The Impact of External/Forced Breaks on Karma

Greetings, dears. As I have continued blessing others, and trying to be a blessing for others, I have wound up, however, following my intuition, making some mistakes, such as not asking for help from the Universe and others enough, trying way too hard to make people’s life better without needing me or without my being involved, simply giving tools, and over-compassion, first and foremost.

Can anyone give me some advice on making this journey we call “life” more fun? I have given all I could, and often, I committed this sin of over-compassion, of giving too much of myself-

I still wish to do my best for the Creator in the same way as before or any way but I am feeling disoriented after trying for so long.

I have tried to give, over and over again, and it’s true that on that journey I have wound up making mistakes, but I don’t want these mistakes to wind up becoming the end of it for me.

I think there's a lot of feeling of pain for me to grieve over, on the other side of this challenge, about the Universe.

I ask that you help me determine one question, what is the impact of external, forced breaks on karma. I am still what we call “17” in our society for another 5 months and 9 days, and-

I should first give an introduction. I basically wound up, trying to do good, going away from home, so as to not have to give up on life because of something called control, which I have not given up on life.

Then, my going living on the streets and creating a new life there didn’t work out because of a search mandate, which meant people knew my face.

However, while outside, I kept praying 24/7 for happiness for everyone, and once I realized this mandate had occurred, I prayed it could be a positive event for people and hurt no one really hard. I prayed to any thing I could pray to! (Hence I say, asking others for help is important.)

So, I put myself out before the whole world, and then, at home, with much less control in my nearby relationships, thanks to my leave truly having a positive effect, I tried to re-build my relationship with mother.

Still, thanks to our negative friends’ part in this play, and my having taken on someone’s negative energy to help them sometime in early to mid-October, itself an interesting story, some things went off, and I wound up at a place we call a psych ward, and thanks to this negative energy I took on acting as an anchor point, I - was cursed for 20 days, is all I’ll say.

The someone I am helping / have tried to help seems to have acted as what we call a “nazi” during “WW2”, and plus they are someone public, to simplify, so they are affected by our friends, I guess, and maybe I took on all of that burden for a time.

I would like advice on what I can honestly do. All I wanted was to serve others. And, honestly, I don’t know what to do in general. I have prayed that this curse honestly be given back to them because I believe God should make things work still like that.

God doesn’t need us to suffer to make things work, I think…

I have served others as best I could “for over three years since I first started reading the Ra Materials in early January 2022”, indeed, how great, so please help me.

I think I can answer the question of a fellow poster on giving up on life in my way.

I think if someone uses you and you can’t do anything but watch (literally), you might resign yourself to that. I would be happy to give up on life, honestly.

God has been graceful to me in this life a lot, despite challenges, and I am really grateful for it.

I am happy with all my life so far. So I’d like God to keep running it. I’d like to not forget God and start bumbling stupidities because I am hurt.

And I think that’s a big answer to life, being happy, though as I said, once I am happy, it may be my purpose to go through some grief.

So, my question is about that, should I kind of temporarily give up on being myself really openly and just let things go. I don't think that's the God I know and love best.

I leave this story open-handed, in case anyone wants to advise me on this forum. I have tried just drawing a Tarot card about the matter but I get the eight of swords, so clearly, this is not a “give up” point, and I shouldn’t give up that easily .

Thank you for your help.

- The presence as R. Terra Infinitia, trying to understand itself, and hoping this has been received joyfully by you all, at least as far as such a weird question/request can be received.
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