Daily Q'uote from L/L Research Channeling

Q’uote of the Day
May 23rd, 1999

" Individuality is a very deceptive thing. We are not denying each of you your individuality at all, but it is a puzzling thing in that it predisposes one to thinking that the goal is to find more of one’s individuality, that in becoming more of oneself one shall become more individualized. This, however, is not our understanding of the way one becomes more fully or wholly oneself. The rational mind wants to reach out and pull in all of those things that will be useful and helpful in the search for the heart itself. There is that feeling of accretion, of collecting resources that will be of help in this search. Yet it is our feeling that the becoming more of oneself is a process of things falling away, a process of subtraction. …In terms of doing the inner work the challenge is to find ways to allow that which is not the heart of self to fall away."

It ties into I see how natural it feels about those things in life, a type of effortless that comes about in a sense. Not necessarily in the doing in how you are being instead… As spiritual seeking deepens that natural or effortless feeling comes about more easy but consequently this is balanced by more responsibility… As its inviting increasing catalyst to aid with keeping on ‘the straight and narrow’ as Carla would say.
This next line in the transcript, is evident of that “Working to become less distorted is a distortion itself”. For example in myself attempting to keep my spiritual heart open too much can result my physical heart feeling strained, it took some time for me to click on to it as it was quite subtle that effort… to keep the desire single pointed but in a natural way, and get a better feel for when to take the foot off the petal, and to let that falling away part occur…

A good guidepost for all this is summed up here… being in the present moment
"And so what we encourage this day is a heightened awareness of the value of losing yourself in the present moment. When one talks about the devotional life, again one is pulled into thoughts of the outer world. The question that you ask when you ask to learn more of your true self is a question that has no answer but only a direction, a direction that says, “into the present moment, into life.” Not living, not a process, but that state of being that lies beyond all process. "

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions

Q’uote of the Day
May 7th, 2000

"…As the spirit awakens this process of spiritual and mental evolution begins to accelerate. Whereas before awakening you were content to skate upon the surface of life as though it were a pond, once you have awakened you are aware of and drawn to the depths of each present moment. The profundities, implications, resonances and overtones of each present moment are infinite. The learning in each present moment is potentially infinite. The gateway to intelligent infinity lies within each present moment. As the spirit awakens it becomes gradually more able to hear the far more complex symphony of messages that are coming in within each present moment. "

Now a question regarding a part of the quote may be of assist…

" I have two. In your talk you said the gateway to intelligent infinity is present in every moment. Would you state that in other words to help me find entry into it?


I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. By that statement we mean to say that each moment contains not only love but perfection. If one were to investigate all of the energies that have added themselves into that time period which you call the present moment, if you were able to investigate your own experience leading up to that moment, any such moment would offer you the opportunity of making contact with the one Creator, of experiencing the full presence of the one Creator. Thus, the use of catalyst is the variable which offers to each entity more or less of this opportunity to realize the perfection and the love contained in each moment. Thus, if one is able to fully utilize the catalyst that is presented to one, at any time that one is able to do this the doors to infinity open for you."

The transcript also, having a very insightful discussion about two main paths of Service to Others… where primary one is working with higher energy centers and remaining there … or one alternatively primary working with the entire energy system centered around love or heart energy center, for more information the transcript has a in-depth analysis on both. The above question and answer is pertaining to the latter.
For myself having experienced both, the first path can be more easier an comfortable while the second is more efficient/effective yet more vulnerable, as you are confronting emotions and all the catalyst in much more hands on manner. Obviously Law of One and Channeling material is centered up that path, but it does not mean the other path cannot be used and is certainly recommended for those more drawn to it.

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Q’uote of the Day
September 13th, 2008
(September 13, 2008 - Saturday meditation - L/L Research
"The word “infinity” itself is impossible to grasp. This may be your best clue to releasing any concern about how one may experience this infinity. "

Heres a practical technique about this…about how to experience infinity…

First is this on being undefended…
"There is no definitive answer to your query because for some infinity is very close and near at hand and indeed can be heard in the ear as the whistle of the wind or the cry of the eagle. For others, it is all or nothing. For some it takes a tremendous wrench of some kind to knock away the defenses of the surface life.

If you would bring infinity closer to you then, we would encourage you to look to your defenses and begin to dismantle them straightaway."

“It’s the work of a lifetime for some to become undefended and then to feel comfortable without the customary defenses. Yet it is exactly this lack of defenses that allow infinity to come close.”
Now this…
"Perhaps it may aid in working with bringing this gateway into the daily experience to think at all times that you have a choice of which way to look at a situation. You can look at it from the level of space/time, linear time, measurable, weighty space, or, by a decision within your mind, you can look at precisely the same moment from the position of time/space, seeing all as perfect, all occurrences converging in a circular manner into you from the past, from the present and from the future, so that you find yourself to be a node exquisitely poised between space/time and time/space.

