Your post has gone the route of not addressing any of my posts arguments because you are upset by this analogy. The analogy was used to summarise the fact that people have moral differences and that these are the basis for differences NOT “Deep State Brainwashing”. It wasn’t really on the example per sey.
You are also trying to take this weird perspective that liberals themselves often do. You are trying to define any viewpoint that opposes your viewpoint as simply not worth engaging in. Therefore, the only viewpoint that is left is your viewpoint. This goes back to the point I made earlier that people that support subjectivism. Don’t actually support subjectivism. They tend to just not want other people to have objective standards so they can then step in with their own viewpoints.
A lot on the left tend to view anyone who does not think like them as “brainwashed”. So perhaps that’s where you are coming from with this.
Your behaviour perfectly fits the category of liberal behaviour and, I believe the concept of the right, left divide is very good at expressing this difference. So if I have a concept that perfectly explains a difference in behaviour, I think it is good to use that.
The reason that hook up culture is not good according to some on the right, is as follows then. I have already explained it. But I will explain it in more detail.
Basically, it’s due to this. Women tend to see themselves as at the top of the heirarchy. They are “all 10’s”. Without social controls in place. Women tend to all gravitate towards the same kinds of guys. These guys then don’t have time for all the women on their “roster”. Then the women start wanting commitment from guys out of their league that they are just sleeping with in truth. The guys won’t commit. So the women get very upset and toxic. They tend to walk around saying “all guys are trash” and such. Or that they were in a “narcissistic relationship”.
Back in the 1955 example here. There were no dating apps and less globalism and easy travel, “The Pill”. So women stuck with some guy in their orbit. This meant that men were motivated to gain money and give it to their family and this is how the entire society we live in was created. Society is created from the male sex drive. All the buildings, all the technology, all the towers, and waterways, and garbage collection etc. Comes from the male sex drive.
So anyway, in the modern example, women have all slept around at the top, and she feels she is entitled to that kind of man. She feels if she gets someone that is her match in sexual market dating terms she is “settling”. Because of this she will likely divorce. Also, 1/3rd of marriages over the age of 40 are sexless. Which comes from the fact that the women have already slept around in their 20’s with hook ups, then they are not that interested in sex or any guy below their standards, such as their husbands.
Also, a lot of couples struggle with fertility. When women do this and have a hoe phase in their 20’s, and settle down with someone they don’t really want in their 30’s. 90% of a womans eggs are gone in her thirties.
It is a long life without kids if you happen to have wanted them. What are people going to do in the last 40 years of their lives?
Men notice this, and other issues and stop getting married. Thus, the birth rate plunges (as it has!). The marriage rate plunges (only 6.5/1000 men are willing to get married). Thus, a lot of guys are not ambitious and are fine to live on only a little and go home to beer and video games. From that situation, it is the literal end of society. It just withers on the vine and dies. There is no competence anywhere and things fall apart. There is no tax revenue! Accidents happen.
So these are some reasons that a society might want to put restrictions on female sexuality. As almost every single society has in every time and every place that humans have ever lived.
I bring it back to my original point as well. We started with the idea stated by you that people are brainwashed and that’s why there is no unity. I have countered here that there might be moral reasons for the choices people are making. A young girl that wants to sleep around and doesn’t want to hear it that she will get older, her options will shrink, and she will end up bitter. And that the best solution is to settle down in her early twenties when she has the highest chance of settling down with someone who is high status enough for her not to resent. If she doesn’t want to hear that, if she wants to feel the fun of just going on dates all the time with no real commitment. Then of course she will choose the left wing as her preferred political side.
This could be guys as well. Some of the worst behaviour I have received from people is guys whose girlfriends didn’t like something right wing I said on facebook. Guys that want to hook up and will be turned down if they don’t pay the left wing piper, will also choose leftism.
There is more to say about how free will works in quite a bit of detail. But we will leave it there I think.