Message From Jesus

Hello @Quid. I find these words correct and even trivial. But it doesn’t mean it’s easy to follow. We are deceiving ourselves and just saying truth is not so easy as it looks like. It constantly reminds me Matrix of Spirit. Fortunately humanity passed some tests. But everyone has the test individually. Very often I listen from people “well, what you say is maybe truth, but what you can do with it so I will not agree with the truth”. Staying in balance, having heart to feel truth, having eye to see truth and having voice to say truth (and thinking you might be damaged because of it) is so simple and challenge at the same time.

Book 1:

This choice will not be made by saying, “I choose the path of love and light,” or “l do not choose it.” The verbal choice will mean nothing. This choice will be measured by the individual’s demonstration of his choice. This demonstration will be very easy for us of the Confederation of Planets in His Service to interpret.

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