Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful collection of ideas, and what a beautiful time to share them. Some say Tiphareth translates to beauty, as if at the heart of the tree of life, at the heart of the solar system, at the heart of a person.
After pondering, I consider some analogy to Glysine,
a flexible linking amino acid that enables a triple helix structure in collagen, a most prevalent protein found in the body.
At some point, the Hermetic Qabalah (with some relation to the Golden Dawn) might be considered
a flattened triple helix structure, where Tiphareth is
flexibly linking extremes of mercy and severity on some balanced axis,(not so unlike another hermetic symbol, the caduceus.)
Like a linkage upon a bridge, things like these
YouTube videos might connect ideas from books
on subjects of new-alchemy and neo-gnostism.
When I pondered books, I considered skills of
reading, writing, listening, and speaking - where
there resides some place for each.
Sharing about helpful books might be an example
of making available accelerating growth catalyst, improving accessibility within STO communities.
A somewhat simple book that comes to mind,
might be Fred Alan Wolf’s Mind Into Matter.
He steps through the Hebrew alphabet and
describes things fairly simple. I ponder that
as a Physics professor he knew the work of
Richard Feynman, who promoted an approach
of teach-learning that seems uncommon.
A Feynman technique is to explain some
somewhat complicated or abstract idea in
a way that a five year old could understand,
thus demonstrating your own understanding.
In a way, explaining to five year olds so,
can become some type of quintessence.
I think Don Elkins was also a physics
professor, where part of his nature became
as a pschopomp who could usher channeling
questions that catalyzed insightful replies.
However, many people can’t read - and so
maybe in the place of reading, things like
YouTube videos likewise enable seeking.
Maybe in the creation of an evolved Logos,
such videos enable an experiential paradigm
shift. See another, see the infinite creator.