Q’uo: What is the Time Lateral / Was genau ist das Zeit-Lateral der Erde? (German translation)

Regarding this post there is an important channeling with current reference.
Because no german translation exists, a german translation (of relevant parts) are provided here, until an translation of the official translator from L/L Research will happen.

Of course an discussion of this channeling can take place in english here.


Die erste Frage von T lautet: “Was genau ist das Zeit-Lateral der Erde?
Handelt es sich um eine Illusion innerhalb einer realeren Illusion?
Oder ist es wie das Holodeck in der fiktiven Welt von Star Trek?
Sind dann alle Sterne und Planeten außer der Erde nur Hologramme, weil die Erde in der Zeitseitenlinie liegt?
Oder andersherum wenn es so etwas wie ein Zeit-Lateral am Anfang nicht gab, wie würde dann die Erde in der dritten Dichte aussehen?”

(Carla channelt)


Am Ende des zweiten kleinen Zyklus der Ernte in der dritten Dichte auf dem Planeten Erde war der Rat des Saturn besorgt darüber, dass das Sonnensystem als Ganzes nur einen der Planeten in diesem speziellen Sonnensystem, den ihr Sonne nennt zu einem normalen Abschluss bringen konnte.
Er beschloss das es hilfreich wäre, ein Zeit-Lateral zu schaffen und den Planeten unter strenge Quarantäne zu stellen.
Es wurde ferner beschlossen, dass all jene Wesenheiten, deren dritte Dichte unterbrochen worden war zur Erde gebracht werden sollten, um sich dem Zyklus der Erde anzuschließen der zur Ernte führt.

Dementsprechend wurde der metaphysische oder Zeit/Raum-Teil eurer Erde in der dritten Dichte wieder an die Haupt-Zeit, sagen wir des Fortschreitens von Zeit/Raum und Raum/Zeit angeschlossen, und zwar in einer Weise die so isoliert und geschützt war wie es nur möglich war, als Brutstätte oder Gewächshaus für wachsende Seelen.

Sie ist genau so real wie die Haupt-Zeit von Zeit/Raum. Und in der Tat ist sie gleichwertig mit der Hauptstrecke in Zeit/Raum.
Es handelt sich um eine sorgfältig geschaffene alternative Bahn, die auf natürliche Weise in die Hauptbahn vom Zeit/Raum und Raum/Zeit-Verlauf zurückfließt.

Am Ende dieser Zeitspanne wird die Bevölkerung des Planeten Erde bereit sein die Gelegenheit zu nutzen, den dritten Unterzyklus der Ernte zu beenden und das Ende des sechsundsiebzig- oder so tausendjährigen Zyklus zu begrüßen, der ein Zyklus der dritten Dichte in seiner Vollendung ist.

Da es sich nicht um eine physische, sondern um eine metaphysische Veränderung handelt, gibt es keine physische Markierung für das Ende des Zeit-Laterals.
Und in der Tat war dieses Zeit-Lateral sehr erfolgreich im Vergleich zu Experimenten in der Vergangenheit.
Die Anhäufung des erwachenden Interesses an einer Veränderung des Schwingungskurses des Planeten Erde hat spät begonnen, hat sich aber rasch ausgebreitet und in allen Teilen eures Globus, in allen Völkern, Kulturen und Orten an Stärke gewonnen. Eure Welt wacht wirklich auf.

Da solche Aktivitäten in erster Linie metaphysischer und nicht physischer Natur sind, sind die Auswirkungen der Erhöhung der Schwingung des Planeten Erde physisch nicht offensichtlich, abgesehen von der Tatsache das eure Erde immer noch funktioniert, ohne eine Polarverschiebung erleben zu müssen.
Es wurde einst für wahrscheinlich gehalten, dass eure Erde es bis zum Ende eures zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts für notwendig erachtet hätte die Erde erneut zu zerstören, um die Schwere der Erdschwingung auszudrücken, damit sie für menschliches Leben, wie ihr eure Spezies der dritten Dichte nennt, bewohnbar ist.

