The Quetzalcoatl Contact

Someone posted this on the Law of One subreddit and I went looking for the material. This group claims to be a sixth density social memory complex from Venus and are friends with Ra. The instrument for this contact got in touch with LLResearch and asked Q’uo if the contact was real. Look for A2 question towards the top.

Scroll to the bottom of the following link to begin the first contact.

Session 6 has an interesting healing exercise that makes one think about how we are connected to the world around us. I made this comment on Reddit. “I would form an analogy that one can connect with. The Earth is the physical planet. Where is the mind? This is not necessary to form a conclusion. The landmasses change over a great period of time creating growth in new areas as well as the opportunity to feel a shift into a new body.”

From what I have read so far it seems like this contact, in my opinion, is special from the instrument Anika’s point of view. I am curious what she was researching when she first read the Ra Material in 2023. I have my doubts about this contact but it is still an interesting read where it gives food for thought.


This is very interesting! Thank you for sharing!


I have been doing some research on the side about Quetzalcoatl in our Earth history. I do not have substantial information as of yet but I believe what this social memory complex mentioned in Sessions 2 and 3 about a certain pyramid that is hidden from view exists in Chichen Itza. “El Castillo” also known as the Pyramid of Kukulkán was built over another existing pyramid.

Session 2.9
Quetzalcoatl - The Aztecs were not a people who were directly contacted by our group. They did inherit the teachings of those who preceded them and followed in some cases with a great deal of accuracy the building of the pyramid structures. During the time of the Aztecs [this building of pyramid structures] was much more grand than what we had taught to the beings who proceeded, we correct, who preceded the Aztecs. Building of the Aztec pyramids often was a reconstruction of much older structures. The Aztecs greatly admired those from which they inherited these teachings. They studied the artifacts which they inherited and mimicked with great capacity the structural buildings known as the pyramids. The defining feature being that which differed from our own, that being the closed building atop the pyramid.

This feature was added for elite… elitism. The structure being used as a temple of ritual, as a place for those elites in this society to practice their religion which was but a whisper of a shred of our teachings. You may find that our constructions are often hidden within the Aztec buildings. They are mostly yet to be discovered. In some cases, as we have mentioned, the Aztecs, the Maya and others did not build directly atop our structures but restored the structures that were already present. Thus these structures which may not represent to your scientists a feat of many years in the past are in fact much older in the sense that they have been restored from older structures. In our pyramid building, we are less ornate, less obstructive of the vision of one who would stand at the top. The pyramid buildings which are available to the general public, we emphasize many of the pyramid buildings are not available for your knowledge or viewing, and differ greatly from those which you have been allowed to view. The defining factor of our pyramid structures was the open top by which the being could fully absorb the sky, earth and all within it and feel the Oneness with all. You will not find this feature present in those pyramid structures which you may view.

Session 3.3
Quetzalcoatl - For the pyramid structure upon the surface… the surface of the planet being the structure which offers the view of the sky, the sun, the earth, the all. The pyramid structure which is situated under the earth, being the seeking of solitude, the inward looking. It would appear these to serve opposite functions. However, the learned student [or] initiate finds both lessons to be the same; One in All, All in One.

You can learn more about the Pyramid of Kukulkán here (Youtube)

I am currently studying various types of divination. The Aztecs as well as various groups existing in Mesoamerica had pictographic almanacs. A famous one is the Codex Borgia and another is the Codex Borbonicus. These are essentially types of calendars. According to the Annals of Cuauhtitlan, Quetzalcoatl fled ancient Tollan, cremated himself on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico and rose again eight days later as the morning star (Venus); he then became Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli (Dawn Lord).


I went looking to see if Quetzalcoatl was mentioned anywhere else. I found this on the original Bring4th website. The Three Social Memory Complexes That Have Directly Aided People of Earth

You can get some information about Hidden Hand here The Hidden Hand Interview, Illuminati Insider on ATS | MAYAMAGIK and read it for yourself here

Edit: I haven’t read the whole Hidden Hand as of yet. I can only say that it is your choice to do so. If anything the Ra Contact says it one way and the Hidden Hand adds to it from a negative perspective which does not make sense from my limited understanding.

I find this highly interesting as i am looking for the second group RA states came to help.
And so i stumbled upon the wingmakers and wow …the understandings of this central race is so much like the law of one …same seeing different looking is how i describe the language but also feels like its older,and the law of one seems to me anyway to be and finer continuation of the central message .
Take a look at chaco canyon and the wingmakers …DrNeruda and the group he worked for …and what they found there …
Big love

I like WingMakers and the Lyricus teaching order. Especially the concept of the Grand Portal.

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For those who are not aware there is extra Ra Material that was not published by LLResearch. This information is given freely by them for those who request it. Contact them at Jim McCarty will give you a small test which is 6 months long. Do not worry he is only seeing who is sincere about having this information. I was told not to disseminate this material. However, I see this from the perspective of copyright infringement. If only they released this information then all would have access to it. Oh wait… they did… or at least the part I would like to focus on…

February 14, 2009 - Saturday meditation - L/L Research
When at the ending of the day or when alone, mentally examine, as with the scalpel of a surgeon, each bias which you can remember. Attempt to remember precisely the biases or qualities held by the self at any moment during the experiential space/time of the waking state. Consciously visualize, feel and again become that bias. Slowly accentuate that bias until it fills your being. Then visualize the oppositely polarized bias. Do not create this bias mentally, but wait until this is called from within yourself by the process of natural discovery. Allow this opposite bias to fill your being until it is as accentuated as the bias you originally felt. Now visualize an image filled with both things.

