For Those Who Suffer

This session offers some perspective on long term suffering.


I know you can’t answer this specifically, but I just can’t imagine why I put myself at bed rest for the rest of my life. I just don’t understand.


I am Latwii. We are aware of your query, and your suffering, my sister, and we wish that we could speak words that would relieve the pain and the limitation, but we find that there are not only few words that speak centrally to your suffering, but that we have a great desire that you should find your way through this maze of misery, for there is no challenge given that is this great that does not have equally great rewards that await the patient and long-suffering seeker.

Your illusion is one which is unique in all of the creation, for it is in your illusion that the face of the Creator is so well hidden that oftentimes it seems that one is alone, one is abandoned, and one has nothing but one’s own misery to experience. This darkness of being in some degree visits each, for this is what your illusion presents to those who enter its door, the opportunity to seek the Creator in the darkest reaches of the creation, those places where it seems no light has ever shone, those corners and closets of the self which is heavily burdened with sickness, sorrow and suffering, those qualities that are so readily available within your illusion and which so toughly test the able spirit to see if there is any place within the illusion that love cannot be found, to see if there is any wound that love cannot heal.

Thus, each of you moves into this illusion knowing that you shall move in the valley of the shadow of death, as you have had it called, that you shall call upon those inner resources that are your birthright in a way in which they have never been invoked before. In this way you imbue every cell of your soul with the strength of your seeking, with the faith that is only found in those who are already strengthened by overcoming previous suffering that is great.

My sister, you rest upon the bed of nails, as it were, for that body which you inhabit is one which is pierced by pain. It is a body which carries you now, but carefully, that you may ride further into those reaches of the self which remain to be explored, and which few ever dream of exploring, for though the rewards are great, the cost is equally great, for each endeavor that promises further advancement upon the spiritual journey has its cost. Eventually each of you shall give all that you have at the door of death, as you call it, that you might once again enter into the realm of unity and love. The price is high for those who seek purely. This is a truth which each viewed before the incarnation began, and which each undertook solemnly, knowing that there would be difficulty, yet welcoming that difficulty, for by enduring and overcoming there is the victory of the spirit and its purification that it might become…

[Side one of tape ends.]

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