Let your spiritual practice include that visualization and perhaps you shall soon find yourself falling into eternity and infinity with a great feeling of surprise and delight."

I just want to include this… a reminder of the attitude of appreciation of just being alive in creation itself, how it can open up everything yet can be so easily forgotten. By hearing just how much easier it can make life in spiritual seeking can especially helpful!
"The day-to-day life spreads out as a pleasant, open field with many, many options and many interests calling for attention. There are wonderful relationships to cherish and tend. There is good work to do in the earning of the living, in the maintenance of the household, and so forth.

All of these day-to-day duties are blessed and sacred. Every single one of them is, in itself, a small world wherein that one task can be focused into and offered one hundred percent of the love within in order that that one chore may shine and be a gift in offering to the one Creator.

The key to creating of the life a sacred journey is the attitude with which this journey is taken. We would suggest that the invocation of gratitude and thankfulness is a great key in bringing one’s day-to-day life into focus. For no matter whether that which faces one in any particular instance would be thought of by the world as a blessing or as a challenge, yet still, in essence, that which lies before you is the perfect gift for this moment, containing your service and your learning.

There is a tendency to forget to invoke this gratitude when that which lies before one does not seem to be a blessing. And yet, we would suggest that there is wisdom in waiting those few seconds before you undertake a challenging duty in order that you may open your heart and mind to the realization of the full measure of your gratitude for the opportunity to be alive in the creation of the Father and to face this moment.

In just this way does the discipline of the personality begin. It does not begin with meditation, although meditation is vital to a spiritual practice. Rather, it begins on the very surface of things, in the very smallest of chores and duties. It begins with the realization of the tremendous fortune that you have in coming to this moment just where you are, with just the people with whom you are and facing just exactly the blessings and challenges that you now face.

There is an ecstasy which comes when the spirit is ready to be honed in its focus and dull care flies away; when the spirit gathers its feet under it and surges into a full and vertical existence within. The whole energy body begins to sing when this begins to happen. And where before there was a flat and pleasant landscape of things to do and people to see, now you are at the cutting edge of the present moment and anything is possible.

With this attitude, when one then moves into meditation and other rituals designed to deepen the spiritual practice, there is a lack of effort and a lack of complexity to the path. For that within you which moves into the meditation is, by your focus on the present moment, already in a premeditative state of focus."

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Q’uote of the Day
May 12th, 2018

“In this regard, it would seem that the basic elements of each path are the same. It is the means by which the desire of each polarity is manifested that makes the paths appear different. But, we must remember, my friends that much of what is an appearance in any aspect or polarity, is an illusion that exists for the purpose of aiding each path to progress to its final destination. All the creation is an illusion, or a distortion, of the One Creator to assist portions of the One Creator to travel through the One Creator in order to return to the One Creator. All of the action, the thought, and the being within the one infinite creation is a means by which the Creator learns more of itself from itself.”

Here is a quote that talks about those two choices… so seemingly different but paradoxically not… the quote below is what is before the daily quote.

“one must remember that there is nothing in motion that has not been made, and which does not contain, the One Creator. The Creator has made all that is, and has provided free will in the ultimate sense for each portion of its own being—both those portions which seek to radiate the love and light of the One Creator, and those which seek to absorb the love and light of the One Creator—and yet both deal with the love and the light of the One Creator for the purpose of moving back into unity with the One Creator.”

On the service to others path… here is a discussion the ties it back to those every so prevalent energy centers…
“we would suggest that this is true in the larger sense of removing the distortions or the qualities or facets of the being which are less reflective of the unity of the One Creator, of the radiance of the light of the One that is in the self, and the sharing of the love from the open heart. As one is able to remove the blockages through the energy centers that prohibit the free flow of the prana, or the intelligent energy through the energy centers, then progress through the densities of creation is also accelerated in a direct ratio, shall we say. So, there is the progress in evolution of mind, body, and spirit that is enhanced as the blockages, or distortions of each energy center, are ameliorated and balanced so that there is the clear reflection of the Creator’s love and light as it moves through the crystalized centers of the individualized entity seeking its own evolution.”

Now back to the heart of all of this… the returning to the one creator. That yearning is the true principle behind devotion… which is exactly reflected in the study of the Tarot the archetypes…
The reaching the of the conscious mind(matrix of mind card)… to court or woo the subconscious(transformation of the mind)… resulting in the union of the two (Significator of the Spirit) and thereby feeling the unity… unity being the Creator(Great way of Spirit).

