Hello wanderers, I'm new here!

Hello fellow wanderers.

My name is Michael and I am currently residing in Landers, CA.

I was introduced to the Ra Contact material via the Cassiopaea experiment. I have been a member of the Cassiopaea forum since 2012. While I have found a lot of resonance with the works of Laura and the team and with a lot of what the C’s teach, I have always felt that there was a deeper understanding to gain apart from what they offer.

I have been aware of the Ra Material in a peripheral sense for a long time, but I had not, until very recently, dedicated myself to exploring it in a thorough manner.

I am currently reading through the Ra Contact sessions and I am on session 94.

I will be attending the group reading session scheduled for today November 27, 2024. Coincidentally, or possibly not, that reading will cover session 95.

I feel a much deeper resonance with the Ra’s message than I ever have with the C’s and I find it very interesting that I am just now discovering this resonance.

I am excited to connect with others here on this forum and hopefully a collaborative and educational experience will ensue.

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Good choice. I know the Cass forum. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that their work partly builds on Ra, but then takes a different direction. Here, you have a consistently maintained work based on messange from Ra, with an emphasis on development in positive polarization. Ra and earlier entities (Hatonn, Latwii) are still channeled as the “principle” of Q’uo, which unites these groups of entities. The material is coherent and substantial, further developing and expanding on what was said, among others, by Ra. Have fun!

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Hello, how are you.

I am in a fairly similar boat. Long history of selected chanelled works, and materials but only a few months ago discovered the Ra teachings, bought the anniversary set, working my way through the sessions online, and delighted to share here in these forums, today.
I believe a part of me wanted to vastly understand, and apply it deeply to the core, and needed life experience and contrast to drawn on, to get it ‘down cold’ - deeply ingrained.

From here, heard of Cassiopaea and had an adventurous outing to examine it, but swiftly came back here.

I hope you enjoy the forums, and sharing insights, troubles (with the material) and adventures with like minded spirits, having an earth life adventure.

Have a nice day in California. As it’s only 13 degrees C outside, keep warm with the light from within.

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Thank you for your reply. I will take a look into Q’uo.

I have heard of it from various sources, but like the Ra material, I have not been ready to dive into that world just yet.

I have to admit to a certain amount of malcontent with the Cass group lately. I just don’t feel that what they choose to focus on has much of a bearing upon my everyday life and my journey of personality development.

I find that the Ra material, being of a seemingly more technical nature, is much more comprehensive in regard to personal spiritual development.

I suppose that being involved with the Cassiopaea experiment was a primer to introduce me to what I feel is a much more potent and meaningful experience with Ra.

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It is a bit chilly in Cali today. Overcast, too.

Thank you for your reply and in a way confirming for me that I am making the right choice in moving my focus to this forum.

I, too, have experienced recent catalyst which has brought me to the Ra material. I agree with you that a certain amount of life experience and contrast is necessary to truly appreciate that which the Ra Social Memory Complex has to offer.

I look forward to developing my understanding with the help of this group of wanderers.

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