Sorry if this question has been asked before. I have done some research on this and thought it best to ask you all directly. Throughout my life I have been through some intensely polarizing situations to say the least. I look at them as blessings and have tried my best to accept and forgive in all circumstances. I only realized this past year that in some ways instead of totally accepting and forgiving the situation, i held some severe blame on myself for not doing better. I even accepted the label “crazy” when those I went through those experiences with denied my reality completely. I realize this is not true forgiveness since I simply shifted the blame to myself. I’ve been left with some complex traumatic stress disorder and suffer pretty severe panic attacks/ fear. I wonder if you all have any advice on managing this.I’m working on the path of self forgiveness daily.I believe fear likely induces the panic attacks (some of which may be spiritual attacks as i get ringing in left ear). Sometimes it is hard to remember what is happening in the moment and surrender to it, but I am working on that. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I know we all have been through intense experiences on earth due to our desire to learn and serve. In the future I hope to continue to help others who struggle along the way as I learn to do it for myself. Thank you all for your time.
Have been through some similar stuff. In truth im nowhere near where I need to be and share similar problems. Anyway here is a link that may help.
i would like to start by reminding you that you are powerful and this is why they would psychically attack you with fear vibration. remember we are body mind spirit complexes and the fear is located in the mind and experiences/observed by the spirit, its in this place that you can separate yourself from the emotion being experienced and think/react as you the spirit would like to. start by reminding yourself that you are powerful, take deep breaths and repeat a mantra that you create that is close to your heart
there is nothing to fear past the emotional experience they have no control over you or attacks that can harm you. when i worked with a white spirit i traveled to a negative polarity timeline where i was psychically attacked every time i said the word love i would hear what i thought was peoples souls being tortured, although emotionally taxing looking back even in a negative timeline the negative spirits still don’t have anything passed what you have already experienced, making you a veteran in the art of psychic warfare sir use this to refine yourself into the a light warrior. you already have your purple heart O:)
thank you so much for sharing. I needed some quo tonight so i’m listening to it now. I know how hard things can be. I may not know what to do, but I’ll send you love.
We will get through this.
thank you so much. I teared up while reading this. I have noticed the harder I work towards love and light the more intense the attacks get. I won’t let it stop me. you are clearly brave and I admire that. I will work to get stronger myself and try my hardest to think it through in the moment. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Call upon Archangel Michael. He works in the Blue Ray Spectrum and is the Master Protector. even if the attacks dont stop when you call upon him(pray) what we are doing is writting nuro pathways in the brain where you are working with him/angels, the way the brain works is cells are firing signals when enough of the same signal is reached we experience it. we are building pathways that we are protected by the master protector and when you have enough of these pathways you will naturally feel protected even if you are feeling fear. you may see blue/white sparkles while working with archangel Michael
i have spent years studying the brain and have picked certain aspects that directly effect our spiritual experiances
Thank you for sharing. I am deeply fascinated in the brains neural pathways and how it relates to our spiritual experience. What a wonderful thing to study! I appreciate you mentioning that it may take time. It gives me peace in the process. I will begin calling on him now. I recall that they cannot intervene without our request. I know this will help tremendously. Thank you again.
You Are The Love And Light Of The One Infinite Creator
I also had such problems. And I’m still working with some things that come back to me.
I would lay out some points that you can take into consideration and at your discretion develop each one for yourself.
You can approach the situation in such a way that you can recall a moment when you were oppressed, you probably felt that some real and natural part of you was suppressed and treated unfairly. In such a case, you may get carried away with anger and dominate the situation in a way that finds your true self. Getting angry will allow you to open up with everything, you can hit the pillow, you can shout, you can challenge and imaginatively beat someone who has abused you. Of course, you do all this within your own psyche. Everything that is exclusively within you and that needs to be worked through. You don’t attack anyone outside in a physical way. Anger is not the best option in the theory of development towards STO. However, it may be the optimal solution if the problem is stuck in the 2 Density body and the bonds of chemical reactions and nerve connections keep you in an unfavorable pattern. If you are not satisfied with your anger, what you can do about it is to have acceptance and forgiveness for yourself, understanding that you don’t have to be perfect and at this stage expressing anger and showing primitive strength and freedom is what you need. To move on in the future for more things. Otherwise, if you stop, but it is something that you really need, you will find yourself in a vicious circle that may manifest in showing this anger towards yourself, this is a lack of self-love and it is contrary to the STO approach.
You can engage in group therapy or find people with similar problems, or just spend time with friends, with whom you can open up with all these negative things and notice that they respond with love towards you and in this way you can heal. You can regain in trust in other people, you can discover your place among people and that you are naturally a part of this and you are needed by all of us as you are.
You can meditate or undergo hypnosis to solve these different situations by entering other states of consciousness. Through meditation and inner exploration, you can come to release and understand these things from a completely different perspective. The same events and people can appear differently when the state of ordinary daily consciousness and inner monologue at the level of the mind is flipped to work the more sublime resources of the subconscious, starting with the Heart, which will more easily guide you through what you are dealing with.
You can send Love and Light towards yourself, other people and situations. Of course, I’m not just talking about mechanically imagining something, but about engaging your entire psyche and mentality, your entire attitude, which will, among other things, reveal itself as sending Love and Light. Sending Love and Light towards a given person at the moment (in the imagination or at the current moment) when this person commits some aggression can bring a lot of relief, balance and effectively increase the level of positive polarization. In addition, you can invoke the higher forces, the Creator, the Higher Self, other higher-level beings, such as Q’uo, who, if asked, can help you with their energy to deal with the situation, adding Love and Light to your expressed Love and Light.
I apologize for posting this video again, maybe you didn’t see it and I find it very important. It might happen that excessive self-analysis does not result, because problem is not in that you did something, vise versa problem in you that you didn’t do.
I will take all of this into account. I’ve been looking for ways to delve deeper into my higher self and subconscious. I have felt a real aversion to anger, but am slowly allowing myself to explore it in a healthy way. Thank you for bringing it up it’s a confirmation that this is a necessary step for me. I’ve also never tried sending love to myself. Thank you so much for all of this and being so detailed. It really is extremely helpful in this time of great catalyst for me.
Oh my gosh i don’t know how i missed this. Thank you for posting it again for me. I heard something today along those lines. Definitely something i needed to hear. I’m so grateful for the love and support i’ve been getting at this time It really means so much to me.
Q’uo recommends that you serve yourself, in a way that looks like you are serving yourself as if you are serving someone else.
We assume that you are STO-oriented. You perceive the world, nature and other people around you. You send metaphysical love and light to them. And among all of them, among the people, you perceive yourself and send love and light to yourself, as if to someone else.
There is also talk of self-love in STS. In such a context, it is only taking care of oneself. In the context as I present it STS doesn’t do it that way. STO does. There is a difference between sending light and love to yourself and taking love and light for yourself. I think so, you have to feel the nuance, beyond words.
This approach also allows you to gain a healthy distance from yourself and free yourself from the yoke of lower emotional blockages that bind your mind and soul.
That makes a lot of sense. I think a lot of fear can originate in lower chakra imbalances as well. Thank you for explaining it to me in a way that makes sense. I’m just now learning to really include myself in the love and acceptance as I am also part of the whole. I think a lot of wanderers (atleast the ones i’ve met) can get confused by this and forget about themselves sometimes.
This is a great discussion- I’ve learned a lot here - much love to you all