“Whenever an entity, whether male or female, is considering how to approach negotiating something as personal as a prayer life or a practice or rule of life with a mate, that entity may see itself as that figure which goes forth to court or to woo rather than to control or to manipulate.”

The tarot, is symbolic, the male figures do not say its for men only its symbolising the reaching while the female figures represent to await the reaching … which are energies male and females both possess. The conscious mind reaching for the unconscious mind, as if done in a polarised way union of the Creator is felt. Thereby resting in that union, which is felt in a profound joy. Well until catalyst comes again. Thats a very simplified analogy of course!

In a different manner its explained in the concept guide… where Will is another word for pure desire… primal desire above all other desires for that oneness

“When the conscious and subconscious minds were partitioned, the most
significant result was the arising and the development of will or pure desire. It
seems that the essence of this pure desire is the same as the Original Desire, “that
entities seek and become One.”
This desire is a yearning, and it is also the seed idea or fundamental premise of
the individual self: that it is separate and thus must find the Creator. When the
conscious mind was set apart, the conscious self seemed to become displaced.
When a self is displaced, alone, and cut off from its own resources and deeper
self, there is the potential to yearn to come back home. In its higher forms this
yearning expresses as the need to transcend the separate self and realize oneness
with the Creator through healing and forgiveness.
All beings in existence carry this yearning and will be driven by it one way or
another, though few on our planet are conscious of their true aim. Those who
do awaken, harness, and center their beings on this pure desire are known as
mystics. Mystics may perhaps be defined as those who, having become aware of
their true desire, realize that it was this desire hiding at the center of every
illusion pursued in the misguided attempt to find satisfaction. Thus, from
groping in the moonlight they move closer to grasping the light of the sun.
The more awakened this desire, the greater the fire burns, the stronger the entity
grows. For those who do resurrect this longing or attractive force, they tune the
heart to love, or the denial of love, and exercise the will to chart their return
journey home along one of the two available polarized pathways—until polarity
is resolved and all again becomes One…”

November 8, 1992 - Sunday meditation - L/L Research! There is discussion here…about the play of female and male energy… and here May 17, 1992 - Sunday meditation - L/L Research

Additionally to all this there is a bias by our Logos for mated relationship that can propel spiritual progress, especially by that acct of sexual union and is why its a possible path one can take … that RA talked about in there progress as adept. In the higher densities this is mentioned as something that only becomes much more powerful for the mated relationships . Its not needed tho as talked about in the above quote, It all comes down to unity,
Form Law of One
" Let us remember that we are all one. This is the great learning/teaching. In this unity lies love. This is a great learn/teaching. In this unity lies light. This is the fundamental teaching of all planes of existence in materialization. Unity, love, light, and joy; this is the heart of evolution of the spirit.

The second-ranking lessons are learn/taught in meditation and in service. At some point the mind/body/spirit complex is so smoothly activated and balanced by these central thoughts or distortions that the techniques you have mentioned become quite significant. However, the universe, its mystery unbroken, is one. Always begin and end in the Creator, not in technique"

A lot covered here and assortment of points that all could be discussed in numerous ways… the tarot being one possible blueprint among others, however given RA focus on and of course my heavy bias and long study of it I have included it.

Heres some quotes to support above discussions…
Law of One… RA and there third density…
“Let us expand upon this point. When we were aided by sixth-density entities during our own third-density experiences we, being less bellicose in the extreme, found this teaching to be of help. In our naïveté in third density we had not developed the interrelationships of your barter or money system and power. We were, in fact, a more philosophical third-density planet than your own and our choices of polarity were much more centered about the, shall we say, understanding of sexual energy transfers and the appropriate relationships between self and

84.22 Questioner: Before the veil, were there— Let me put it this way: Did the Logos, or did most Logoi plan before the veil to create a system of random sexual activity or specific pairing of entities for periods of time, or did they have an objective in this respect?

Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.

The harvest from the previous creation was that which included the male and female mind/body/spirit. It was the intention of the original Logoi that entities mate with one another in any fashion which caused a greater polarization. It was determined, after observation of the process of many Logoi, that polarization increased many fold if the mating were not indiscriminate. Consequent Logoi thusly preserved a bias towards the mated relationship which is more characteristic of more disciplined personalities and of what you may call higher densities. The free will of each entity, however, was always paramount and a bias only could be offered.

On sixth density…

" 41.5 Questioner: In your last statement did you mean that the sixth-density entities are actually creating the manifestation of the sun in their density? Could you explain what you meant by that?

Ra: I am Ra. In this density some entities whose means of reproduction is fusion may choose to perform this portion of experience as part of the beingness of the sun body. Thus you may think of portions of the light that you receive as offspring of the generative expression of sixth-density love."

