Has anyone every asked Q'uo about the latest popular LGBTQ+ topic?

It will be interesting see how Q’uo comment on the LGBTQ+. This becomes a very popular topic in the western world now.

I think its an LGBTQIA achronym. Generally,
I might consider this a social bridge building
opportunity where the principal of inclusion,
the principle of tolerance, and the strength
of diversity can be harnessed in a harmony
free of hostility - something like that might
catalyze interest.

Channeling might be a form of divine agency
which tends to influence indirectly with some
element of mystery, respecting free-will,
inspiring hope, encouraging individual and
collective transformation, and striving toward
healing of people, families, communities,
and nations; or not.

I discovered recently that the lambda symbol
was adopted by this community, and this
symbol roots some connection to the logos.
In physics, the lower case lambda is often
used to describe the wavelength of light.
A rainbow contains a diverse spectrum.

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I haven’t come across any recent Q’uo channelings on LGBTQ+ topics myself, but I agree it would be fascinating to hear their take. I’d suggest checking their latest messages or forums where their updates are shared. They often provide unique perspectives that could shed light on these evolving discussions.

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Right. This topic is critical for adepts if an ethereal intelligence takes a position that doesn’t align with the LoO, free will, and love/light on the path to the Creator. I was a bit taken back when Ra offered that homosexuality was an effect of densly populated areas. I imagine there are a few homosexuals in rural areas.

There are a few things to keep in mind–Ra, Quo, and other ethereal intelligences are not omnipresent. The channellings are in some way limitied to the libraries of the participating social memory complexes. If the humans involved in the channelling have only heterosexual experiences, the ethereal intelligences will be limited by what info is available.

I’m paraphrasing from my memories (above), but I’ll be more exact with a quote. I think there is a better explanation of spiritual & sexual energy transfers in Session 46/Fragment 29. The explanation is from Jim, offering a preface for what Ra will say about Carla’s ability to transfer spiritual energy. Jim explains a bit about that and offers this:
“The biological male tends to express the male principle of that quality that reaches. The biological female tends to express the female principle of that quality that reaches. The orgasm is the point at which the transfer takes place, although well-mated partners do not necessarily need to experience the orgasm in order to achieve the transfer.”

Ever notice the way Jim writes these preface is like reading the way Ra speaks?

It the quotes above, there are at least 2 points:

  1. if a male seeks the male principle, homosexuality makes sense; equally, if a female seeks the female principle, homosexuality makes sense.
  2. you don’t even have an orgasm to achieve the transfer. Here, I believe the condition is intimacy.

They often focus on the broader themes of unity and understanding, so their perspective might emphasize acceptance and the importance of embracing diversity.

thank you.
I just wonder when Ra or Q’uo were at their 3d status, did they have LGBTQ+ being and how they evolved. Or LGBTQ+ only happened to human in the earth?

The Confederation has addressed this topic at various times and is consistent in their perspective. In chronological order, the following sessions address this topic in various ways and to different extents:

Additionally, members of L/L Research have discussed sexuality at various points. Perhaps others exist, but the two resources I am able to find now include:

I will now attempt to state my perspective of the LGBTQ+ topic, as informed by my understandings the Law of One. This topic is quite complex, and many pitfalls exist. I will try to step carefully. Again, everything that follows is my own formulation, but I also think it’s the overall perspective elucidated by the Confederation.

Each of us are a mind/body/spirit complex. The process of bisexual reproduction originates in the second density and lays the foundation for the important spiritual work (especially the Choice) to be done in the third density. Like many other things, bisexual reproduction increases the opportunity for experience of the One Infinite Creator (for deeper consideration of the types of available service from bisexual reproduction, I recommend reading the excellent discussion in a 2022 Q’uo channeling).

The Confederation is clear that they believe that the mated, paired relationship provides the best environment for spiritual growth. The most catalytic relationships are between a masculine-polarized entity and a feminine-polarized entity. Due to differences in how male and female bodies respond to catalyst (see differences in hormonal feedback loops), the sex of the incarnated body affect how that entity polarizes. The couple will spend a lifetime balancing their polarized energies. Furthermore, additional catalyst is provided by the birth and nurturing of a child.

