Maintain high vibrations or do shadow work?

a Quick Statement Your Subconscious Emotions are also responsible for your vibrations forgiveness resets the karmic clock and rewrites neoplastic pathways from negative to positive and this is where the subconscious emotions are stored

Hello everyone,

This is a very good question actually. This contradiction is very saillant in the spiritual community.
I find that there is a bit of a « light tyranny », I call that « the Empire of good ». It’s a kind of performative spirituality : be always loving, always « high-vibe » etc.

Underlying that mindset, I find that there is a lot of repressed emotions. Which sooner or later may erupt in a destructive way. There is also a lack of authenticity. But spiritually IS about authenticity. One cannot cheat. One can pretend though.

I am in full favor of the « shadow work ». We are humans, we have difficult experiences, we live in a heavy reality. It’s perfectly ok to be angry, sad, and even judgmental at times. As Carl Jung said : « Illumination is not perfection but completude of being ».

From experience, many in the spiritual community are performing spirituality and pretend to be all love and light. They are only lying to themselves, and missing the spot.

In the long term, it is my experience that doing shadow work, self-healing, compassion for the self, observation of one’s thoughts and feelings, is what will ultimately « rise your vibes », so to speak. Even if you have to cry, scream, spend many hours in foetal position feeling the pain. What is rejected is amplified, what is accepted is transmuted. Nothing can leave your reality if you deny it. Only love is the remedy (at least in this reality). And love is inclusive, not exclusive.

Sorry, I am a bit emotional on this topic, since as a sincere seeker, I have suffered a bit from that self-righteous mentality of always being high-vibe. I think this is the single most important counter-productive distortion in the spiritual community.

Feeling oh so alone in the mundane world, seeking the tribe where I thought I would find it, and be severly disappointed by the lack of authenticity. The seeker’s path is a lonely one indeed.

Few are those who call themselves spiritual who are actually able to actually process dark feelings and are able to create or share a safe space for/with others.

Many are those who would just recite spiritual platitudes and give you advices to deny what your authentic self is feeling in order to feel safe themselves.

I would go as far as to say that the main wanderer’s mission is to feel the collective pain, for all those who are too busy or unwilling to feel it. What is hidden cannot be transmuted.

That’s the “crown of thorns”. That’s what being a brother and sister of sorrow is about.


I have a somewhat different take here. To me, and your mileage may vary, focusing on raising your vibration is like focusing on being happy. What’s your problem? Just be happy! It’s easy, right?

My point is that “raising your vibration“ is something you can certainly do for its own sake, but if it requires your initiation of effort in a set-conscious manner, it’s not a sustainable thing. Your vibration should naturally raise by any kind of self-work. Therefore, It might be more advisable to remove the blocks on the energy flow throughout the entire system. This entails work with the energy centers, and the blockages they are often revolve around unprocessed, pain, trauma, fear, etc.

The idea is that you do this work with these blockages in meditation where there is safety as much as possible and you can take it little by little. Once you’re in the mode of paying attention to these energy centers as feedback mechanisms, it’s not as necessary to expressly raise your vibration per se.

One more thing: paying more attention to your spiritual evolution is a matter of Strong and intimate commitment with your Deepest self. To me, getting balanced energy flow is far more desirable than getting the energy vibrating as highly as possible. In this sense, the law of one philosophy takes a different opinion on what is valuable than many other new age philosophies. The shadow is not to be expirgated and discarded, but embraced and loved. This requires a level of care in respect for the self that may not always feel tip-top. But the upside is there’s no rush; you have all the time in the world, and it’s much more rewarding and sustainable to do this work slowly Without specific expectations outcome.

I hope this helps.


Yes, thank you! :pray:

On one hand there’s Ra and Quo telling us to embrace, feel and process all of our emotions, be they positive like love and joy, or anger, sadness, stress, anxiety in order to advance spiritually. On the other hand there are the arcturians and tbh most of the new age sentiment that is telling us that we should maintain our vibrations as high as possible at all times in order to help co-create the world we want to live in.