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Q’uote of the Day
May 7th, 2000

“Within your meditative state—and this is again our recommendation for the investigation of emotion, to use meditation—look, then, to those feelings which you have, for they are valuable in themselves. They are the temperature, shall we say, of your current experience. Each may be seen as a portion of a trail, a thread, that will lead one to more fruitful finding of the value of experience. The emotions that one feels at any particular moment give one a place to begin to assess that which is occurring in the life pattern, to see the honest and spontaneous response of self to self. Then, as one is able to utilize these emotions in the balancing process one shall find their opposite occurring. Thus, if you are able to relive a situation in which a strong emotion occurs and within the meditative state to see this occurring, giving it free reign, to become as large as you can imagine, then there is the opportunity for the polar opposite emotion to arise within the meditative state so that you begin to feel another way about a certain situation, person or event. Then allow this polar opposite emotion to get as large and as powerful as it can. When this has completed its growth and presentation to you, then accept yourself for having both of these means by which the Creator may know Itself in you, in your experience. Thus, you have taught to the Creator that which you have learned within the situation and you have seen a fuller expression of natural emotion within your being as a means by which you know the Creator in you. Thus, you, working with every emotion that leaves its imprint upon you, are able to see the full range of your beingness, the appropriateness of each facet of emotion, the direction that each emotion points towards the heart of being, so that eventually there is but one emotion for [every] event, that being compassion, love, forgiveness, mercy, understanding—all of those qualities of unconditional love.”

After is the following…


Just to finish up, then all emotions, all these purified rivers of the Creator, empty into love or stem from love, or are a derivative of love, or are distortions of love?


I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query and also aware of the accuracy of each observation that you have made in asking it. For all does come from love. All exists in love. All is pointed towards love. The examined life is that life which is able to get a glimpse of this truth from time to time in the process of examining, balancing and accepting each emotion as it moves through your being and points towards each heart."

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Q’uote of the Day
January 17th, 1999

“You will notice that we have not talked about a room of wisdom, for it is our humble opinion that wisdom is not the lesson for which you are ready at this time. For you see, wisdom may only be studied, with good results, when an entity has learned the lesson of love and compassion. Wisdom is a dead thing unless it comes from that resoundingly open heart that is able to allow the infinite love of the one Creator to go into the self, to be blessed by the self, and to move on from the self into the Earth plane without significant distortion. This is what you came to do. And it is not a doing but a being that you came to offer as your gift. You came to sacrifice your very self. Your whole incarnation is a gift to Earth. Certainly you hoped to do personal work here. And certainly you hoped to serve by what you do and what you say, but how much more central is your responsibility to meet the moment with a loving and opened heart. And it is this which is the province and realm over which you have control. This is where your power lies, in the momentary decision to seek the love in that moment. As the one known as Ra has said, “Where is the love in this moment?” is a helpful question at any juncture, but especially when the spirit is weary or overwrought.”


Q’uote of the Day
September 26th, 1977

“Yes, my friends, we ask you to meditate in silence, each of your days. And we do this for a reason, my friends. We have said to you love is all that there is. You must love your brothers and sisters. But, my friends, the beginning of love is the love of yourself as a whole and perfect being. It is in meditation that you become aware of the true nature of yourself and therefore, my friends, the true nature of the universe, for you are inseparable, completely linked with all that there is. That is why you and we are brothers, for neither time nor space, nor all the dimensions of creation can separate the oneness of consciousness.”

There’s a different feel to those transcript of the 70’s, each decade of transcripts all add a different flavour to these archives. The 70’s transcripts really had a large emphasis on meditation inspired messages… On a overall note you can understand that given the time an what the planet and people were going through… what messages are more applicable. Add in who those involved channeling are and there biases, spiritual and channeling development, all equals a variety of inspiring words not matter the time period…Whether those earlier ones in the 70’s or all the way to 2024 and beyond…

Now after zooming out, now to zoom back into this transcript…

“Look not upon your brother as someone different then you. Look upon your brother as a reflection of a portion of yourself and of your Creator. The Creator, my friends, is a term which we use to signify that which we consider to be the omnipresent energy and intelligence that is, shall we say, the maker of all things. We see the presence of that Creator within each individual and within all matter. For if indeed, as many of your major philosophies have stated, all things are one, then the Creator must be within them. The greatest law which you may observe is to love and respect one another as you would yourself; to love and respect the Creator within each individual. Do not attempt to focus upon those points of personality which seem undesirable to you, but focus your attention upon those points of universality, one with the Creator, within your brothers. And in this way, you shall commune more quickly, in love and in harmony, with not only your brothers upon this planet, but with your brothers throughout the universe”.

