was how to make sense of service-to-self and service-to-others from a oneness perspective.

One idea that I got recently is that service-to-others is service to the One, including oneself, while service-to-self is only service to the separate self (which ultimately is a false perspective, or as Ra calls it, “the path of that which is not” 85.13).

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Another comparison I now came to think of is that service-to-self is like a cancer cell and even if it serves the cancer-growth it destroys the whole organism by doing so. Like a member of a criminal gang, the member serves the gang, but not the wellbeing of society as a whole.

And service-to-others is like a healthy cell, it serves the whole organism, both itself and others at the same time in a prosperous way. An example is someone helping others without expecting anything in return and loves doing it!

And there can be misguided service, for example someone who selflessly serves others while disregarding himself or herself, getting ill and grumpy because of following a dogmatic belief of how self-sacrifice is somehow to always strive for. Serving others because of the idea that it’s something one “should do” to be a good person and turning out the opposite within oneself. An example is someone helping others without expecting anything in return and hates doing it!


Anders, I am wondering iif you are not messing up the mind of a poor frog… lol

lol, but I agree with you

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I think the tricky part is that the term service implies a separation, the server and the served. Even service-to-self is a form of inner divide where one “me” serves a second “me”.

If reality is a wholeness, which I believe it is, then even the One serving the One is the same dilemma of separation. I found this in the Law of One (100.9) where Ra seems to indicate that third density is a lot of what is causing the sense of separation.

Ra: I am Ra. … the negative polarity depends more heavily upon the illusory separation betwixt the self and all other mind/body/spirit complexes. The positive polarity attempts to see through the illusion to the Creator in each mind/body/spirit complex, but for the greater part is concerned with behaviors and thoughts directed towards other-selves in order to be of service . This attitude in itself is full of the stuff of your third-density illusion.

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Well definitely visiting third density is part of one’s plan of being challenged, waking up and finding growth., so it 's consistently about separation and how to evolve through it.
Hard, but also the incredible opportunity we were given.


Yes, Ra said somewhere that third density is really hard. And the strong sense of separation in third density I believe has the purpose of developing a strong sense of individuality and sovereignty. And that’s ultimately a good thing!

The development of the individual is a necessary stage. It’s really difficult to see the oneness perspective in third density and the concepts of service-to-self and service-to-others help us to bridge that immense gap between separation and oneness with individuality preserved.

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