Die Arbeit vieler Gruppen wie dieser hat jedoch die Möglichkeit eines verstärkten und verlängerten Weges in dem Zeit-Lateral geschaffen, so dass die größtmögliche Anzahl von Wesenheiten erwachen und wählen kann, ob sie anderen oder sich selbst dienen will, bevor die Zeit einer solchen Wahl vorbei ist.
Noch einmal, es wird keine physische Veränderung geben, wenn diese Zeit vergangen ist.
Es wird nur eine Veränderung in der Kernschwingung der Atome eures Universums geben, Atom für Atom, Zelle für Zelle, Wesen für Wesen.

Ihr habt gefragt ob die Erfahrung des Zeit-Laterals mit dem Holodeck vergleichbar ist, und wir würden sagen das in der Tat, ob ihr von dem Zeit-Lateral sprecht welches ihr erlebt habt, mit ihrer sorgfältigen Isolierung und Abschirmung vom vollen Spektrum des Denkens, das in der unendlichen Schöpfung des Vaters verfügbar ist, oder ob ihr von der Hauptstrecke sprecht ihr dasselbe Material und eine einzige Agenda habt, um euch vorwärts zu bewegen und eure Hoffnungen auf Fortschritt innerhalb eurer gegenwärtigen Lebenszeit in der dritten Dichte zu erfüllen.


Die zweite Frage lautet: “Ist das Experiment der Zeitverschiebung in einer so riesigen Milchstraße schon einmal auf anderen Planeten durchgeführt worden? Wenn ja, sind die Ergebnisse immer positiv ausgefallen?”


Wir sind die von Q’uo, und wir sind uns deiner Frage bewusst, mein Bruder.
Solche Experimente gab es in der Vergangenheit immer mal wieder, und die Ergebnisse waren durchwachsen.

Es gibt vielleicht eine fast gleichmäßige Aufteilung zwischen jenen Experimenten, bei denen die verschiedenen Gruppierungen von Wesenheiten auf dem Planeten sich von Streit zu einer einheitlicheren Sichtweise der planetaren Bevölkerung als ein Stamm wandelten, und jenen die nicht in der Lage waren einen Abschluss in beiden Polaritäten zu erreichen.

Einige dieser Experimente waren erfolgreich. Es gab andere Versuche, die Energien eines ganzen Planetensystems zu bereinigen, bei denen es nicht möglich war die Wesenheiten in ein vereintes spirituelles Wesen zu bringen, das als sozialer Komplex bezeichnet werden könnte.

Der Unterschied im Experiment des Planeten Erde ist, dass der Sub-Logos ein Experiment wählte, das extrem reich an dem vollen Spiel und der Reise des freien Willens war, so dass der Schleier ziemlich stark und fast undurchdringlich war.
Diese starke Verschleierung und das volle Spiel des freien Willens haben dazu geführt, dass sich die Wesenheiten nicht an den Schöpfer, sondern an ihren eigenen Intellekt und ihre eigenen Fähigkeiten wenden um Lösungen für das zu finden, was sie als Herausforderungen oder Probleme wahrnehmen.

In früheren Experimenten war der Schleier dünner, weil die Verschleierung nicht so stark war und es nicht so viel freien Willen gab.
Die Natur der Wesenheiten der dritten Dichte auf eurem Planeten ist daher etwas primitiver oder hat die Tendenz, länger primitiv zu bleiben als bei Planetenexperimenten, bei denen der Schleier dünner war und es für die Wesenheiten aufgrund der Ausdünnung des Schleiers offensichtlicher war, dass alle eins sind.


“Die Entwicklung zur vierten Dichte scheint ein weit entferntes Ziel zu sein. Gibt es einen einfachen Weg, um zu messen, wie nah wir an der Schwelle zur vierten Dichte sind?”


