Ra/Quo on Multiverse / Parallel Realities

Hi, lately I’m interested to put my nose around Multiverse / Parallel Realities / The existence of another “Quid” with similar ‘time context’ yet with slightly different situational context.

From Ra, I found this:

36.4 Questioner: Do I understand from this then that the higher self or Oversoul may break down into numerous units if the experience is required to what we would call simultaneously experience different types of catalyst and then oversee these experiences?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a statement we cannot say to be correct or incorrect due to the confusions of what you call time. True simultaneity is available only when all things are seen to be occurring at once. This overshadows the concept of which you speak. The concept of various parts of the being living experiences of varying natures simultaneously is not precisely accurate due to your understanding that this would indicate that this was occurring with true simultaneity. This is not the case.

The case is from universe to universe and parallel existences can then be programmed by the Higher Self, given the information available from the mind/body/spirit complex totality regarding the probability/possibility vortices at any crux.

I would appreciate if there’s any other Ra or Quo explanation on this topic.
Or from any other sources… or any story from your own personal experience.



These ideas may in some way express some
desire to experience some sense of parallel
reality. As the guidance suggests, possibly
any written explanation comes as an artifact
of the past distracting focus on the present.
A focus on the present is needed to direct
conscious awareness in parallel fashion.

This may be more common than people realize.
Imagine someone sitting and having a conversation,
while watching a TV show and reading a newspaper,
with an earbud streaming a radio show all at once.

Another example might be a navy pilot I met
once, who claimed he could monitor thirteen
things at once, and this skill was useful to get
the plane out of a stall or flat spin situation.

In consciousness density paradigm, one might
imagine part of their awareness as having a
1d perspective, another as having a 2d perspective,
another as having a 3d perspective, another as
having a 4d perspective, another as having a
5d perspective, another having a 6d perspective,
and another having a 7d perspective.

The idea then is focusing on
the present with 7 differing perspectives might
be somehow congruent with the seeking
desire - to experience a multiverse in any
place or time, by observing the ever constant
present using 7 perspectives at once. If that
seems a stretch, try one perspective, than
two, and so on. A path of the adept might
lead to encompassing many perspectives.

In my observation, women are better at
multitasking, men seem better at serial
tasking - though balancing polarities
likely enables either mode accessible.
This might complement a general bias
that women have a spiritual advantage.
I think the key is how focus is applied
in the present moment, with a skill of
holding focus.

In some way, this idea reminds me of
that Wes Anderson movie, The Wonderful
Story of Henry Sugar; the idea that as
people develop a skill of focus, strange
things happen.