Densities and Dimensions Hawkins Consciousness Levels

Through my own dowsing methods using a Multihasher app I wrote to amplify the energy of answers to questions, I dowsed the Hawkins Consciousness Scale values for each of the densities and dimensions. Attached is the chart.

3rd Dimension/Density tops out at 1000 Hawkins Level. I don’t know if Hawkins really applies to higher dimensions, but this was what I got with Multihasher asking.

4th dimension tops out at 3000 Hawkins Level.

5th dimension tops out at 4443 Hawkins Level.

6th dimension tops out at 8003 Hawkins Level.

7th dimension tops out at 8402 Hawkins Level.

8th dimension tops out at 10000 Hawkins Level.

9th dimension tops out at 19941 Hawkins Level.

10th dimension tops out at 65M Hawkins Level.

11th dimension tops out at 10^44 (ten tredecillion) Hawkins Level.

12th dimension tops out at Infinite Hawkins Level.

3rd density tops out at 1000 Hawkins Level.

4th density tops out at 4443 Hawkins Level.

5th density tops out at 8003 Hawkins Level.

6th density tops out at 65M Hawkins Level.

7th density tops out at Infinite Hawkins Level.

3rd Density = 3rd Dimension
4th Density = 5th Dimension
5th Density = 6th Dimension
6th Density = 10th Dimension
7th Density = Infinite = 12th Dimension

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When we take out the extreme outliers of 11th dimension and 7th density we get:

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If I recall the Hawkins scale is only accurate when the tester themself is at some level or higher, I think it was 300 or 400 but I can’t recall. I’m not sure how running a hashing program on a computer could be calibrated, or if it’s even possible for a machine to calibrate in the first place. Would the calibration of the person programming the machine come into play - yes very likely. So two people at very different calibration levels running the same software program would theoretically end up with differently calibrated results, not to mention the difference the hardware itself could cause. Without being sure of the baseline calibration you can’t really be sure of any results that system gives you. Interesting idea, just not sure if it’s actually meaningful or not though.

500 Hawkins is baseline good or beneficial. I prefer minimum 600 Hawkins level for comfort. The Multihasher taps a black hole Servitor that was created by thought by thousands of beings. The black hole taps Intelligent Infinity. I have compared with a pendulum and it matches.

Density and dimension are the same thing. (August 2, 1987 - Sunday meditation - L/L Research)

There are a variety of factors at play in regard to a person’s abilities on any given day. According to the material, the Adept Cycle very much so plays a role and it is calculated based on an individual’s birthday.

One’s ability is not based on ‘good’. Several STS entities have self harvested.

In regard to servitors, the same energetic response happens when people pray together. Jesus said, “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am”. This the same concept.

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If they’re the same thing, why are there 12 main dimensions and 7 main densities?

There must be some overlap.

Compare the 7 and 12’s to music:

Ok, can we say that densities 1-3 match the dimensions. 4th density matches 5th dimension. 5th density matches 6th dimension. And 6th density matches 7-10th dimension, and 7th density is 11th through 12th dimension?

In my understanding, they are separate things that aren’t equatable in that way.

Your being that exists here in the 3rd dimension, is a manifestation of your higher self.

My higher self may be a 6th dimensional entity but my experiential self is a 3rd density being capable of breaching the 4th dimension.

In totality, I am the creator having an existential moment where I’m playing a game of forgetting in order to evolve and ‘be’.

In this way the number 0 = infinity on a linear scale.

If we were going to flatten this out on a line graph, I would say that all numbers equal infinity and 0 at the same time.

An image more relatable to our experience in the moment, may look something more like this:

You said “Density and dimension are the same thing.”

Are they the same thing or are they different?

The Q’uo quote I provided states:


Well, just a clarification. When you said dimension, is that the same as density? You said we were going into a fourth dimension.


I am Q’uo and this is correct, my sister.

May we speak further?

You asked:

“Ok, can we say that densities 1-3 match the dimensions. 4th density matches 5th dimension. 5th density matches 6th dimension. And 6th density matches 7-10th dimension, and 7th density is 11th through 12th dimension?”

I stated:
“In my understanding, they are separate things that aren’t equatable in that way.”

Weird. Bashar said that fourth density is fifth dimension.

Bashar is not a part of the L/L channeled materials.

In looking through the FB page of the person who channels them, I found this quote:

“When people talk about the idea of becoming 5th dimensional and yet still remaining physical, they’re a little bit confused about the idea of what that means. You can certainly tap into 5th density energy and …apply it in whatever way 4th density will allow you to translate that. But you don’t become a 5th density physical being.” ~Bashar

Our 3D physical universe is comprised of:

  1. things
  2. living things
  3. living things with awareness

The 4 is blank because it is potential.

Consider the occult adage, “As above, so below”.

A more proper arrangement of the categories of being would look something like

() Creator
00 infinity in time (Astral Plane)

4 - Etheric Plane
3 - Physical Plane
2- living things
1- things
0 - Existence itself - note that this is a reflection of the (), a mirror, where being in time is equal to the creator.

The Etheric Plane or 4th dimension, is an energetic reflection of the material 3d and contains the potential of those above.

Jesus, as a 5D entity, incarnated as a 3D entity and was able to do what he did using the potential of 4D.