Wir sind die von Q’uo und sind uns deiner Frage bewusst mein Bruder.
Aus der vorangegangenen Antwort kannst du vielleicht erahnen das wir dir mitteilen werden, dass es einen sehr einfachen Weg gibt um zu beurteilen, wie nahe du der vierten Dichte bist.
Ihr seid in der vierten Dichte meine Freunde.
Ihr befindet euch in Körpern der dritten Dichte und seid daher nicht in der Lage die unglaublich schöne, kindliche Erde der vierten Dichte zu sehen, die die dritte Dichte zu dieser Zeit durchdringt.

Doch weit unterhalb der Ebene eures Bewusstseins seid ihr euch mehr und mehr eurer Macht, eurer Wahrheit und eurer Schönheit bewusst.
Die Ausdünnung des Schleiers findet schon seit einiger Zeit statt, da sich diese Energien mehr und mehr durchdringen.
Gegenwärtig ist praktisch nichts mehr von der Energie der dritten Dichte übrig. Es ist gerade noch genug Energie für ein paar weitere Jahre übrig, in denen die Wesenheiten die Entscheidungen treffen können die sie in die Lage versetzen werden, von der dritten Dichte in die Dichte der Liebe überzugehen, die eure vierte Dichte ist.

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I want to remind here, that there is an english compilation from dreamoftheiris of all this texts regarding the time lateral.

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There is an very interesting statement from the Q’uo at the end of the channeling and so i did ask for it already in the other forum. Up to now there was only one feedback to it, so i will ask here for additional ideas or experiences.

Regarding the discussion of the Time Lateral has come up an interesting statement of the Q’uo in the channeling from April 14, 2007, that has an aspect for a new topic:

April 14, 2007 - Special meditation - L/L Research

“Evolving to the fourth density seems a distant goal. Is there a simple way to measure how close we are to the threshold of the fourth density?”


We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. From the preceding answer, you may perhaps guess that we shall inform you that there is a very easy way to judge as to how close you are to fourth density. You are in fourth density, my friends. You are in third-density bodies and so are not able to see the incredibly beautiful infant fourth-density Earth that interpenetrates third density at this time.

However, far below the level of conscious awareness, you are more and more aware of your power, your truth, and your beauty. The thinning of the veil has been occurring for some time, as these energies interpenetrate more and more. At this time there is virtually nothing of third-density energy left. There is just enough energy left for a few more of your years in which entities can make the choices that will place them in a position to be able to graduate from third density to the density of love that is your fourth density.

So the planet has been in the 4th density already in 2007.

What will be the meaning of that there is virtually nothing of third-density energy left?

What will happen to all third-density beings when this energy will vanish or does this energy come from the existant third-density beings, that have no dual activated bodies?

In this quote / channeling the count of over half a billion dual activated bodies (3. March 2018) has been stated - this beings should be able to handle the transition to the 4th density, but what’s about the rest of about 90% human beings?
Has every child that is born now a dual activated body?

Here i already elaborated about the question: What will be with the second density in the transition from third to fourth density?
Are all 2nd density beings already in 4th density or what will happen to these that incarnate now?
Are all new incarnated animals and plants 4th density beings now?

April 14, 2007 - Special meditation - L/L Research (same chanelling):
Again, because of the fact that such activities are primarily metaphysical rather than physical in nature, the effects of the improvement in the vibration of planet Earth are not physically obvious except for the fact that your Earth is still functioning without the need to experience a polar shift. It was thought at one time to be probable that your Earth would, by the end of your twentieth century, have found it necessary, in order to express the heaviness of the vibration of Earth, to destroy the Earth once again in terms of it being habitable for human life, as you call your third-density species.

There is a kind of dependency between metaphysical and physical aspects in the nature, that has not been explained further.
What is the current status?

Q’uo already said that there was enough energy left for one or two other incarnation. In any case, there is no hard stop, we die normally at the end of our incarnation. But we simply no longer incarnate into 3d bodies when there is not enough energy left to support a whole incarnation.

