Contact Joseph Dartez

Hello all, does anyone have any contact details for Joseph Dartez? I’m sure that most of you know this incredible writer of “The Tarot According to Ra”. I’m trying to determine if he has an update to his manuscript and ask him a few hundred questions about is determination of the personas for each archetype>


Hi Hugh ,
Have a look at …The other selves working group.

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Joseph is now Claire. I am acquainted with Claire and I will contact her regarding this. I have an updated draft, and would like to get updated permission to share it. I will let you know.

Those of Ra did not not reveal much about the archetypes, but it’s a key point I think they make here:

" 99.8 Ra: I am Ra. … Remember, O student, that these images are not literal. They haunt rather than explicate."


I heard back from Claire:

Thanks for passing along the message about my name.

The truth is that I don’t really want to answer a hundred questions. At least not right now. It’s not a subject I’m ready to return to. I will probably return to it one day, but that day will be well in the future.

My apprehension about questions, however, is not merely that I’m not in a place for it. I think you hit the nail on the head with the explicate/haunt distinction. I have become wary of people treating me like a teacher, especially on this topic. All I really wanted to do was to give a framework for people to make sense of how the archetypes fit together and what kind of depth to look for in them. But nothing I say can replace the haunting. I let them haunt me, and that book was the result. Now it’s other people’s turn.

I think sharing my updated intro might give this person a sense of how I would like people to think of it. So I encourage you to share that if you want to. You can also share the content of this email.

So I will share the updated archetype manuscript, which is a draft so it hasn’t been edited. I have to figure out how to do that first. I see I can share a photo here, but this is a PDF, so check back. :slight_smile:


Here is Claire (Joseph) Dartez’s manuscript on the archetypes:

The Tarot According to Ra - First Draft - (1.0 MB)

I’ll check back to see if the zipped file is working properly. Thank you Patrick for the help. :slight_smile:


wow :dizzy_face:, just a bit of light reading then.

Have just been reading through the manuscript and have been very successful at not gaining a grasp on some of the harder areas of the material.(Ill keep working at it)

While reading through it a thought occurred to me. When the author mentioned about the Feminine and Masculine not being a fundamental concept or design higher up the M/B/S complex.

The Author notes that the Feminine has tendency toward the positive path and The Masculine has a tendency towards the negative path.

Feminine - Acknowledges all is one and leads back to unity
Masculine - Believes itself to be the creator and all other selves lesser or the illusion of separation from the creator. (the only thing not possible is true separation from the creator) Hence the falseness of the negative path.

separation implies a boundary.

When talking about the first distortion The Author states “The splitting of undifferentiated unity into a subject
and an object is the creation of a boundary where no boundary previously existed”

Unity knows itself by separating itself in various ways. There is a theme on separation in everything that the Logos, sublogos, subsublogos does. It keeps splitting itself into smaller parts. Including separating the conscious from the unconscious (The veil).

What if the negative path is not just a side effect of the veil but a fundamental theme that the creator keeps doing to know itself. It keeps separating itself to get a more efficient way to know the whole. Its like a computer 3D model the more polygons/faces on the model the more detailed the picture.

So the masculine is essentially the illusion of boundary of separation
and the feminine is the whole picture or unity.

The separation (falseness) of the masculine gives greater detail to the true picture unity (the feminine)

Pull towards/Push away

What where doing in this illusion is trying to balance.

Imagine you want to create a sphere on a computer.
How many polygons would you need to get a perfect representation of a sphere?
An infinte amount would be the required number.
But the higher the polygon count on the sphere the more clearer it becomes.
More separation enables better resolution.
But we can never model the perfect concept of a sphere just an illusion of one.

Hense we use a finite separation to represent an infinite object.
Thats why the universe will always begin and end in mystery because
we will never have the full picture. The finite cant fully understand the infinite
but it can help create a better understanding of it.

And to better understand itself it separates

That is why the negative path only wants wisdom and skips love.
Where unity is everything so the positive path involves both love and wisdom.

