I think its a good idea to start a mega-thread of synchronicities indicating that humanity is starting to form a social memory complex.
For me personally, I notice that I’ll think about something, and then a few seconds to a few hours later, my family talks about that exact topic. Or the TV show we’ll see that night mirrors back to what I was thinking about earlier.
This has extended even to dreams. For example, I thought one day that everyone is reflections of myself, sort of like a hall of mirrors. Then, the next day, one of my family members told me that they had a dream where they looked into the mirror and saw a different person than themselves. They looked again and saw another stranger, looked again and saw their wife, looked again and saw no one.
Does anyone else notice an increase in these sorts of synchronicities? It’s even happening to people who aren’t consciously searching for Enlightenment.
- We Are Infinity