Using the Law of Attraction successfully

This is my first post. I’m a Reiki master with five years experience.

Most people with an interest in metaphysics are aware of the Law of Attraction, but don’t seem to be able to use it regularly with any real success. Qu’o has mentioned that it is not negative to desire; we desire as a product of the mind.

To not be able to work with your desires creates blockage. This isn’t to say that desire means = fame, wealth, unchallenged ease. The paradox is that most people don’t know what they actually desire; desire (subconscious; Tarot, card 2) is inherently subconscious. If you want to use the Law of Attraction, stating a desire loosely is helpful; reflecting on subconscious impulses about what would be best for you (not what your ego wants) will lead you in the right direction.

For example, many people want to make a lot of money, when their actual desire is to have more personal freedom, freedom from restriction. If you’re familiar with Qabalah, you could do a “negative” meditation (the sphere of Gevurah) on the influences and energies in your life that you don’t want to continue to experience (not resisting, but becoming aware).

The point is to pay constant attention to your experience, to see what you actually like versus what you’ve been conditioned to want.

It is important to know what you want so that you don’t sublimate spiritual impulses. It is absolutely possible to have everything that you need on a consistent basis, if you’re honest with yourself about times of unhappiness, challenge, and a lack of fruition.

All desires are instantly responded to; in the case of a supposedly unmet desire, there is a lack of coherence, or even a subconscious resistance to the thing desired (actually refusing it).

One thing that can’t be desired is “money.” Money is a concept; it’s not a tangible reality, like a piece of fruit, or even a house. If you desire money, you either already know what you desire (in which case, you’ll receive it) and money is simply the end-point which will bridge the gap; or you’re stuck in what Occultists call an “astral fantasy” or “astral glamour”; i.e.; money will make me feel better about myself; I’ll be more like other people, etc.

I could write more on this subject if anyone is interested. Feel free to ask me questions.


Simply continuing on my post:

The subconscious can’t desire anything that you don’t deserve. “Deserve” may sound unfair or unkind, but think about it this way: Have you ever actually desired something (a desire means it is possible - within your realm of experience)? Supposedly, the most common desires are “fame” and “fortune,” but the truth is most people don’t really desire these experiences; and those who do pursue them, against the wisdom of their Higher Selves, find that their real desires (family, friendship, good health) go unmet.

If you think there’s a desire in your heart that will never be met, do this quick experiment: Write it down, or think about it. And then take a minute or two to meditate on it. And then ask yourself, “Do I really want this?” If it’s a “false” desire (ego-based), you’ll find that you don’t. This is an excellent way to figure out what you do and don’t want in your life.

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The law of attraction only works when you strongly desire the thing and act, and know how to act, in order to obtain it. You only strongly desire it when you have earned it. This has to do with the law of rhythm as elucidated in the Kybalion. It also has to do with the law of karma. Imagine you are God and you want to experience power. You can any time you wish, but it will be hollow and unfulfilling if you have not first earned it. You earn it through struggling through hard lives, growing your mind until it is superior in understanding to that of other men, growing your strength, ect., enduring the limitations of powerlessness which give you the rage and desire necessary to rise, ect. Once you have gone through these trials, you can achieve power and enjoy it to the utmost. To use an analogy, you can lay on the couch and order Uber eats in complete comfort any time you like. After a while though, that becomes stale and boring, and you will need to accomplish something and endure some pain like a hard run to enjoy your food and laziness again. Your higher self/subconscious sometimes wants suffering because it knows that such suffering brings growth and the capability for future enjoyment. If you are in a cycle of suffering, it may be that your higher self has desired you be there, and it will not let you stop until the purpose of that suffering is achieved. Once you have done the work, then you are free to experience the reward. When you are in a reward/creative part of cycle, power of intention works. When you are in the work/growth/suffering part of the cycle, it does not. When it does not, it is because deep down, you want to go through the trial. You actually need to in order to enjoy the flip side. This is why the law of attraction is generally something that can’t be learned and applied from a book. When it works, you are in a creative cycle and it is going to work whether you know the principle or not, and when it doesnt work, it is because you are in the work part of the cycle, and you really dont want to get out of it until the goal of the work is achieved.