And the reason the Negative and Positive are in conflict with each other
is that they are two opposing forces. A Push and a pull.
One pushing away from the creator and one pulling towards the creator.
One trying to separate and one trying to join the creator.

If you get the same balance of each force you get a centered stillness.
With both forces going in opposite directions. The two kinetic energies of movement
producing a non energy, a balanced rest of stillness.

Making the positive path the most desired path because it incorporates both energies.
Rather than just an unbalanced one. An attempt to know the unknowable. A paradox.
An endless journey of trying to know the self through the illusion of otherself.

Thats why higher density entities can to go back to 3rd density and either
obtain more Love or More wisdom. To obtain higher levels of energy.
Because there is more separation. With the risk of producing too
much separation that causes the entity to become unbalanced and
must try and gain balance again in order to re-graduate maybe? Not sure.
To balance oneself in potential rather then move either way.

A positive path entity can graduate with an excess of Love and not enough wisdom?
and can go back to obtain more wisdom in order to reach higher energies/densities?
A negative path entity graduates with an excess of wisdom?
and will need to obtain more Love before it can go past 6th density?

The density requires a certain amount of Balanced Potential energy for it to be reached?

Maybe Masculine and Feminine is a more fundamental concept than the Author thinks?
Any thoughts?


I was talking with a friend last week and told him I don’t like the idea paying taxes because they will hire people for my money to persuade me to continue doing it in the loop. He told me he likes paying taxes because if he went to shop he would have some guaranties. I told but I’m OK with you having different opinion. He told me but he’s OK with me having different opinion. I told him but there’s a difference: you want all shops to be with bills as you want, and I want some shops to be without bills but not all of them; and I do not want to pretend to services you want to have for the money you paid but instead you want to use money I paid for the services you want.

So there are two types of understanding of unions and separations:

  1. There’s a union where all pay taxes. Who does not want to pay separates from others.

  2. There’s a union which allows both models: paying and non paying. Choosing only one model is a separation from the union that holds both.

And there are some features:

Type 1: In this type surely they put together in the same group both a) who does not want to pay and wants all not to pay b) those who are OK with both what I called models.

Type 2: It might be looked as contradictory opinion allowing both models. Allowing both models is a separation that separates one from another.

Also, it might be looked as a point of view on a choice: type 1 is saying there should not be choice, type 2 is saying there should be choice. And also it’s a point of view if people are evil: type 1 is saying people are evil (see Leviathan and Hobbes) and do not let them have a chance, type 2 is saying people are kind and believe they will not harm you after their choice.

I was also reading that draft (manuscript on the archetypes) a bit and at first sight it didn’t look correct to me and I stopped reading it for a while because I was feeling it brings me unnecessary distortions. Duality (look type 1, a) feminine/masculine looks not correct to me because feminine can born both feminine and masculine, but masculine cannot. It’s not so much symmetric.

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Yeah I can see why this doesn’t sit well and I was puzzling over this myself. Maybe the negative path was a side effect? Maybe the feminine was just the original path that encompassed both union and separation but the “improvement” of the veil created an unintended masculine path. There was too much separation and the energies of separation kind of ran away creating a tendency for entities to find a narrow valid path of separation and only learn wisdom and ignore love. Because the experiment was effective in speeding up evolution and the fact that the narrow path is still that of the one creator the experiment was considered “all good”. Like a glitch they just have to put up with to speed up evolution and understanding of the creator.

Yeah your right thinking about it that way its not so symmetric in terms of the negative path.

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Maybe it’s connected to the concept of distortion itself that exists “in order for the significator Creator to be what it is not”. So the side effect cannot be distinguished from means.

So your saying its probably more accurate to see it as a product of free will. And the free will is allowing all aspects of the creator. Including that which the creator is not. And because this was a more effective experiment and the creator being blind to its own understanding of what it truly is of all being part of the creator this result occurred in an unexpected way and developed an extreme bias of separation.

