Confederation Pride

Hello fellow seekers,

There’s an interesting point about Confederation revelations regarding sexual energy transfers in higher densities that I realized and would like to share with you all.

For one, discovering this concept of higher density sexual energy transfers kind of came as a shock to me because I was brought up in a Muslim tradition that taught me that the believers would be rewarded (the men atleast) with non-human feminine entities called “Hooris” in Jannah (the Islamic term for paradise). For a long time I found this “reward” to be unpalatable, especially since I couldn’t understand how our mating instinct could survive after burying all semblance of our animal biology under the dirt when we pass from the illusion. It also seemed particularly unfortunate that the so-called “reward” was exclusively reserved for heterosexual men and made no consideration to women or any other sexual orientations. It may have been palatable to the patriarchal arab desert culture of the 7th century, but it just seemed inappropriate in our age of secular humanism and egalitarian liberalism.

Then, in the 25th year in my current incarnation, I found Confederation channelings, particularly the Ra Channelings. To my surprise, they recapitulated some of the ideas that Muhammad seemed to have been attempting to communicate, albeit in a far more sophisticated and enlightened manner. That there is no sexual prize awaiting us, but that our mind/body/spirit complexes, while possessing the third-density bisexual reproductive programming that we share with second density, is also capable of sexual energy transfers that can exist in higher densities independent of bisexual reproductive programming.

To hear from our brothers and sisters from beyond the Veil that sexuality was not a transient biochemical phenomenon nor of an exclusively masculine/feminine nature was truly eye-opening. It also added an extra dimension for analyzing third-density practices such as celibacy, kinks, and ceremonial sex magic.

Let me know your thoughts. Thank you for reading, and Happy Pride Month!

I wish you all the peace, blessings, and protection of the Infinite Creator.