I saw them last March. One night, I saw two luminous objects in the sky that were following me all the time. Then, one night, I saw a big glowing fireball rolling in front of me in the field and then it suddenly disappeared. Later, one night when I was on my way home from school and there was no one on the road, I saw a small glowing ball projecting a glowing window. Through the window, I saw Ra. They are energy beings with blue skin, a huge beak, red eyes and are very tall. Other than that, they look quite similar to humans. After that, I started to get in touch with them. They often turn into luminous objects at night. I could see the glowing spheres in the fields. I’ve seen the Biefeld-Brown effect spheres and many other strange things. However, I didn’t communicate with them. They can emit a high-frequency sound that I couldn’t understand. I live in China. Later, I learned that I used to be one of them too. Everyone is welcomed to communicate with me. I’m so glad to have such a platform to communicate. I do have their photos, but since it was at night and they are energy beings, the photos are rather blurry.
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Not interested.
Perhaps try at the blue chicken headquarters?