Hi, Everyone! Love and light to all of you. You know how great it is to finally find the community to discuss the Law of One and just connect with likeminded people. I’m so thankful to the beautiful and courageous souls who brought the material and this community to life. Receive my silent reverance.
My name is Max but I chose humble nickcname cause I’m learning to embody more of this quality:) The Law of One material isn’t new to me – I’ve been reading, re-reading, researching, pondering, and applying it for several years now. Carla’s “Wanderer’s Handbook” is also known and appreciated by me. If you feel like connecting with me, don’t hesitate:) Positive contact guaranteed.
so in your opinion a user nickname signifies what this user lacks and/or strives for ?
The usernames I frequently use is “kenturi”, or “independent kenturi”. I chose “kenturi” first as “century” to signify 100 years of age and my desire for longevity, but letter “k” felt more suitable to write. Later I realized that “kenturi” is similar to mythical creature “centaur”.
Why did you choose “777” as suffix for your nickname ?
I don’t think so at least as a general rule. However, the meaning of a nickname for anyone can be helpful to remind himself/herself about something. Thus, it certainly can be in some cases:) Hmm… You’ve sparked an engaging line of thought in me. Names can have a decisive impact on people, organizations, etc. And also, names can hold an insight into understanding someone.
Kenturi. Independent Kenturi. Do you feel any connection to the character of the mythical creature? Do you like Greek mythology?
777 is the numerological sequence I like:) Have you ever been interested in numerology?
It is a pleasure to have you join us. I am grateful also, for the courage of our predecessors, and the forum contributors continuing to share and develop individually and together.
There is much material to dissect. This morning I was happily reading ahead (of where I am up to in the Ra sessions) with my mother, reviewing some of the archetypes of mind. She has taken a liking to the Ra material, just like me, but we are at an introductory level in the reading of, and so others may have answers if you seek clarity upon topics. I have still many basic questions, like…when Ra uses the term Logos, does he generally mean the Milky way, or the solar system?
What is the matrix of the mind?
But I am in the right place, to find the answers. Welcome.
I do like the name centaur, yet don’t like the nature of centaur - his depiction, the mixed nature of human and animal, the lower animal part of centaur, the rawness of centaur.
I don’t know if I feel a connection, maybe. Connection an abstract word, so I assume liking is a connection . I like a certain person, and his astrological sign is Sagittarius, which according to Google is commonly represented as “a centaur drawing a bow”.
I don’t like Greek mythology in general, maybe because of the fantastical nature of it.
I have been interested in numerology. The numbers are “bombarding” me at specific times and dates, frequent are 01:33, 01:55, 01:04, 20, 12:20, 01:01, 09:09, 09:19, and so on… But I fear to know too much. I am a little bit familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine numerology. Currently, I have double number of 838 on my PC desktop, contemplating it produces a relaxing effect for me. When writing comments in Youtube, I changed nickname with different numbers, which seemed to adjust the emotional tone of my comments, for example adding 888 suffix.
Yea, the material is deep, multilayered even, I would say. You can read the same passage from time to time and find something new:) So happy to read that your mother shares your interest in the Law of One. Hope it benefit your incarnations and aid in balancing and polarization. Your questions are not so basic as they may seem, brother:) In my opinion, Logos is the creative principle that forms the basis of our universe while galactic centers and stars are sub Logoses. What are your thoughts on it? What does your heart say?
I think centaurs have quite vigorous energy, especially with bows:)
Regarding mythologies, some researchers see mythologies as an ancient way to transmit deep knowledge. I thought that myths were fairytales until read “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” by Joseph Campbell. In my opinion, they are realistic in the realms of psyche. I mean, the imagery, archetypes represented, and scenarios related to them.
I believe that numbers and the time we see them have meaning too:) You have an interesting set of frequent times. And it seems you have a good awareness in general. Have you heard the term synchronicity? What are your thought about it?
I find there is great rest in feeling/being humble,…
I love your name. To me Kenturi, strangely, feels not so much a link to Centaur as a correspondence with India or Sanskrit… I would love to find a link with Sanskrit, really.
It looks like I agree with your thoughts on mythologies. They kind of represent the ideal types of human behaviour, for example Achilles the warrior (who reportedly received his education by the centaur Chiron ).
The synchronicities. I am currently analysing book by Carl Jung “Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle”, Channeling Transcripts, and my personal notes on synchronicities.
I am not sure if synchronicity has subjective purpose or is it an objective technicality. Is it schizophrenia, hint, suggestion, reflection of mind in its environment, common universal underlying mind or energetic fluctuation to which each entity responds in different way, a psychic trap.
I would say, myths represent patterns. I mean, there are various circumstances in life one can find himself/herself in and the myths can show how you can influence it or what you will get if you act a certain way. Oh, Chiron, what a unique centaur:)
What is your take on the Yung’s book? Yung is the one who introduced the term if I remember it right.
I think it has objective purposes in subjective reality. But yeah, we should be careful not to overthink. Synchronicity is something that can strike. You won’t miss it. Like if you are thinking about something or asking yourself a question and suddenly see the billboard with an appropriate answer.
If you read Michael Newton 's books notably Journey of the Souls or Destiny of the Souls, then synchronicity does appear as specifically happening as clues, lighting the path…
Hi, humble777, I hope I am moving forward little by little. How are you doing?
I agree with what you say about myths, I couldn’t find precise wording to express what you said.
Yung’s book felt boring to me and I didn’t manage to read it with full concentration. I think he is wasting his time with so many words. I obtained the book precisely because Yung coined the term synchronicity and I prefer to read original author’s thoughts on the relevant subject. I expected many more examples of synchronicities and its implications for people. It seems Yung tries to find a cause for synchronicity. It looks like he also conflates other psychic phenomena with synchronicity (at least in the book) like horoscopes, I Ching, J. B. Rhine experiments with guessing cards.
Could you provide an example for “objective purposes in subjective reality”?
Could synchronicity be something which has meaning, but does not provide an appropriate answer?
I do but, just because I became interested in synchronicity many years ago, I see now that it comes by spurs, so I just suddenly will pay more attention than just my little ongoing way which is probably now nearly unconscious just because it’s been so many years fo looking for it.
Perhaps it’s a little irregular now because I covered most of what I was supposed to cover by preplanning ?? I don’t know.
Definitely it is very personal to each of us, just because that was most certainly preplanned specifically unquiet for each one of us.
Lol humble777
You perhaps helped create a synchronicity today…
In a back story we sold ten days ago a very old family home partially burnt in a fire nearly two years ago. We had managed to clean it from debris but one side lost the roof and my hubby will be 84 in a few days and I am 78 and we are both like too late to accomplish the rebuilding of that old house, so we sold it to two friends…
Well we celebrated new year with a small group of friends and a couple somewhat younger than us have sold their home two years ago and live with a van and so told us of their adventures roaming around and my hubby and I winked at each other…
Then today my son sent an email to my hubby to comfort him from the loss of his old family home and wrote, ‘you know I just rented an RV with friends and we celebrated the year camping in Big Sur, you could get a van and just have new adventures!!’