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Q’uote of the Day
May 17th, 2005

" What is the “I” of you? As you become more and more interesting to yourself, we believe that you will find that the “I” of yourself has more and more to do with consciousness and less and less to do with mind. As you circle ever closer to the center of your onion and see layer after layer of false self fall away, we believe that you shall find the “I” of you to be ever more involved with the soul stream from which you came, which is, in its essence, a spark of the one infinite Creator. "

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Q’uote of the Day
May 13th, 1990

" In all compassion, gaze upon your imperishable, infinite selves. How many, many choices, learnings, adventures, cruelties, forgivenesses and experiences of all kinds have each of you had. Not one of you will react as any other one of you to the same stimulus, and why? Because everything concerning your time/space beingness and your space/time beingnesses is based upon that which is unique in you. It may be immeasurable, it may be subtle, but you cannot be the same as another, as free will cannot be the same as itself. It is free. You are free. Yet you are free to do one thing only: to distort, to play, to experience, and to learn about love, that portion of yourself which you all do indeed have in absolute common. "


Q’uote of the Day
September 3rd, 2006

"The closer that you can get to the source of your [chakra] blockage or your overactivation, the more chance that you have of unearthing the ore that contains this gem of information, this piece of crystallized pain. When you do this, you hold in your hand the gift of much suffering. Wash it! Polish it! It is a gem you have earned, but it is not a gem that you need weighing you down. There comes a time to lay down a piece of crystallized pain that is emotional in nature, mental in nature, or spiritual in nature. You will know when that time comes. We do not encourage you to hurry yourself. However, it is indeed a wise person who harvests such crystallized pain, realizes it, thanks it, and moves on. It is not necessary to carry behind you that great sack which bears the accumulated pain of your incarnation. "

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions

Q’uote of the Day
February 20th, 2000

…We say to you that if you can hold the essence of faith which is that all is well and that all will be well, if you can hold to this attitude, that faith will grow and flourish and bloom in amazing ways.

Daily quote today is about faith and guidance… what opens up that connection is talked about below…

“Guidance is that connection between the metaphysical and physical universes which translates complex information concerning destiny and desire into earthly terms which steps down the energy of the cosmos so that the self within incarnation can accept energy and intuition and essence and open the mind to the translation that guidance will make of these things in offering them to the conscious mind.”

How to strengthen and open that connection…

"The project, shall we say, of reaching to discover information is best approached within a framework of a daily rule of life that includes a period of meditation during each day. The mind in the earthly sense has that tendency to continue working whether or not there is prominent stimulation from the outer world and, thusly, the inner world can be the world of one listening to a chatterbox.

Many are the conversations entities such as this instrument have with themselves, all in the imagination. And this energy generally moves according to the laws of inertia. It simply keeps going because that is what the mental biocomputer does. It runs. It operates. It is noisy. The idea, then, is to empty out the mental pockets and allow the earthly biocomputer to have a rest so that the consciousness may float free of the either/or demands of the earthly mind. Without the regular, habitual and persistent use of meditation it is very difficult to learn to stop the mind from running. And when the mind is running the deeper guidance is very difficult to contact.

Thusly, in order to prepare the ground for connecting with guidance it is a very skillful idea to place the self in the act of meditation. This is a tremendous commitment and it is a life-changer. This entity, for instance, is fond of saying that she does not meditate well. What she means is that she cannot completely shut off her earthly brain. Bits of conversations and music continue to filter through all efforts to shut down the noise of the mind. However [true], this objective concept of the self as not being good at meditating [is], this instrument would be the first to express the powerful work that meditation on a daily basis has wrought in her life experience. And indeed, any entity who has meditated for any length of time is aware that even a little of this silence of mind is a powerful accelerant of the process of spiritual transformation."

On that silence…

“Each entity will have a different experience when attempting to create the habit of daily meditation. For some entities it is a procedure that is very easy. Some entities offer to themselves within incarnation the gift of a quiet mind and economical thoughts, and for such entities meditation seems almost a natural way of life. For others, it seems most unnatural and is correspondingly difficult to create as a habit and, yet, we say to you that regardless of the subjective experience while gaining that habit of silence within each day, the progress is being made.”
The beginning of seeking times… silence was certainly most unnatural for myself, having a heavy analytical side it took much training to open up that pathway between conscious and unconscious but its become a natural way of life now, something in the beginning if i think back now seems unthinkable. Having a really strong devotion though that inner silence is less necessary… silence came first for me while the devotion part came later.
Of course preincarnative planning comes into the mix here too, so each path is different. Here is a quote on the devotion aspect from another transcript…

"And this is one way to move into the metaphysical universe. Focus upon devotion is a metaphysical or time/space focus, and when the choice of the seeker is first to move into devotion and devotional principles such as thanksgiving and praise there begins to be established a point of view or an attitude which automatically links the seeker with its own subconscious or metaphysical mind. And in this attitude or construct of metaphysical being the connections become stronger and information moves into the conscious mind ever more quickly with iteration and experience until you are responding to better information and are finding a less troubled outer existence where instead of being surprised by your limitations you are responding to them in loving awareness of them.


