The benford's law (how to check for validity of anything using the Law of One)

Unless they put a lot of “time” and effort into keeping their group balanced, the chances of this occurring are very likely. I feel like anyone offering any sort of life “advice” should make sure they are doing it in the most balanced manner possible and continue to keep themselves in balance through the entirety of their advice giving careers. People need to take responsibility for the energy they put out into the world, especially when they are consciously aware of the effect it is having on those around them.

It reminds me of my son who covers his ears with his hands when you tell him something he doesn’t like to hear, like the word “no” :grin:. Even if your hands are over your ears, the energy is still being given out regardless of your ignorance of that energy. You might as well recognize it and find a nice balance instead. It brings a feeling of peace, it clears the noise and makes it easier to just be. When you are peaceful, those around you can share in that peace. I don’t see how this is a bad thing in any way you look at it. I think it’s important people see the truth. I am tired of being lied to personally. It’s exhausting. All I want is the truth, always.

Since this is relevant to the topic of patterns I thought I’d add some interesting things I’ve learned.

I actually made some Midjourney art similar to this 22 days ago and posted it on another thread found here:

AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated images of the Law of One and more!

I felt compelled to make these after seeing “moving patterns of conceptual math” (best way to describe them) whenever I closed my eyes during a more recent psilocybin experience. I fell in love with them immediately as if they were the most familiar and beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. They brought me such comfort and peace, so I tried very hard to recreate them. I learned it is rather impossible to make these patterns/blueprints here but they did inspire me to keep making art.

I found that the more you use Midjourney, the more you get a feel for its own patterns. You start to see how certain key words make certain artistic choices. Even the ordering of how you input something will give entirely different results. And then when you can find fun descriptive words, art style choices and lighting details, the way it appears changes drastically.

Here is my very first Midjourney experience as an example. The only keywords I used here was “the Law of One.” Apparently AI, without being given any descriptive words beyond the titular concept, thinks this looks like separation. That is the vibe this piece gives me. :thinking: :sun_with_face:


And… the stuff I made after I learned how Midjourney works:

Tarot card for “Strength.” I realize her hands look whack, I plan on adjusting that with Photoshop. It is still very hard to get good Midjourney hands. Eyes got much better though… :thinking:

I used the descriptive word “elvish” here and got this style.

I used a very long prompt for this and got this beautiful piece.

You can even specify aspect ratios. With each aspect ratio, the type of art that is generated is entirely differently to work within that different “canvas” space.

How do you think Benford’s law applies to AI generated art? I am curious to your thoughts on this topic. Some aspects of AI art are strictly AI, but there is emotions with the specific prompts used that are reflected in the art that is generated. I wonder how much of that would register from the heart and which would be considered off the Benford’s curve.

Thank you once again for your thoughts, I appreciate greatly what you are trying to accomplish here. There needs to be responsibility taken in the spiritual world, as these transformations are a large part of what most in the population are processing in one way or another. Everyone I know seems to be going through major life “renovations” right now. These are some of the practices that help mold and shape us while we evolve as souls. There has to be balance in the practices so there is balance in the energy it helps forge into something more beautiful and loving, embodying the actual unity of the Creation. :green_heart:

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