Well, that perspective is actually addressed by Q’uo:

…it is our opinion that the mission and the purpose for which each of you took incarnation was simply to live, to offer your vibrations to the planetary consciousness. It may seem that this offering of self to lighten the planetary web of consciousness is a small thing, perhaps a useless thing, for seekers generally do not feel that they are operating at a high vibration. Yet with all the confusion and all the distortion surrounding reactions to the confusion not withstanding, living moment by moment with the heart open to love is enough purpose and mission to cram a lifetime so full that it radiates life.
Certainly some entities are offered careers or callings which are obviously helpful, and for those people there is the siren call of, “Look at what I am doing. I can be proud.” You see, this is a secondary or indirect way of serving. It only seems direct because of the way the manifestation seems. The actual direct and common career of each seeker first of all is to live and be an entity of loving and being loved, an entity of the open heart. 1997-0323


Amen to that.


This is such a beautiful passage! Thank you for sharing it with us :heart:

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new age sentiment that is telling us that we should maintain our vibrations as high as possible at all times in order to help co-create the world we want to live in.

There may not be a conflict. Q’uo expands upon the idea of unblocking our energy body in order to access the co-creative power of Intelligent infinity. It’s accomplished through the following method:


Ask yourself what thoughts you may have had this day where your even tenor and your open heart were interrupted even momentarily. And then move to those points of departure from the even keel of an open and flowing energy body. If some issue has arisen that has closed the heart even for a second, it is well to move into that emotion once again, relive it, and even exaggerate it so that you have a very conscious and thoughtful awareness of just what happened, just what it was that caused that feeling of, say, impatience, anger, jealousy or even great joy. Anything that takes you away from the open heart and stops the flow of energy is deserving of an examination.

And once you have thoroughly reexperienced this moment where catalyst became too much for you and closed your energy system down, then allow yourself to begin to experience the dynamic opposite of that emotion. If you felt impatience because another driver on the road cut you off, charging onto the expressway without regard to your car, imagine the situation again, only this time image yourself having complete patience and utter tranquility, and emphasize and exaggerate that feeling until you are swept away by it.

Then release both dynamic opposites of patience and impatience and see how much more balanced you feel. Do this in the case of each of those thoughts or emotions that have thrown you off-balance during the day. Reflect upon each of them, honor them, experience them, balance them, and restore your energy body to a good, even flow.

I suggest that this unblocking yields the high vibration that new age sentiment is speaking of. And it’s done in the crucible of our own being and fired by our real, daily feelings and emotions and a subsequent process of balancing such as this.

The new age sentiment may just be incomplete, and thusly misinterpreted slightly: it’s not that we will directly change the external conditions of the world with high vibration, however they are achieved. It’s that - by means of clearing our own energy blocks - we allow our ability as co-creators to reach their highest potential. We become the change that we want to see in the world.


what a wonderful practice, thank you so much for sharing it :pray:

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I contemplated the idea of “projection” as an insight CG Jung came up with and found this thread. From a really easy perspective, the universe reflects itself onto itself in ways the universe can perceive itself, or you might consider that the universe reflects back to itself things that it projects out to itself. We see ourselves by way of our reflections from others, and those reflections from others are partly our projection, some conscious and some unconscious. This resonates with the relationship of the Matrix and Potentiator archetypes, how conscious and subconscious polarize in ways that action initiates evolutionary experience, or not.

I ponder three branches of government: legislative making laws, judicial interpreting laws, and executive as enforcing laws. Many times there’s a way of confusion occurring between the branches. There’s an ancient Japanese wisdom of three monkeys: Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Say No Evil - which might be a form of conscious veiling that enables coping with stuff like governmental misunderstanding. So, there may be some opportunity of Projecting, in the CG Jung sense, No Evil like the three monkeys, or not. A conscious forthright person may just call it as it is, detached from any outcome; honestly outspoken seems an STO quality that might make an appearance, or not.