Hey, just a heads up that Claire Dartez is not affiliated with the Other Selves Working Group as of November last year. I’m sure she would appreciate me making this clear.

Yes, you’re right. It reminds me Russell’s paradox.

Hello Jeremy. I was downloading Joseph’s “The Tarot According to Ra” from the OSWG site and it was looking like Joseph is a member.

Yes I understand that’s confusing, which is why I wanted to make it clear.

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Just Been reading through the RA contact again. And saw this from RA.

17.33 Questioner: Why is the negative path so much more difficult a path to attain harvestability upon than the positive?

Ra: I am Ra. This is due to a distortion of the Law of One which indicates that the gateway to intelligent infinity be a gateway at the end of a strait and narrow path as you may call it. To attain fifty-one percent dedication to the welfare of other-selves is as difficult as attaining a grade of five percent dedication to other-selves. The, shall we say, sinkhole of indifference is between those two.

So from what I can gather the Negative path is due to a number of enabling factors.

  1. The fact that third density has a veil enabling a blindness to unity of all
  2. The fact that it is also paradoxically part of the creator and is valid
  3. Light requires a strait and Narrow path. (Which according to Quo is a pure path of a single intention)
  4. The negative path gives a player for the positive path to play against accelerating the evolution of both paths
  5. The negative path replicates what is a more primal occurrence when the Universe first conceived of itself “To be what it is not” As above so below

With the pathways being followed until they reach a point where they are harvestable or able to self-Harvest.

(Besides all these factors I should add the caveat that the Narrow Path seems highly undesirable, Limited in Scope of service (possibilities to express the self) and a slower
way of evolution)


I have a slightly related query that might be in two parts. The first part Ra talked about the positive path being strait and narrow, and they reference that in terms of harvestability. Could you talk about what exactly it means for the path to be strait and narrow?


I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The path for the seeker of truth in this third-density illusion is strait as the intentions make it so. The intentions of the seeker of truth to travel this path of seeking and service to others are those values, as we have spoken before, which are the primary foundation for all execution of desire of energy expenditures and of seeking to be of service to others. Thus, the strait path is the path which is pure and is not distorted with mixed intentions. It has a purity of intention and desire so that the energy expenditure is efficient and makes contact, shall we say, with the target or end result in the seeker of truth who wishes to be of service in its process of polarizing on the positive path spiritually.

Just had another thought. The negative path also acts as a kind of forcing function or catalyst to the positive path. The negative path creates an environment where the positive path has to step in to balance. This provides the opportunity of service to the positive path helping to accelerate the polarity of the positive. So in a wierd paradoxical way the negative path provides a form of service to others by not being of service to others.

So the non-desirble path kind of creates a desirable form of experiment. Maybe it even goes both ways with the positive path enabling the negative path to increase its wisdom by battling against them.

The two paths work against each other which paradoxically helps each other just like in a soccer game where two sides compete. The game evolves with each side using different tactics and learning about there opponents. And after the game both teams unify into a state of players who played in the soccer game from team A vs team B. With hopefully much being learnt about the game itself, their opponents,teamares, and self. With the enjoyment of the game being the love in the moment.

So the third and sometimes fourth density positive are like the players of the game. While the positive higher density entities kind of act in service as a referee. Making sure the game is fair and balanced and the rules are followed.

So for the positive team it’s important to have a love for the game which enables an enthusiastic participation meaning you get more lessons out of the game as opposed to if your not that enthused about the game and don’t really participate.

For the negative team it’s important to learn lessons in understanding yourself and your opponents and how to win.

The positions on the field represent the 22 architypes of the architypical mind. With the goal of learning to play all positions in an effective manner.

With the sublogos deciding the rules of the game. And the subsub logos being the players and referee.And the higher six,seventh being an evaluation of how the game went what could be better what could be more enjoyable or effective way to play.

With the ultimate lesson being what new game to create , explore and experience based on the game they just played.

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