What does Service to Others really entail?

I’m not channeling words, but energy.
I haven’t heard anyone talk about the channeling of energy.

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I also channel energy from my higher self.
I heard that’s safe.


What is the higher self and what is energy?

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Energy is Light, and the higher self is me in the future, according to Ra.


Dear AnthroHeart,
thank you for open up that question, “the elephant in the room” you can say!

Referring to the last post of the wonderful podcast by Ryan and Jeremy (inaudible: “Being and Doing”), the question of how to distinguish betreen StS and SiO is rather not a question of self versus others but a question of doing versus being.

Or to put it in other words, the key to StS/StO is your intention!
But now it’s getting tricky. Are you fully aware of your true intentions? Are you always sure about that? Isn’t our intention arranged in layers, and only the top ones visible to us? Maybe that is why it takes so many incarnations to solve the riddle of this density? To find out who we are, by purifying and straightening our intentions?!

For example: The body that was given to you is part of the earth, isn’t it? To take good care of it or to heal it would be then rather StO (for the earth itself), wouldn’t it? Especially if the intention is love and not fear or seeking manipulation or control. On the other hand, if you take good care of others, perhaps even neglecting or exhausting yourself, maybe for the sake of social status, or to create dependency, or because you think you have to, wouldn’t that be much more StS than StO?


Reinhard, yes, you are so right, the intent is the key.

You could deplete your own body in service truly to others with no desire of creating dependency up to possibly self sacrifice, see the entity Jesus and definitely Carla put her own body at risk for the sake of helping others with clearly no intent of creating self power.

So again the intent is key.

So, in the example of service to self, the apparent initial intent might first appear to be of help to others but hidden would be the final goal to enslave and acquire power over other entities.

I think I’ve tapped Intelligent Infinity, since there’s energy streaming in through my crown chakra. So I probably have at least achieved heart activation required for fourth density harvestability.

I feel like a wanderer, so as long as I haven’t gotten caught in the karmic maelstrom of Earth, I should be fine.

I serve others by loving them. And help when asked. I don’t want to violate free will by serving when not asked.


To be honest, I don’t think there’s anyway for us, as humans, to conceive of what exactly 51+/49- looks like. In the same sense that there’s no real way to tell “who” is a Wanderer. Sure, there are signs, but that’s all they are.


Dear @flofrog,
great, I’m happy you got the direction I wanted to point to!

There are two more aspects I would like to draw your attention to, if I may:

  • It is probably not enslavement that most people have as an end goal… Enslavement is more likely a byproduct of seeking to solve fear. That can be answered by faith or control.
    The latter is what’s enslaves.
  • If everyone only wants to serve, no one can serve!
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I was always confused about the 51% because I think the language included thoughts. For myself, I try to ignore that line because then I’m caught up in wondering how many sto or sts “points” a given thought or action accrues me.

Also I’m not sure how I could consider others in 51% of my total actions or thoughts, so I hope the meaning is for those actions or thoughts that in some way affect others. I’m in my body, so I have a lot of thoughts about myself like “I’m itchy”, “It’s too hot out”, “I look fat”, “was that rabbit a hallucination?”, “I want nicotine and all the other drugs because my feelings are uncomfortable right now!”, and so on.

I’d have to have BIG circle of friends to think about, but I’m introverted and my only friends are my mate (aka “wife”), pets, and more recently some positive entities that I love (it’s easy with things so pure and perfectly loving you/everyone themselves to end up loving them in return).

Anyway, I’m going to try to stop getting hung up on that line and just do my best to give (requested/needed) help and love to as close to unconditionally as I can get despite my flaws and still having some negative entity suggestions start making perverted sense when my heart gets closed by something and my energy locus shifts to below the heart and my head. Apparently I’m bipolar spiritually as well as physically. But I don’t want to join those sadistic things even if I don’t completely fit the unicorns and rainbows equation quite yet (though significantly more now after recent events).

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I can’t remember which session it was…or maybe it was in some other channeled info by L&L, but I remember reading/hearing that Ra/Quo advises that we don’t focus on what is or what is not STO or STS because it just distracts us. They had implied that we have eternity to ascend/awaken to go into higher densities and that our perspective on not wanting to go through 3rd density again on another planet is only a human feeling and that our higher self does not have these concerns. We will all eventually unwind the karma, so to speak.

I wonder, if just by doing things to keep from repeating 3rd density, if that would be service to self. Because the act of performing services for others in order to not repeat would be serving the self out of fear of repeating.

The other thing I keep thinking about is that for those of us who are here talking about such matters, I would guess that we don’t have anything to worry about as far as repeating 3rd density or being STS orientated.

The Law of One has a very narrow bandwidth and very high-density vibration of love, light, honesty, truth, unity…I find it difficult to fathom that STS beings would even be attached to this type of work. It is, but nature, repulsive to them just by the fact that it calls us to self-realize, see the truth, and come face to face with the love and light which we seek.

That being said, here’s my take on the services:

Service to Self

  • Infringement of free will by manipulation, coercion or control
  • The intention of expecting something in return, feeling like you are owed something because you performed a service for someone. Performing services to avoid certain outcomes.
  • Outright, obvious destructive actions.
  • The core belief that everything is separate.