I agree with everything you said, although learning these principles conciously (as any technique of motivation / spiritual growth) is helpful. It’s like driving a car, the firmer your grip on the wheel, the more control you’ll have over the vehicle.

Periods of transformation are pivotal, but the Law of Attraction can be used in a lesser sense, too, outside of times of initiation.

The Law of One archetypes essentially teach that we should pay attention to every moment of our experience, to make sure that we’re in harmony with Life. Understanding that we want to be in control of our experience, and not passive agents of destiny, means that even during the deepest period of trial or suffering, we can still be conscious participants - we don’t have to be fallow, waiting for it to be over.

The simplest way to apply this is to think about what’s actually happening in your world. On the one hand, the Law of Attraction is always at work (our experience reflects our desires); on the other hand, desire is Limitless Motion (Card 2, in the Tarot; and the rest of the Body Cycle), so we’re always desiring some-thing. Knowing what you desire in every moment will make it clear where you’re heading, where you need to work, and what you need to do in order to achieve your aims.

Wanting to be in control of our experience
And controlling our life experience are limiting beliefs to me. I like to control my life by letting go of control of what lesson i want to learn to have a good time to the lessons that are most beneficial for us and others and all and have a good time anyway. Dissolve in overwhelming love and bliss for all.

Discipline , habits and the daily execution of the mind/body/spirit in maximum grace, finesse in the art of actualising , transcending, harmonising, facing catalyst/resistance to a perpetual greater state of being attracts everything that is needed without effort.

just by being the truest most authentic self seeking to serve in our each unique expression of our selves creates our destiny.

Embodying the archetypes when needed and crystallizing in self can be very useful in different situations and each archetype lives in a different home, has tools, outfits , different desires and goals etc will effect the thought processes of the individual.

Any thought form of betterment of one’s life is self serving
Any thought forms in the betterment of all life is service to others.

Its directly proportional to a individuals total state.

Every archetype has a spectrum of quests with different archetypical dragons every level and the soljourn spins for infinity. We attract what we are, what we practice, what we think , what we act

Law of attraction is the whole reap what you sow.
How you sow will effect the reap
What is reaped needs to be sown
Or nothing will be reaped or nothing sown.

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This is an interesting comment on this topic from a Hatonn Session in 1976.

Some emphasis here is placed upon responsibility. This concept, responsibility, adds dimension to the discussion, I would say, both the responsibility to serve and the responsibility to guard against one’s increasing power being used to fuel one’s darker inclinations. All of this, of course, helps to “thicken the plot!”

It is your responsibility to yourself primarily, and through thyself to the Creator, to seek out that channel of experience which is most fitting to you and gain the knowledges and the wisdom and understanding that you require to bring about this progression. It is by your efforts that you evolve. Those who do not choose to go on with their, shall we say, paths shall receive the opportunity to repeat this cycle of experience. And they shall not be aware of what is transpiring. Yet those who seek out the truth, who seek out the Creator within them, shall be aware of all things. Seek and you shall find, as the Master has said. This is an irrefutable law. Ask and you shall receive that which you desire. But be careful for what you ask, for, my friends, your very thoughts are the creation of your experience. Those thoughts of a negative form which you may label them, my friends, they shall bring to you that experience. Perhaps cloaked so that you do not recognize it. So be careful, guard your thoughts. Learn to focus your energies in the proper directions. Learn to think in the proper manner. And learn, most importantly, to go within yourself and achieve the union which is of necessity with that portion of the Creator’s consciousness that lies within your being.

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what is the difference between the “law of attraction” and the “catalyst reprogram”?

If anyone would like me to send them Reiki, I’d be happy to do so.

I’ve been practicing for five and a half years now. I can read energy from a distance, access past lives, read your karmic patterns, and give you spiritual advice channeled from Higher Sources (Mataji - The Sacred Mother, Babaji - the Sacred Father, Daniel - The Divine Physician).