The following is from the Quetzalcoatl Contact Session 9.4

9.4 Questioner I would like to ask a question about time. In a previous session in describing time, you gave us the image of our consciousness as a single point with many points or lines or projections branching off from that point, and representing space time and time space as you know it. Can we use such an image to heal traumatic events in our past? Can we travel one of these lines to go into the past to a traumatic event and heal it and how? How can we do this?
Quetzalcoatl Yes, my brother, this is a most beautiful query. We are so very joyous at this query. We find that our previous explanation of time had various levels of understanding which resulted from this explanation. We enjoy this metaphor of the point of consciousness with various points of time/space about it. When you view your own incarnation as you recall it, at this particular nexus, you’ll find yourself coming upon such memories which elicit such strong emotions.
These emotions can be of great joy, despair, suffering, pain, elation. All these various emotions are encapsulated in these experiences which you enjoyed. In your present incarnation, it is these experiences which are informing your full and total soul experience. We find that the dwelling upon such memories to be, shall we say, not conducive to the spiritual evolution.
To avoid the over-identification with the experiences which you remember in this particular incarnation, is to move away from the perspective of the soul’s experience of many, many, many incarnations. We would advise the tendency to dwell on such memories to be examined. The tendency itself; for what is the mind or the soul or the subconscious or the personality shell which you currently have donned seeking in such dwelling of such memories is not the memories itself. It is the compulsion to dwell upon them, which is of interest.
Thus, we would advise in this case the best, we believe, the most appropriate utilization of that practice, which you call revisiting memories of trauma, is to first deduce what is the purpose of revisiting such memories? What is the desire for the revisitation of such memories? Once that is deduced, we advise that the practice then develop for the processing of such memories. It may then be necessary for the being to recall the memory as if it is visiting as an objective observer. In this scenario, seeing both itself and the other actors in the play as an omniscient, omnipresent being. We advise that it is this type of perspective when revisiting such memories which is most fruitful for the spiritual experience, for to revisit such memories to simply relive them is to be stuck in this cycle of forgetting the here and the now.
Let your soul speak and remain the gentle observer of the experience, seeing yourself and the other beings which may be involved in such a memory as actors in the play. For each experience was called to the beings which experienced it and each played a role which was necessary to play for themselves and for the others involved. As you revisit such memories from the perspective of the observer, you are able to more clearly see the roles which you and the others played and what this brought to your experience which was necessary.
We find that this is most productively done in a state of meditation. What we emphasize first, the deducement of the desire to revisit such memories. That is the best we may offer to your particular query, which we find to be very intriguing and a beautiful wording of this nostalgia, which many of your people experience.

There is an additional healing practice mentioned at 9.6 which I believe is beneficial to people who are aware that the other is the creator. However, from the human perspective I see this as confusion when practiced between one who is not aware that all is one. In my opinion, this practice could potentially create confusion of what is being transferred and received through the holding of hands. In other words, one could perceive this as falling in love if done without prior knowledge that energy exchange comes in many forms.

Edit: I just realized I did not give context as to why I was posting this comment. After read the latest Quetzalcoatl contact session I noticed that the healing exercise they gave is similar to the one Ra described in the Unpublished Healing Exercises. Of course, G (first letter of whoever’s name) technically published this information by asking about it in a question to Q’uo.

Thanks for sharing. The earlier mention of bias
balanced by counter-bias might tie into this in
the context of past life regression or seeking
through study of genealogy. A simple example
might be the idea of upleveling family patterns
as forms of both curses and blessings, where
a catalyst to discover the crux of a curse may
in turn reveal some great blessing.

I wonder if Quetzalcoatl carries some sort of
blessing/curse allegory, hmm.

So another blessing curse story follows the
Hope Diamond. It wasn’t until it was donated
to the Smithsonian that the tide changed.


I’m in agreement Soup. Whole cultures can corrupt around a newly introduced element that seems to lend power. While I’m not an expert, this is closer to my lineage/heritage. Although a different tribal heritage (one at odds with the Aztecs) the Aztecs and Quetzalcoatl story will only be helpful to learn from it’s mistakes. Human history is loaded heavily with cautionary tales. Bless us all.

I am a guide in past life regressions, and so I can swap a free session with a fellow guide. In my last session, I came into a previous life as a member (ethereal) of a 5th density complex that was helping ‘the humans’ build a pyramid. I talk about being an ‘overseer.’ Apparently, the building of the pyramid was, in itself, a spiritual act. The construction was for the purpose of manifesting the metaphysics of the collective (perhaps the m/b/s complex).

I’ve been writing a creation story with Nothing creating Something, and when the two find balance—Consciousness may find form.

This info makes complete sense to me in that anything outside of the One is experiencing individuation, coming from an unpotentiated state to a potentiated state. The wind (as a consciousness or having a consciousness) represents a most ethereal state of being. It can readily return to the one, or take a more corporeal form. From within a form, it experiences facets of self: anger, volition, etc.

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Good luck with your story. I can only add an analogy that you can take with you.

A woman represents a nurturer and a giver. They are responsible for what happens inside a home. The man is assertive and aggressive. They are responsible for what happens outside the home. The two work together to maintain the home.

I am currently reading the fifth session of the Quetzalcoatl Contact, and I have to say, it’s truly fascinating. I highly recommend exploring this material. I’m still in the middle of it, but I anticipate that all the sessions will be just as intriguing.