For those who have difficulty reading Ra material ❤️‍🩹

Disclamer: this post might not be the best choice for anyone who really needs super precise translations

Hey everyone :wave:

Have you ever felt really tired and confused by all the complicated words and long sentences? Sometimes, it can get so overwhelming that you just want to give up on reading altogether. I totally get how frustrating that can be for anyone who has experienced that feeling of not wanting to read anymore

It can be tough to reignite that passion for exploring new things. However, I have found a method to boost my motivation. This approach not only helps me feel inspired but also gives me a fresh way to look at the subject matter. There’s just one website I use for this

Let’s check out an example of what we can get

Let’s take this passage → 3.8

Not using website:

I am Ra. You must picture the activity within all that is created. The energy is, though finite, quite large compared to the understanding/distortion of your peoples. This is an obvious point well known to your peoples, but little considered.

This energy is intelligent. It is hierarchical. Much as your mind/body/spirit complex dwells within an hierarchy of vehicles and retains, therefore, the shell, or shape, or field, and the intelligence of each ascendingly intelligent or balanced body, so does each atom of such a material as rock. When one can speak to that intelligence, the finite energy of the physical, or chemical, rock/body is put into contact with that infinite power which is resident in the more well-tuned bodies, be they human or rock.

With this connection made, a request may be given. The intelligence of infinite rock-ness communicates to its physical vehicle and that splitting and moving which is desired is then carried out through the displacement of the energy field of rock-ness from finity to a dimension which we may conveniently call, simply, infinity.

In this way, that which is required is accomplished due to the cooperation of the infinite understanding of the Creator indwelling in the living rock. This is, of course, the mechanism by which many things are accomplished which are not subject to your present means of physical analysis of action at a distance.

Using website:

  1. I am Ra. Imagine everything that exists and the activity happening within it. The energy around us is quite vast, even though it has limits, especially when compared to what your people understand. While this is something your people know, it’s not often thought about deeply.

  2. This energy has intelligence and is organized in a hierarchy. Just like your mind, body, and spirit exist in a structured way, each atom in something like a rock also has its own form and intelligence. When you connect with that intelligence, the limited energy of the physical rock interacts with the boundless power found in more advanced beings, whether they are humans or rocks.

  3. Once this connection is established, you can make a request. The intelligence within the rock communicates with its physical form, allowing it to move and change as needed by shifting its energy from a limited state to what we can simply call infinity.

  4. Through this process, what you need can be achieved because of the cooperation between the infinite wisdom of the Creator that resides in the living rock. This is how many things happen that your current methods of physical analysis cannot explain, especially when it comes to actions that seem to occur at a distance.

The text can be pretty hard to get at first. It might help to check out a simpler version on the website, and then you can return to the original text to see if it makes more sense after that

So, if you are interested, just check out the website

Make sure to choose the ‘writing tone’ as shown

And don’t forget to set these settings as shown

Hey, I really hope this post has been helpful to at least one of you. If you’re finding it tough to learn something new, don’t lose hope

Remember, there’s always a chance to make things more enjoyable!



There is another option: using ChatGPT, such as the version provided by OpenAI ( With the paid version, you can customize your chat experience, tailoring it to behave in a specific manner and refer to particular materials. However, you can also use it for free. You just have to do the same work for each new session, with writing how ChatGPT should behave because you can’t save a chatbot.

I have configured such a chat to specialize in the Q’uo and Ra material, focusing on their perspectives when responding. I’ve also provided it with links to L/L Research channeling sessions, ensuring it has the correct sources and context. While the chat relies on what it has learned from its training data, it also can search for information in real-time.

With this setup, you can directly ask questions about anything that interests you, and the chat will respond from the perspective of Q’uo/Ra. Of course, like any tool, it has its advantages and limitations.


  • Efficiency: It significantly accelerates the process of finding information. You only need to ask specific questions to receive concise and relevant answers.
  • Simplification: If you encounter a difficult passage from a session with Ra or Q’uo that is difficult to understand or is written in complex language, ChatGPT can provide a simpler explanation. It can also be further prompted to expand on its explanations if needed.
  • Assistance: ChatGPT functions exceptionally well as an assistant. It’s a valuable tool if you already have some familiarity with the material and need a reminder or clarification. You can compare your ideas with the chat’s responses.
  • Objectivity: ChatGPT is known for its literalness, specificity, and clarity. It does not create subjective interpretations or share personal intuitions. It responds in a logical and precise manner, preserving the original message.


  • Errors: ChatGPT can make mistakes. I have received answers that were inconsistent with the material. In such cases, you can simply tell the chat, “I remember it differently…”, or “I know it’s different… it’s like this… please correct.” It usually adjusts itself, but it’s important to monitor the chat’s responses. Also, be aware that sometimes we might be wrong, and the chat might adapt to our incorrect suggestions, potentially leading us astray.
  • Limited Use for Total Beginners: ChatGPT is less effective for someone who is entirely unfamiliar with the material and just starting to learn about channeled content. To be truly helpful, ChatGPT often requires the user to establish some context in the conversation, which requires a basic understanding of the material. A complete novice may struggle with this.
  • Lack of Imagination and Intuition: While the chat’s objective, logical presentation of information has its merits, it also has drawbacks. ChatGPT lacks imagination and intuition; it cannot empathize with us or fully grasp what we truly need. It may come across as formulaic or uninspired, and it might not provide the more in-depth insights we seek.


Using AI like ChatGPT can be incredibly helpful when used properly. However, relying solely on it without engaging with the original sources and developing an understanding through one’s own spiritual and mental effort might prevent someone from fully accessing the depth of what channeling has to offer. ChatGPT might also discourage independent work and growth if someone believes that merely asking the chat for answers is sufficient. This is misleading and poses a significant threat to their development.

On the other hand, when used appropriately—as a supplement, an assistant, or an additional feedback tool—ChatGPT can serve for example as a valuable mirror for testing new, unproven hypotheses. It can quickly highlight inconsistencies between our ideas and the Q’uo and Ra material, keeping us grounded, or it can confirm the validity of our thoughts, guiding us in the right direction. In this way, ChatGPT can accelerate our development without replacing the crucial processes of thinking, feeling, contemplating, and drawing conclusions.

I noticed that I was not the only one accelerating my development with the new technology. I saw that Andrii, for example, is also using this tool to explore Q’uo material and related topics:

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Possibly as consequence to opposable thumbs,
an important characteristic of humanity seems
tool making. Artificial Intelligence tools might
be considered a somewhat disruptive breakthrough
technology that has taken many decades to
come into fruition. AI will likely will change the
course of human evolution. Search tools for
seeking like Google has likely used simpler
forms of AI for years for things like spell check
and context ranking to improve search results.
Free will as stemming from the idea of having
the freedom to know thyself in ways desired,
complements the use of better search tools.
Much of AI influence seems taken for granted.
If a counterpart tool could be made available
an emergent application may be fusing
artifacts of sacred scripts into compendiums
of coherent principles without toil of things
like deciphering and translating - sacred
scriptures become higher degrees accesdible
and democratized, and it’s just getting started.