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Thanks Patrick.

For me this sounds more complicate then before, because this concept of “3rd density energy” is now more foggy.
Specially when 2007 already virtually nothing of third-density energy is left, how there will be time for additional incarnations?
This can only fit when the incarnation is really short.
Then the meaning of the word virtually should be examined more in detail.

Here is my collection of q’uotes on the subject. Hope this can help understanding a little.


So from what I am understanding…

The “true” 4th density experience won’t occur until everyone, and every living thing here is “dead.”

Once this has occurred and there are no longer any third-density entities dwelling on the planet, fourth density will indeed become able not only to interpenetrate third density but to appear.

but … the planet is already in 4th density since 2007… I imagine that it is 4th density “POSITIVE” then ??

OK… But then the recent channeling on August 14 2022 stated

It is indeed the planet itself which will birth the fourth density, and we ask you to consider this process of gestation and birth given to the divine feminine, and how your Mother Earth has provided an environment for you at this time to experience the third density, and to go as a being in the womb to develop a sense of individuality, of purpose and direction, as individuals and as a population. This process of third density is akin to that gestation period within the womb, and indeed it has been a difficult period for your planet and for your population.

But as the fourth density approaches, opportunities to realize and accentuate those distortions given to your planet itself are becoming more and more available.

Also, the other contradiction is… If this planet is already 4th positive…

Then why is there still “concerns” from our humble messengers?

About this planet getting into the “knot of fear” and becoming a slave planet ??

If a planetary social complex became involved in what you could call a “knot of fear,” then they might voluntarily choose not to rejoin the main track. This would mean that this particular planet would be locked in a permanent third-density cycle without the third-density energy needed to progress. This would make this planet a slave planet in which entities fought and suffered endlessly and created food for the fifth-density entities who have long eyed this planet with greed and the hope of conquest.

The recent channeling sessions seems to be trying to “patch-work” from certain “leakage” of irony and nuances from conscious channeling of Carla’s and others from before.

Also what’s with the random name drop and endorsement of Bub Hill and his channeling of Joshiah ???

Isn’t that an infringement of freewill ?? to tell readers that
“Oh yea, that guy is legit, this instrument read it, and it’s good stuff. Since you guys like my stuff, and you know… I am Q’uo and I know the way, so I can say that the Bub Hill stuff is also the way.”

This instrument has been reading a work by an entity named Joshiah 2 and this entity’s work is very congruent with that point that we are attempting to make. The one known as Joshiah says over and over that each entity makes its own reality.

While they “tread carefully” when it comes to topic of religions…


“I wish to know the opinions of Q’uo regarding the Oriental wisdom. For example, the Buddhism, Taoism, Feng-shui, Chinese medicine, fortune telling, etc.”

New SpeakerQ’uo

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of this query. There are portions of this query which we must tread carefully in answering, due to our desire not to infringe upon free will.

Do they read their own stuff? or was there so much of it that it doesn’t matter anymore.
I feel like there should be a forum to decipher all of these contradiction and entanglement, maybe even an “index” that make sense of this.

Now Patrick, I know you are a great guy and I know you defend the materials.

But do you just accept everything? or do you reserve some freewill to question it?
I don’t know if wearing a “staff” shirt for l/l research prevent you from speaking freely, but I just want you to know that we appreciate you, and do want you to speak your mind, you know?

I have brought up questions from before about the “exclusivity” of l/l research.
It’s not for “everyone,” like any “groups,” religious, spiritual, political, or whatever.

You have to be a “bird-of-feather” for you to sit in the circle, or else you are asking too many logical questions that will shake the foundation of a belief.

Is this a belief? or is there something really going on here?

My Electroencephalography offer is still open if you want to relay the words.

Thank you for the collection of quotes Patrick.
There are candidates for a needed translation.

it is really not easy to read from the coffee grounds here.

