Thanks so much for everything ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Hello everyone, I am really happy to be here. I have been browsing the website and the books for more than three months, and finally, I decided to join you :pray:t2::heart:

I would like to thank all the people responsible for the site and send my greetings and love to the entire team responsible for communicating with the Confederation.

My special love goes to Ra, Quo, Latui, and Hatonn from the depths of our third-density experience to the depths of the creation realm in all densities.

My vast and immense love goes to the Creator and to the infinite world of creators.

I thank you for being in my world and for helping me more in gaining certainty and steadfastness in everything I have been through.

I would like to ask everyone not to hesitate to ask me anything about the Law of One, the spiritual path, and self-knowledge. I assure you that my experience will offer much assistance to anyone who wishes to advance on the spiritual path.



How would you advise someone who seems to be pulled by flow to surrender to life yet who feels like they are perhaps meant to not quite do that fully so as to be able to bring about certain ideas that they have, letโ€™s say, being 17, built based on Godโ€™s laws for the past 2 years and something without fully realizing that was what the journey is for -

Ah! I know how to phrase this!

What is the relationship between the you that is just becoming things and personalities and that can focus on ideas and identities also, and enliven them, and the yous that you become?

How do you know which you to sort of channel? Which is the True you to channel so as to best be of service unconditionally (yet lovingly), and to be the True you for God to experience this ultimately beautiful world through?

How do you determine, once you know most of the spiritual by experience, how to actually live in the world in a clear way, or similar, and serve the world and feel the deep joy of living?

How do you expand your spirituality and seeking for truth to every moment in a clear way, if you would happen to know any such protocols or such for this.

The question that has come to me writing is, thus, and I thank you for the chance in the first place, even if you can't answer:

"How Do I Channel Myself?"

I am a bit wondering if I tried to manifest Me if that wouldnโ€™t be forceful to do?

I would imagine that truth canโ€™t be hurting to you, but I would love to ask here too just:

I donโ€™t get the process.

Edit, 13h later:

As so often happens, answered my own question!

Thank you Universal meโ€ฆ

I loved your questions very much, and I will try to answer them all gradually based on my experience. You might find in them what you truly need. :heart:

First Question:
What are the laws of God that he has built himself upon? Are they the Laws of One?

If it is the Law of One, I would say to you: You are always on the right path as long as pleasing the Creator is always your goal. As long as the Creator is in your heart, let life flow completely through you and do not fear anything, for everything around you is alive and loves being alive. The living Creator wants us to be like Him, letting life flow through us to everything around us with love. Embark on the journey of life and do not prevent yourself from any experience. As long as God is always in your heart and in every step you choose, let Him be with you as a friend, companion, and lover. Always think: If the great Creator were in my place, what would He do out of love? The Creator does not reject any experience we live as long as our intention is that He is present in it and for His sake. All experiences turn to your benefit, even if you thought they were wrong; your intention to please the Creator will be the result of them. Do everything you want with love; it will be right and beneficial for you and others. If you do it out of fear and are dissatisfied with yourself afterward, there is no problem. Forgive yourself, understand it, and always draw it toward love in every experience.

Not all experiences that stem from fear are wrong or forbidden. A lot of fear exists within us to protect us, sometimes even from ourselves, which we do not fully understand yet. To reduce your fear and expand your love, you must accept fear and see the good in it. Accept your fear and always ask your guides and the Creator to guide you in every step.

To know your main personality within you, you must create it to be above all those personalities that have formed over the past years. To be the one that gathers them and unifies them, making them return to it.

How do we create it?
In truth, it exists in our depths and starts to become clear when we begin to observe ourselves. As we get to know all those personalities formed within us, we try to understand when they were formed, who they were influenced by, and from whom they adopted those ideas or feelings. Why do they feel this specific way in certain situations? Are these feelings real, or are they the result of specific programming and judgments? Adopted from family, friends, school, society, or religion? Are they by your choice? Are they real, or are they just a repetition of a life pattern stemming from recurring thoughts in our minds?

All these questions and investigations make the main personality, the seeker of truth within you, gradually become the leader of all those surrounding personalities.

And of course, with all this, one must always remind themselves that love is the way, love is the guide, and devotion to the truth, and honesty with oneself are among the fundamentals of the path. The path of knowing oneself, understanding, and accepting it to become the Creator is not a shortcut and is not always filled with flowers and beautiful feelings, especially in this dimension with the thick veil placed between consciousness and the sources of the unconscious. We must always search and dig in deep, unclear, and very dark wells due to the veil, but the true joy of reaching and reconciling with a personality within you, and being satisfied with and loving and accepting it as it is, is very beautiful.

First, get to know all your false selves, accept them as they are with the intention of serving the Creator, no matter what. After understanding them and accepting them as they are and embracing them like your children, the existence of the divine mother through you deepens. She embraces all her children with unconditional love, and through her love for them, they all transform into love for their mother, serving her and allowing her to lead them.

The true personality is determined through love and acceptance. The true personality itself begins to appear in layers; it is not initially a single divine personality. It is a set of divine models, each with its traits necessary for life. However, I always love and prefer the personality of the divine mother Sophia, full of love, mercy, and wisdom. Maybe because I am currently in a female body and my role is greatly related to females. Any personality within you becomes divine when you grant it true love and acceptance.

Regarding the feeling of the joy of living, it becomes strongly present after what I call complete detachment from most judgments and reaching the Creatorโ€™s wisdom within you. The truth is that it is very difficult to achieve constant joy in this density because when you start living by the Law of One and applying it, you begin to merge with others, or call it absorbing the energies of others against your will and uniting with them. Consequently, their thoughts, beliefs, and feelings reach you, which is truly a difficult matter. This makes you often flounder and get lost and move away from your true self, which you have reached and felt sometimes. Therefore, you undergo a continuous process of being pulled and pushed, mostly being pulled out of it by your continuous flowing love for the Creator that you seek within yourself or within everyone.

The passion that fills you in seeking the Creator in every moment of your life is one of the main tools to live the moment with the Creator always.

For me, I feel that it pulls me and always pulls me in a specific direction that I cannot deviate from. When I started the spiritual path about eight years ago, I found myself and what I want from life. I always wanted to continue on this path and kept searching with great passion until the day came when the path started pulling me in a way stronger than me completely. All my days and moments became connected to this goal.

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3 Months is your First Sign
You will start seeing more and more signs all around you. :heart:Love & Light :heart:

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