Service to Others

  • Allowing the free will of others in all circumstances.
  • The intention of doing something for someone or a cause because you want to, because it feels good to be of service, without the expectation of what you will get out of it.
  • Outright, obvious things that are helpful and loving.
  • The core understanding that nothing is seperate.

For me, Service is sending love to Gaia and helping to raise the vibration of the planet and the collective. I could have done that from the other side, so I am trying to find my mission here on Earth.

I think it’s just to be. I am an anchor of Love/Light from Creator into Gaia, without really having to try. Just being here is an act of Service.

When I visualize myself as an anthro, it really boosts my level of love. That is my greatest dream, to be an anthro in fourth density.


Differentiating and eventually choosing the two evolutionary path of ‘service to others’ or ‘service to limited self’ is actually ‘the theme’ of 3rd density.

There are two ways to “not repeating 3rd density”.

  1. To open you heart / 4th chakra, thus expressing unconditional love.
  2. To block/close and thus skipping your heart / 4th chakra, thus expressing the opposite of unconditional love.

Thus if one is “performing services for others in order to …” that will be conditional isn’t it? and not unconditional.

Ra labeled our “STS bro / sis” as “loyal opposition”.
Thus STS will always be there when STO is around and vice versa, like yin and yang, this continue throughout 4th and 5th density.

One particular pattern that I’ve noticed is our STS bro/sis, throughout the history, has always managed to distort the ‘law of one’ through various techniques.
Among those includes distorting the definition of “one” from “infinite, borderless, all encompassing one” into “finite, bordered, separated, exclusive one”.

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I have used those very words “anchor of Love/Light” for myself as well.

I spent decades trying to “find my mission” and it caused so much suffering. Of course there are things I enjoy doing and pursue those things while knowing that my actions don’t matter as much as my intent. Which is Love and to be of service to others in that.

What do you mean by this…what is anthro?

This is an anthro. It’s an anthropomorphic animal.

I still have desire, and that causes suffering.

The very energy flowing through my chakras is both blissful and uncomfortable.
It causes headaches in my 3rd eye and angst in my solar plexus.
But there’s a degree of bliss to it too.

Guess I have more meditating to do.

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I guess what I was getting from what Ra/Quo said was to not be hung up on it so that it causes strife and suffering in our experience. Of course, this is the time for choosing, but I think they were trying to say to not be concerned or in fear about whether you are or whether you are not, but just to do your best in the choosing and that is all you can do. We can’t know with 100% certainty that we are STO…can we? Because sometimes it’s hard to know our own motives unless we are aware enough in each moment of choosing.

But just the desire to want to have pure motives of unconditional love/unity seems like a good sign???

Indeed it would be.
Sometimes though, the balance between taking care of one’s self and taking care of others can be a bit confusing in the unconditional love department. I think people may get the idea that it might mean sacrificing for the greater good and therefore depleting yourself.

Yes, agreed.
What I meant by “attracted to” wasn’t that they wouldn’t have the desire to play the balancing act…but that they would not be talking the way that we talk about it. They would not be wanting to open their heart for honesty, integrity, unconditional love, unity…etc. in the way that we all seem to be doing here.

Of course, there is always the possibility that a STS person has joined this forum in order to deceive people…but I feel like that is different than what I meant by “attracted to”.

I see the true attraction being a feeling in the heart center. At least for me it is that way. I am drawn to LoO info because I am wanting to open my heart in a deeper way…I am wanting to know who I really am…I am wanting to embody the unity consciousness, to allow Love/Light from the One Infinite Creator to flow through me in whatever way it sees fit.

I don’t think STS beings are attracted to LoO in this same way. Unless someone has another perspective on that…

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I am wanting to open my heart in a deeper way too.
It seems there’s a limit to how much I am able to love,
and it’s not where I’d like it to be.
But I can feel bliss in my heart chakra.



Curious, how does visualizing yourself as this type of being boost your level of love?

Desire does cause suffering, if we let it.

But, will we not always have desire? Even at 6th density and higher? Even Ra had a desire to be of service to humanity as they still carried karma from when they physically appeared on earth thousands of years ago. Is it not our desire that keeps us seeking the ONE infinite creator? It seems doubtful, at least in my opinion, that we will ever loose desire.

Even the ONE creator had desire to know itself…and here we are! :grinning:

The trick is, to have desires (which help us explore and experience the ONE flowing through us as it wants to know itself) while not feeling the lack of the manifestation of the desire. To be unattached to the outcome.

It is bliss to have a desire while at the same time feel the ecstasy of it not really mattering.

I am not yet perfect in this. But I have had experiences (more so as time goes on) of this for periods of time…I have never felt anything like it that compares. No external object or experience has EVER come close to the purity of this feeling of absolute knowingness of being…I’m not even sure my words here…or anywhere for that matter, can do it justice.

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Maybe there will always be a “limit”…so to speak.

Because unless we have merged back into the ONE, we are still on the path of exploration, which means we are not 100% realized until we are literally and actually the ONE again. If that will ever even happen.

The fractals and individuals and aspects of the ONE are infinite…so…

We are BOTH always the ONE…and never ONLY the ONE.

I am just inspired by anthros and being one would be incredibly inspiring.

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