A key feature of the mated, paired relationship is sexual energy transfer. To my understanding, specific anatomical features are not responsible for sexual energy transfer, but the actual factor is the extent to which the entities are oppositely polarized and their approach to the sexual experience with an open heart. It is certainly possible to achieve yellow-ray and potentially green-ray energy transfer during sex with a random person, but achieving blue-, indigo-, and violet-ray energy transfers require a deep level of trust and commitment which is unlikely to be intentionally achieved outside a mated, paired relationship.

With these preliminaries established, let’s now broach the specifics.

Lesbians and gays are both homosexual. Ra mentioned that homosexuality is a type of “confusion”, and Q’uo made the following statement: “We do not wish to suggest that it is necessary to change any thought or action. We only ask those who are suffering because they are homosexual, divorced, addicted or any other calamity need not think of themselves lost to Oneness.”

A mated, paired homosexual relationship is capable of many wonderful services-to-other, particularly sexual energy transfer. The most catalytic homosexual relationships will be with oppositely-polarized entities, such as one man/woman who is more “masculine” and one man/woman who is more “feminine.” Of course, a homosexual relationship cannot naturally produce children, so adoption is necessary if they wish to experience the fullness of the mated, paired relationship.

The homosexual relationship provides a certain type of catalyst for those entities. Personally, I believe (and I also think the Confederation does as well) in approaching homosexuality exactly like alcoholism: you show kindness to the individual at all times. At the same time, it’s worth asking if that specific person has made the Choice and, if so, is trying to live a life in service-to-others or service-to-self.

Consideration of bisexuality extends from both homosexuality and heterosexuality. As established with homosexuality, sexual attraction to the same sex is not intrinsically problematic, and the bisexual person may even have a more complete understanding of sexual energy transfer, compared to the heterosexual or homosexual individual. If the bisexual person is in a mated, paired relationship, perhaps they would choose to explore their energies with their partner. Perhaps the bisexual person would seek to explore other forms of intimate relationships with their partner. In the latter case, it’s worth asking if that specific person has made the Choice and, if so, is trying to live a life in service-to-others or service-to-self.

Perhaps the most complicated case is the situation of the transgender individual. Due to reincarnative processes, it is entirely possible that a person who has incarnated many lifetimes as one sex is eventually born into the other. Perhaps that person comes to realize that they don’t feel as tuned to their current sex, and they feel like they belong in a body of the opposite sex.

The Confederation basically says that feeling is perfectly fine. In fact, being born into that body may have been a preincarnative choice, and part of your curriculum for this incarnation is balancing your energies through acceptance of your current sex. Learning to love and accept yourself is crucial, and that includes the body component of the mind/body/spirit complex. Without going too far into the weeds, most current social messaging in this line is a mixture of some service-to-others with substantial portions of service-to-self.

The previous discussions on relationships and sexual energy transfer apply here.

The rest all appear as specific types of catalyst whereby one seeks to acquire a greater understanding of self as the Creator. Each of these catalyst appear to be specific attempts to rationalize the nature of the infinite self. Without going too far into the weeds, most current social messaging in this line is a mixture of some service-to-others with substantial portions of service-to-self. There are likely finer points to be gleaned from careful examination of Q, I, A, and the rest. Still, a keen focus toward acceptance of self and other-selves will certainly be tremendously catalytic for those types of individuals.

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thank you Stephen for the detailed explanation.
I started reading Q’uo channeling a while ago and decided to start with year 2000. :slight_smile:
Well, guess I need to go back and read those you quoted here.
Again, really appreciate your help here.

I read some other articles about T. It says most of them were children and after they go through the pubic period, they will be fine.

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You’re quite welcome. If you’re interested in exploring any other topic, I strongly recommend the excellent search tool available on the L/L Research website.

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That’s a good question. I can’t remember the lineage of development for Ra’s complex.