From my feelings and point of view we are exactly at the point of deciding whether to “voluntarily choose not to rejoin the main track” and to “be locked in a permanent third-density cycle”.
It can be observed that everything is done to keep the people in a “knot of fear”.

At this point it is not easy for the confederation and his members too.
But at least it has to be the individual choice of the beings living on this planet that will cause the result, and there are only a handful that will read and think about this stuff here.

Well, the coffee grounds basically saying that the 4th density is already here since 2007,

While the current group of channelers with Jim and his friends are saying it is still coming.

It’s grounded up, but it’s not hard to see that half of it isn’t “coffee,” but tea.

At this point it is not easy for the confederation and his members too.
But at least it has to be the individual choice of the beings living on this planet that will cause the result, and there are only a handful that will read and think about this stuff here.

I don’t know if this is confusing for you tadeus, based off of every “Q’uo” quote written above by different channelers.
It came out like this…

  1. We are in 4th positive, and Jim and his buddies are on a vacation and celebrating in Prague.

  2. We are in 3rd and is about to make a collective choice of either “forever” 3rd slave planet.

  3. You are looking to be employed by l/l research for a German translator position by going through Patrick? or wanting a translation in Germans? (This is not part of the quotes)

I don’t know man… It is a load of grounded coffee indeed.

It really is just a matter of interpretation. There is nothing to defend in the material. We each have our own personal interpretation and maybe we subconsciously defend our own point of view. But there is no dogma here. :wink:

Yes I would say it is all only beliefs and they simply wish to inspire us. We only have our own faith to work with in the end and to anchor us. What that is, is entirely our choice. We each create our own framework.

Not every living thing. Just 3rd density beings such as humans. :slight_smile:

It sure is. There is so much more people that were harvested positively than negatively.

The worries is not for this planet becoming 4d positive or not, it is mostly for what happens to those that will continue 3d. Normally they would go to another 3d planet, but this knot of fear would slow them down for a good while.

I believe it is important to remember that our friends from the Confederation are not in any way, shape or form authorities on any subject. They are seekers such as ourselves and they only wish to share their point of view on how the Universe works. All the while the mystery of the Universe itself remains out of reach (from us and them).


It is already here in time/space, but in space/time it is choosing to remain invisible to us for the time being. Personally, I am not seeing any discrepancies. There is The Choice of polarity to make, then there is the choice of what to experience next for those that did not make The Choice of polarity yet.

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Thanks Patrick,

It is hard to describe how I feel sometime, so I uses imagery to translate the emotions.

working in the deep blue

I feel like an underwater welder being caught up in a tangled line and panicked.
As I work in the “deep blue,” the only source of light is the work in front of me.

A helping hand

But it is good to know that when I “tug” at the line, those on the surface “tugs” back to let me know they are there. So Thank you, my friend.

  1. Let us agree on the planet is in 4th density - we (humans) are on a time lateral, ongoing choice or whatever.
  2. It seems to be the bloody truth - not forever, but maybe for a good while (beyond our incarnation).
  3. There is nobody employed as translator and the current translator does not want my help - but there are important channelings that need to be translated for people who cannot read english here.

This is really an appealing allegory.

Tadeus, I am French and speak only a few words of German, but my dad used to speak German fluently, in fact his last name is Baumgartner and we have always loved trees. :wink: I think genealogically speaking we migrated from Baden-Wurtenberg probably in the early 18th century, to Scotland and then france.

So all this to say that I admire how thoughtful you are to be translating in German, ;). lol

That’s why it is absolutely nonsense to think in the borders of states.

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yes. totally. Perhaps in 200 years in newly Earth we’ll say I am going to go visit the people of the north meadows, or of the south savannas of baobabs.

Imagine, no more borders, no more money, to everyone their own specific foods, that we’ll go visit and share meals with.


This is will be

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This will occur latest until 2030 as planned.


This video can be seen as continuation to the topic:

This video is included as base for it:

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