Nature, Elemental Spirits, (Elves, Gnomes, Fairies etc..)

Astral travel is a very common skill, as explained by diagram, everytime one goes to sleep and experienced a dream, he/she/it is focusing on an astral realm, albeit a more of ‘private sandbox’ in astral realm. The term is actually a misnomer as the consciousness is actually not ‘travelling’ anywhere, it just focusing on different ‘realm’ or using Campbel’s lingo “plugging on different data stream”.

And when it’s “Mano Maya Kosha” a.k.a physical body went dysfunctional, he/she/it will also focusing on the astral realm (since the physical body went dysfunctional). When the dysfunction is ‘permanent’ it’s labeled as “Death”, and when the dysfunction is ‘temporal’ it’s labeled as “Near Death Experience”.

Lucid dreaming, is a ‘habit’ or ‘skill’ that can be ‘trained’. Lucid dreaming is an awareness that he/she/it is experiencing in an astral realm and not on the physical realm. There are many materials on the net and youtube on how to train such capability.

Something to add specifically for “Lucid Dreaming”, or the phenomenon experienced when Conscious Mind is connected with the Subconscious Mind during sleep, thus the entity become aware that the experience is on different ‘realm’ in comparation to ‘wakeful state’.

According to Ra/Quo this ‘rarity’ or ‘difficulty’ of “lucid dreaming” is due to the introduction of “veil of forgetting” for entities incarnating in 3rd density realm.
The mechanism of this ‘veil of forgetting’ is achieved through introduction of some ‘layer’ that inhibit easy communication between the ‘conscious mind’ and ‘subconscious mind’.

March 30, 2019

Indeed, both the states of which you call sleep and the state of which you call meditation are means by which there is a balance achieved between that which is your conscious mind and that which is your unconscious mind, or your subconscious mind. For as you know well, these two portions of your unified mind are divided or separated by what you have called the “veil of forgetting.”

While the purpose of this ‘veil of forgetting’ feature is to ‘enhance polarization process’ within 3rd density.

This veil of forgetting provides you with the means by which your process of polarization may be enhanced as it requires that you constantly seek in a conscious fashion, that which seems hidden from you: that is, more of the unity, the love, and the light, of the One Creator.

This ‘layer’ between conscious and subconscious mind is semi-permeable and can be penetrated.
Some commonly used technique to train the penetrating capability are: creating a dream journal (conscious mind accessing memory stored in the subconscious), doing reality check during wakeful state and meditation.

Penetrating the veil is not mandatory, it’s perfectly ok and normal for those who choose not to do so. Yet once the ‘veil is penetrated’, it will be the start of an interesting long journey ‘down the rabbit hole’. Thus it’s a matter of choice.


The guides should be different from other entities. Ra mention them

54.3 Ra: I am Ra. As we have noted, each mind/body/spirit complex has several guides available to it. The persona of two of these guides is the polarity of male and female. The third is androgynous and represents a more unified conceptualization faculty.

There is a number of channelings mentioning them also, you can search it by “guides” keyword.

  1. May 6, 1993 - Special meditation - L/L Research
  2. December 5, 1999 - Sunday meditation - L/L Research

But the most interesting statements is here:

These inner guides have the perfect right to infringe upon your free will to the extent of giving information specific [to] subjects such as other incarnations, the problems with diet, and other kinds of specific information that would be to us an infringement upon free will.

Are all guides conceptualization faculties?
It seems like dream space has constraints
that correspond to waking experience and
memories thereof. Dream space characters
may contain representation of guides who
reflect oneself’s shared features with them,
as if dream-space characters might be
interpreted as yourself in a costume.
In this way, the appearance of free will
infringement might suggest an unintegrated
schism, like a personality sliver that may
go unnoticed in waking reality, mirrored in
dream space lending chance to integrate.
As dream work extends compassion to all
dream space characters - possibly a stage
of dream-work integration lends way to
other forms, like white light dreaming.

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I was trying to understand if the guides can have negative polarity and found answer:


Yes, how—are these always positive guides, or if not how can we determine if they are or not?


I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The guides, as many have called them, or teachers, or angelic presences, that have been with you for not just this incarnation but for many, are always of a positive orientation. If you are ever aware of any influence that does not seem positive in its nature, you may offer to that influence a challenge that asks it the question that you have answered well for yourself, and it is well for each seeker to know the answer to the question of what it would live for and what it would die for, what is the essence of its being, what is it that gives it the energy, the ideas and the inspiration to continue in each day of its seeking.

When you know this you know something very important about yourself, and it is this knowledge that you may use and offer as a challenge to any entity that you doubt, asking that entity if it comes in the name of that for which you live and that for which you would die, if necessary. Thus, you may be sure that you will be able to banish from your presence any entity that seems of a negative nature, and who would influence you in a manner which you would not wish to be influenced. In this way do you exercise your free will in its most basic and profound sense.

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Hinduism: Indra=lightening, Vayu=wind

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Welcome to the community! :green_heart::blue_heart:

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What a trippy thread. Today I was daydreaming
about the idea of naming things in ways helping
language constructs can lend separative influence
to whatever you’re talking about as distortion in
one way or another. I pondered humanity’s
finite comprehension in whatever perspective
held, as a small fraction of the whole. That is,
at any given time - the veiled unknown likely
predominates over what we may guess we
understand to some peon degree.

It can be super humbling, and to recognize
yourself as humble may have advantage
in merging oneself with veiled unknown
supersets at play which largely dwarfs
our minuscule conscious awareness.

Adopting a role as a positive guide to others
may counteract the immense disparity, but
much of such guidance may be expected to
have lower degrees of distortion as residing
free of language and the separative effects
language can exert.

For example, in Hebrew they don’t mention
the name of god possibly because by doing
so, they might feel some degree separated
where some greater reality isn’t separative.

An example might be a prayer built of
language word forms distinct from simply
silent meditation about a seed thought
of similar context - does the word form
prayer bridge to the greater unknown
with greater efficacy than silent meditation,
or do the differing approaches reflect
simply different states of being?

An analogy might be lucid dreaming
versus white light dreaming, versus
just simply day dreaming as I did here.
Life can seem like differing dream states.

I searched elemental and found this thread.
I have very few lyric improv’s to share to
make a round of one for every session, this
one is for Law of One session nine. When
you improv every session into like a second
verse of a consensus pop song, you realize
all songs are law of one songs in some
various degree of distortion.

(Song beat similar to
Billie Eilish, Bad Guy)

Elemental Fire, air, earth, water Infinite in action Energy in rhythm …it’s the first try?

Environmental Planet home of life forms Infinite in action Energy in rhythm …who else provide?

Cyclical Moving as a time piece Infinite in action Energy in rhythm …no place to hide?

Circumstantial Shifting up in density Infinite in action Energy in rhythm …evolved abide?

Plants and animal Learning to be conscious Infinite in action Energy in motion …an octave high?

Harvestable Guardians assisting, dead not resisting Infinite in action Energy in rhythm …planet say goodbye?

Transplantable Moving through dimension, renew for Ascension Infinite in action Energy in rhythm …a race re-try?

Polarizable Our choice for self or others Infinite in action Energy in rhythm …biped third try?

Deplorable Reckless Martian into big foot Infinite in action Energy in rhythm …cave or forest sly?

Becoming lovable Vibration of our planet Infinite in action Energy in rhythm …it’s our fourth try?