4D Defensive Battles

"25.5 :arrow_forward: Questioner: You spoke of an Orion Confederation and a battle being fought between the Confederation and the Orion Confederation. Is it possible to convey any concept of how this battle is fought?

Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, your mind. Picture it then in total unity with all other minds of your society. You are then single-minded and that which is a weak electrical charge in your physical illusion is now an enormously powerful machine whereby thoughts may be projected as things.
In this endeavor the Orion group charges or attacks the Confederation arms with light. The result, a stand-off, as you would call it, both energies being somewhat depleted by this and needing to regroup; the negative depleted through failure to manipulate, the positive depleted through failure to accept that which is given.

25.10 :arrow_forward: Questioner: Am I correct in assuming, then, that fourth density on both sides of the, of both the Orion and the Confederation sides are in this battle, and that the densities fifth and sixth on the Orion side do not engage in this? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question as this entity’s energies are low.
It is partially correct. Fifth- and sixth-density entities positive would not take part in this battle. Fifth-density negative would not take part in this battle. Thus, the fourth density of both orientations join in this conflict.
May we ask for a few short questions before we close?"

As always, art imitates life.

In all my searching of Confederation teachings I’ve never seen any recommendation to use personal power to oppose another being. The idea of “Beware my power” (stated in the clip) is not the attitude I’ve seen them recommend to a service-to-others oriented beings. Rather, they say we are here to allow as much love and light as possible to flow through us to help others.

This may lead one to further questions, and the best answers are found in your heart, some would say, not on the internet.

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I certainly see where you’re coming from, but that’s not the tone with which Ra or Q’uo speak of this battle. It is a depolarizing engagement for both sides but nonetheless necessary. Q’uo says (3/15/2008) that it’s a residual effect of third-density mental/physical habits of bellicosity and strife (which are themselves recapitulations of second-density patterns of competition and territorialism).

Session 25.6 Ra: "This, however, being a battle of equals, the Confederation is aware that it cannot, on equal footing, allow itself to be manipulated in order to remain purely positive, for then though pure it would not be of any consequence, having been placed by the so-called powers of darkness under the heel, as you may say.
It is thus that those who deal with this thought-war must be defensive rather than accepting in order to preserve their usefulness in service to others. Thusly, they cannot accept fully what the Orion Confederation wishes to give, that being enslavement. Thusly, some polarity is lost due to this friction and both sides, if you will, must then regroup."

Session 25.9 Ra: “The fourth density is the only density besides your own which, lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle. Thus it is necessary that fourth-density social memory complexes be used.”

The video is just a meager representation that is in no way capable of perfectly depicting this “war in heaven”, but poetic parallels may be drawn in the sentiments of the offense/defense.

I’m just glad folks realize how insanely consonant much of green lantern lore is with confederation cosmology finally. It’s my favorite comic book by far.


“I’m going to destroy everything you care about.”

“Beware my power.”

Yep, that’s pretty much like two baboons on the Savannah fighting over territory.

One of the basic principles of Confederation teaching is that humans tend to get caught up in the energies of the lower energy centers, bleeding off the energy that the heart needs to fully function. I’m just pointing out that this is exactly what happens when people become energized over space wars and all that jazz. From where we sit, is it not better to lean more towards love than towards conflict?

But perhaps you see it differently?

(PS: What I suggest would make for a rather boring comic book, I must admit. Sorry about that.)

I just wanna add one additional observation. That clip sums up beautifully how we ought not treat our shadow side. Part of each of us wants to destroy the things we love and part of each of us wants to defend them. Overwhelming your shadow merely buries it for a time.

Case in point, the USSR fell apart, the West won the conflict, and now we’re busy eating ourselves from the inside. The conflict was never resolved, it was deflected back upon us.

Do your Balancing Exercises and encompass the whole. Accept both the avaricious and the beneficent. Be whole. Be accepting and forgiving.

Can I get an AMEN?


That point of view is certainly respectable. I hope I’m not misunderstanding your point, but personally, I’m of the opinion that protection implies separation and that true acceptance of the dark simply isn’t possible (atleast in this 3rd Density). I may be wrong but that’s just the feel I get from reading the materials. That’s also how one could explain why Ra had Don, Carla, and Jim performing a Banishing Ritual before every session.

However, I believe that the reconciliation between “good” and “evil” is possible, but probably a luxury we will enjoy, by the Will of the Loving Creator, in higher densities many incarnations into “the future”.

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Right, it’s a multi-level playing field out there and in there.

I didn’t take the trouble above to distinguish between the acceptance of one’s inner violence and the outer violence of others. At some point these two converge, but that’s not an automatic thing, there’s some skill involved because the degree to which one commits to the process is a critical factor.

When Professor Elkins’ mental health was growing wobbly, he was still discussing with Ra things like the implications of some figure’s crossed legs, rather than working harder to accept the demons inside him which he had carried for decades. In some sense, one could say that he (very understandably) clung to the darkness within him rather than sought relief from the light. But these dark phantoms cannot be overcome by our will, they can only be diverted. When they refocused themselves (in his head), it was too much for him, he lacked the skills to sufficiently open to the light.

The balancing exercises are deliberately framed to advise a person to open to the SAME extent, positively and negatively, and thereby develop balance. Don Elkins would have had to open up – preferably not while under pressure – to enormously intense levels of love and light to balance the intense trauma he carried. This is not a conceptual exercise. It does not occur (meaningfully) in the head. One accepts greater light and love through the functioning heart. And this is how we become able to transition to a higher Density.

I can tell you, that’s a very tall order, but that is what balance looks like, evidently.

I’ll add this to back up my blather. It’s from 85.16.

To the student of the balancing process we may suggest that the most stringent honesty be applied. As compassion is perceived it is suggested that, in balancing, this perception be analyzed. It may take many, many essays into compassion before true universal love is the product of the attempted opening and crystallization of this all-important springboard energy center.

Thus the student may discover many other components to what may seem to be all-embracing love. Each of these components may be balanced and accepted as part of the self, and as transitional material, as the entity’s seat of learn/teaching moves ever more fairly into the green ray.

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That nineteenth century healer, Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimpy, saw merit in the idea - when two rogues collide, truth emerges. In his healing work, patients coming to him came with consent for him to project healing visualizations into their minds, in ways sickness inducing mind-forms they held were displaced. He attributed these healing visualizations as the Truth of the Law of One, and the displaced mind forms more as ignorance of the Truth. In this way, he attributed his healing help as the power of Wisdom. As far as I can tell, he worked in close association with clairvoyants who likely fast tracked his progress via some initiation or atunement they shared in working together. You might consider the idea of rogues in conflict as operating in relatively lower veiled densities and having higher degrees of ignorance of absolute Truth. Dr.Gimpy felt that it was impossible for states of ignorance to harmonize well with Truth, and ultimately that may be what can emerge, when the dust settles from conflict, some greater degree of harmony with absolute Truth, and hence a healing state by contrast to conflict.

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