Guidance on Loving

In case anyone needs a little advice on this matter. This comes from FEB 15, 1976.

Never mind that within this physical body you cannot hear and see the Creator. That is a mere experience. The truth applies before this experience, after this experience, and if you wish it, during this experience. It is before you in such evidence, my friends, that unity with each other is the goal. Know ye not the pleasure of an overreaching type that comes when two minds meet as one? When an understanding between two people has reached a perfect balance? Have you not felt, within the realm of your physical relationships, those moments of unity that are not, as you would say, of the body, but of a higher type? In experiences such as this, directly within your physical illusion, you are seeing unity, and you feel its divinity. Yet you can only become unified with a very few people on this plane. What we ask you to do in meditation is to begin to bring the healing love within your consciousness, so that you feel that love with everyone, and in all situations.

You see, my friends, you must have the consciousness of love before you enter the situation. Then, you will receive from that situation love. Without the consciousness of love, you receive what you send out, be that whatever it may., It is written many times in your holy works, “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” So, love to the very best of your ability, and you will reap it a hundredfold. Many of you have wondered at times: “How can I be of service? I do not have a great deal of money. I do not have very special talents. I do not know what to do to be of service.” We say to you, “Meditate and find love. And then open yourself to your own self.”

Within your life experience there is guidance. The guidance will show you who and how to serve. Love is infinite. You cannot put a dollar value on the heart, and it takes no special talent to be a channel for love. If you can begin to make your life function in this new way, if you can begin to know the Creator personally and let Him love through you, then that which comes to you will become more and more a reflection of that love. It may take a certain amount of time, but if you begin now, we assure you that it will be very, very soon that you will feel the universe about you warming to you, becoming a friendly place, becoming your home.,

Does this show that living a life of pure love is easily within reach of those who would direct their attention in that manner? Wow. May it be so, all over the globe.


I was pondering that idea of simply
“loving your neighbor as yourself”
and getting bummed because well,
most neighbors find each other as
annoying. If you’re lucky, you may
get a wave from inside their car as
they drive off on some agenda that
doesn’t involve a loving relationship.

It may be that forums such as this
offer some greater opportunity to
bare your soul and spiritually love
our fellow forum readers and writers
to some greater extent.

I find some great potential in the
sharing of creative writings, as if
this idea becomes really, really
spiritually accessible. Thank you.

I’m not sure I understand your comment exactly, but my understanding of…

…is that they are speaking of a stable state of heart awareness where one has balanced feelings such as unworthiness or shame to the extent that one is not triggered and dragged down to a level of consciousness below the heart by the actions of others. This would be love offered without thought of reciprocation one way or another.

It would be in that state you would interact with the following.

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I agree with your assessment. Although, I would add that if/when one is nonetheless triggered, it then becomes a matter of how efficiently one will raise themselves up to the heart again. :slight_smile:

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