Q’uote of the Day
December 30th, 1990

" The one known as John the Baptist said, “Make straight in the desert a highway for God with us.” Make straight in your hearts the pathway for I AM. How does one make this pathway straight? Largely by coming to terms with your three so-called lower,… fundamental, energies, through which all living light must pass to flow into the heart to give it the power and the strength and the stability it needs…How can you do this if the heart is open, but the energy moving into it must move through far too small an opening because you have not come to terms with yourself, you have not accepted yourself, you have not accepted your relationships; you have not accepted the primacy of love, unconditional love, over any personal preference whatsoever; you have not done the work of forgiveness, perhaps, or self-forgiveness, acceptance, or more likely, self-acceptance? "

This line below has some relevance as any blockage/over activation of those lower energy centers or any by that matter comes down how present one is in the moment… now with that little linking statement opens the door to include this quote too
“Yet within the present moment there is only beginning, and there is nothing but the present moment in any spiritual consideration”
Rather than speak this is one quote that is perfect for a meditation/contemplation session…

Q’uote of the Day
February 28th, 1988

“We may gaze upon many, many sources of negativity, many clouds of negative thought-forms. The difficulties which lie behind, beneath and around the waking experience of those upon your planet at this time have caused those entities younger in your years to experience a speeding effect mentally and emotionally, and sometimes physically also, so that there are those who have experienced your culture’s more painful problems of stress and importance put upon relatively unimportant things”

Thought forms… how thoughts if enough of them in sufficient strength have form which that like a radio antenna can be picked up. Especially for those unpolarised that influence can be more pronounced.

A most obvious example is talked about here…
“Perhaps the greatest single life-threatening instance of the negative thought form is that found within your hospitals, for those who are there are often experiencing extreme physical catalyst in the distortion towards pain, and thus are immensely radiant of vibration along physical lines which often entrain, depress and nearly madden the emotional circuitry of the same entity. This rich harvest of pain and suffering, fear and despair is well enjoyed, and thus those who are already ill experience even more unease of mind, body and spirit as they must remain free from those emotional expressions manifesting from the catalyst of pain which attract negative thought forms.”

On a positve note…

“Indeed, this relentless positivity of thought, that is, the sheer reluctance to view or experience negativity, is most powerful as a weapon, a shield and buckler, against which armor negative thoughtforms have little sway, for the mind that is stayed already upon those truths within dwells in unity and peace. There is no entrance for surrounding negative auras into the experience of one who, by the habit of positive thought, does not express itself in terms of negative emotions which may then provide food for those vampiric entities called negative thoughtforms.”

Well having a wife that enjoys ghost movies of the more well not happy kind should I say… I have certainly watched a few of these movies. Although being not true you can extrapolate certain truths… you will notice in these movies the most vulnerable are those more frail or at that time having trouble with catalyst… eg not accepting a loved ones passing, or not dealing with challenging life situations.

Another example one talked here
"We would mention one other source of negative thought-forms beyond those which are obvious from the sufferings of hunger, poverty and other wretchedness, and that is the thought-forms which may be termed the husband and the wife. " For instance those in domestic violence. Just thinking on those two words opens the possibility for negative thoughts to form…

More suggestions here
" in all cases where negative thought-forms are encountered, the solution is—this instrument has just informed me, “Much too simple”—the conscious turning of the mind and heart to positive thought, to the generation and the remembrance of service offered and love given as the one only weapon of mind and heart which may starve away those thought-forms which can so intensify and make meretriciously enjoyable the experience of negative emotion."

"In conclusion, we may say that to any whose feet are set upon the path towards the true and the beautiful in service to others and in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator each occasion for negative emotion shall also be an occasion in which it is possible to accept the relationship of food given to those who would feed from the negativity expressed, and as in all cases where negative thought-forms are encountered, the solution is—this instrument has just informed me, “Much too simple”—the conscious turning of the mind and heart to positive thought, to the generation and the remembrance of service offered and love given as the one only weapon of mind and heart which may starve away those thought-forms which can so intensify and make meretriciously enjoyable the experience of negative emotion.

Please remember that in all your behavior you are but manifesting that which you are, and that which you are dwells so deeply within you that it is the journey of a million lifetimes to discover. And, ah, how we too seek our true identity, and when we [find] it we shall be no more at last, if we are successful. Yet we shall be all that there is.

