We always thought that the “higher self” concept that is mentioned in the law of one to be strange… our “higher self” is “higher selves”, as in two distinct voices with the same energy signature as ourselves. This to us kind of shattered the whole “higher self” concept, If it’s supposed to be “you” in the “future,” why would one need two?
How would one know if they were channeling a service to self entity? Based on the information provided above, they could at least use electrophysiological markers of working memory to at least “test” in a sense whether the material was as “truthful” as possible. In the true definition of the law of one, one who was “service to others” would not lie during this test and there should be some indication with an EEG machine. And even then, with Emotion AI and engineering, these “feelings” are beginning to be successfully faked for seemingly “non-threatening” things like auto chat responders for websites as an example. What happens when they use this technology to create something with more control and power? Is that when something like Benford’s Law would come in play to “weed out” the “bad” information?
The definition of “demon” seems like a confusing concept. What classifies one as a “demon” per say? Can our definition of that be influenced by “thought forms?” There are a lot of movies, TV shows, arts inspired by the Christian definition of “hell” and “demons” that may influence what we are actually seeing or experiencing while being around one who is “possessed.”
There is the scenario with the priests dowsing the “possessed” person with holy water, reading bible versions and sending it’s “sorry butt back to hell-o.”
Or there is the more loving scenario, of one would may be struggling with their personal “demons,” who may be feeling overwhelmed and needing someone to be there for them, that has been misinterpreted by the “church” as madness. Can you image what they would think if you tried to tell the church half the stuff most experience during a “mystical” experience? From their biblical “perspective,” they may filter what that “demon” is experiencing through the wrong lens.
This is just a thought experiment on conditioning, biases and using them to create “flower-glasses” in order to see the world in a way they deem is the most “flowery” to them.
Rose-coloured or flower coloured, each lens with present a different point of view.
See this poses an issue in that it doesn’t offer a balanced perspective. There has to be some scientific background, some consistency and continuity to the “experiement” in order to make sure that balance is maintained.
Use an EEG with channeller, as well as provide psychological evaluation to make sure those providing said information (that so many follow blindly for years without question, doubt and unwavering “faith”). Make sure there is no room for lies.
Especially in the “golden age of spirituality,” where everyone is hungry to learn more about the origins of “who” they may be, “why” they are here, and so forth, those providing this advice need to take responsibility for the advice they are giving and the “consequences” of how said advice affects those who are listening to it.
Spirituality needs to be paired with scientific methods in order to know the material being “provided” isn’t just met with a “take what resonates” disclaimer and that those “providing” this service are balanced themselves before giving out this “information” during a major time of “4th density” transformation.