Turn to the Source. Turn then to the end of all seeking, and know that from one to the other is a perfect circle. Love each other, my brothers and sisters, in spite of all, love. And then those thoughtforms which are positive shall radiate and your light power shall grow. And thoughtforms which are positivity shall with angel wings come upon you and take food from you and give back to you the desire for more positivity, more joy, more compassion and peace.

Sate your desire, my friends, and moment by moment when you find yourself discouraged or in any more severe negative emotion, know in your heart that you have a choice, for though the universe is populated with many energies, they must not all come to you. It is your choice. We are who come to those who seek in positive ways. You will find more and more the virtue of such a turning. And if you feel a wrench and a pull and a tearing loose when the turn is made inside the mind and heart, know that you have broken the bands of those who have placed you neatly for consumption and have had to go away quite hungry.

And know, finally, that if it is a time for your being to experience a negative-seeming manifestation, gaze steadily into your brother difficulty. Know and accept that this too is a portion of the self, nor does it need to give rise to the negativity of thoughtform, for peace may be found in sorrow, yet sometimes the sorrow may be long in order that the spirit survive and heal. In those cases the sorrow is well if the spirit have faith in the positivity that surrounds that which is needed to burnish the tapestry which one incarnation creates, for suffering done in nobility of mind, dignity of spirit, and greatness of heart creates a somber, bright beauty that flames amongst the other stitches of the tapestry, giving to it a character and richness it would otherwise not have. Never mistake difficult challenges and others’ negativity to you for that which must be put into your tapestry, those stitches made by your heart and your mind. You are a sovereign being, an image of the Father. My friends, we are young gods. Let us search together for the face of our true identity"

Just having that awareness of thought forms… that concept can be very helpful to navigate this third density life… whether its about injury’s to oneself, illnesses etc that power of keeping positive is so beneficial. Or just any day to day thoughts… your thinking combined with all others having those same thoughts opens the door for more of that kind… So focus on the positive to encourage the positive. It can be easy to not notice too, as thoughts can become habits without knowing. Meditating can reveal all in time…

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Q’uote of the Day
November 8th, 2008

"…We would define the entity that you are by saying whatever of the whole self that you are able to realize within incarnation is the functional entity within that incarnation. This is distinct from the whole self which we sometimes call the “soul stream.” As you have built up intelligence and worked on the balances within yourself through many, many incarnations, you have amassed a very wide and deep stream of self. You could not possibly contain that within one incarnated being. "

All of this lies within the present moment…
"Each added minute and hour of contemplation brings one to a deeper state of awareness. Not a state of awareness that explodes with linear knowledge, certainly, but a deeper state that begins to flower and open to the present moment.

It is in that present moment that the waking consciousness is able to relax and allow the deeper portions of the self to speak, not in words but in crystallizations and radiations of articulated energy. The waking consciousness is to the fuller consciousness of a self-realized entity as black and white is to color."

So calm that intellect down…
“It can be a very painful thing to open oneself to the vivid colors of unknowing. The intellect can batter itself against that unknowing, ceaselessly attempting to make sense of infinity and eternity. Yet no matter how keen the intellect, attempting to order the mysterious and paradoxical self is attempting to harness a whirlwind or lasso a mustang running free.”

Of course the message I have a personal bias of hearing often… meditation

“Those things that help an entity to be more fully self-realized are those disciplines which open the door to the gateway of intelligent infinity. The key to that door is silence. We encourage the regular practice of silence of self, as the one known as G has said, the counting of the breaths, moving back to the breath, allowing the self to be untended. This is a grounding and a seating mechanism that strengthens the essential self and enlarges its ability to bear self-awareness at deeper and deeper levels.”

Just more to that part there… is a later question an answer

" G

Yes, I have a final question. I haven’t put it together really well but I was wondering if you could describe meditation in terms of the chakras. That is, when the entity is successfully in that place wherein the entity watches its own thoughts arise and fall without attachment and without aversion, watches sensations, watches whatever occurs in that manner, in that detached space, what’s happening in terms of the chakras?


We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. When one is accessing the gateway to intelligent infinity, one has been able to open the chakra system so that there is no blockage, over-activation or narrowing that would prevent the infinite love and light of the one Creator from moving through the red, orange and yellow chakras and into the heart. The essential self rests in the open heart while the seeker uses the faculties of will, faith and purified intention to move through the blue and indigo energy centers and through the violet to the gateway.

If you can picture the characteristics of a flame from a candle, you can see the chakra body as a whole in a kind of a rounded form that varies a bit, yet is always solid flame in the center. At the gateway, the self comes to a point of focus that then is ignited into another flame as it approaches and goes through the gateway, so that there is a mirroring of the flame beyond the gateway and the flame of the chakra system which is intimately tied into the earthly self which is approaching the gateway.

At the zero point is the gateway itself. In a way, one could say that the essential self during such times is poised precisely where those two flames meet. It could even be suggested that this is the true nature of the self in incarnation. For as the earthly self moves in essence through the gateway to access that which lies beyond it, the self is that which joins all worlds, the inner and the outer, the higher and the lower, and so forth, and completes many circuits to create a unique point of connection between all worlds, living, breathing, fragile, yet infinitely powerful.

May we answer you further, my brother? We are those of Q’uo.


Just a real quick follow-up, Q’uo. Are you equating accessing the gateway to intelligent infinity with the state of meditation that I described?


We are those of Q’uo. This is not precisely correct, my brother. We include in the gifts the gateway has to offer that of the meditation which reaches beyond the self and brings back from the gateway guidance, inspiration and even information. However, there are many other gifts which the gateway has to offer. Consequently, we spoke of the purified intention as being a part of this setup as to what the self looks like within meditation.

A healer, or one who wishes to teach, for instance, will be accessing different portions of the riches beyond the gateway. However, the organization and look of the chakra body will be the same.

May we answer you further, my brother? We are those of Q’uo."

Now to rewind back again… this is one quote that always for some time stuck out to me, a fascinating source of meditation and contemplation.

“At the gateway, the self comes to a point of focus that then is ignited into another flame as it approaches and goes through the gateway, so that there is a mirroring of the flame beyond the gateway and the flame of the chakra system which is intimately tied into the earthly self which is approaching the gateway.”

Especially the image of the upward flame and conversely the opposite downward flame that point right where one stops and other begins, or the merging? Much may open up by the contemplation…

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Q’uote of the Day
February 7th, 1999

" We encourage each of you to trust in the self, to listen to those hunches and intuitions that are the only voice into the conscious mind of the deeper and larger self that exists below the threshold of consciousness. Each of you is as the fruit of the true vine. Each of you has roots in heaven. Within each of you dwells perfection, truth and infinite love. "
And to finish the remainder of the paragraph with some more inspiring words…
"Spiritual maturity comes to those who seek to run the straight race regardless of what others may think. Move slowly and thoughtfully and wait for inspiration. Maturity will come faster to those who yield their ambitions and ask, “What is the Creator’s will for me today? Where is the love in this moment?” The love in this moment is you. May you carry that truth and wear it as a crown and even when the crown sits heavy upon the head, may you serve, may you reach out to others, may you respond to requests for help with the best that is in you. May you encourage others in their paths, for you are the hands, voices, the caring of the infinite Creator within the Earth, you and none other. As the old chant goes, “May you love each other. May you care for each other. And may you bring each other home.”


Q’uote of the Day
October 25th, 2008

“When one moves into the tuning up in order to achieve that abandonment of the everyday and the total focus upon the divine, it is understood from the beginning that when the purpose of donning this magical personality has been achieved, then the magician or priest shall, consciously and carefully, by visualization or physical action, end the time of dedication and remove, whether in the imagination or physically, the robe of the magical personality, and set it carefully away in the innermost heart where it can be called forth again, hopefully with less and less difficulty as repetition begins to create good habits of auto-suggestion, so that eventually slipping into the magical personality can be done fairly quickly, just as slipping out of it can be done quickly.”


Q’uote of the Day
November 21st, 2009

" …A small child begins to test the limits of his power, his power to say, “Mine,” his power to say, “No,” his power of choice. As the body within incarnation grows to maturity, it is the plan of the infinite One that the mind within also grows and becomes more self aware. It is hoped, and it is pressed upon each spark of the Creator by the very plan of his incarnation, that choice points shall come before that human’s eyes and heart and mind, giving each entity practice in being human, in making the choice of how to serve. For service is inevitable no matter how little a human being wishes to serve. The very nature of third density places each seeker in a series of points of choice and asks that seeker, “How shall you use your power to choose?” "

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Q’uote of the Day
May 15th, 2005

" …The communication between the universe, all parts of it, and yourself is ongoing. It is a matter of how much of it you want to tune into and how you structure for yourself the experience of collecting that information. "

More to this here
“Each substance, beginning with air, fire, earth and water, has a nature. And within that nature there lie avenues of expression, communication and relationship. You can come into relationship with an element, an animal, a location, a word, a letter—any substance that has been created by the Creator or by you. These relationships are real. They are natural. The creation was designed to connect each part with each part.”

It all comes down to this
" You have the ability to receive them directly if you can believe in the goodness of your perceptions. "

Its like any of that spiritual phenomenon, if you work on it enough it can open pathways for those abilities to come forth…

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