Well as for breath work, I find whatever individually releases endogenous dmt best works best… though I wouldn’t recommend the use of extreme cold in combination with sex.
I don’t know anything about using sex for anything besides intimacy and or pleasure. But there’s two very different types of sexual feeling for me.
If you’re looking for intimacy with the divine… try eight rounds of 30 breath wim hof, plenty of guides on YouTube. Regain regular breathing while stimulating yourself, do shorter breath holds while breathing deeply while masturbating. Focus on feeling connected to everything rather than normal visual or erotic fantasy. Take your time and while fully appreciating all sensation focus on your heart rather than your genitals, the seat of your sensory focus, don’t know how to explain it precisely. You can use imagery in your mind that’s evocative of universal love, normally it’s more meditative than focusing on real or imagined visuals. You can do the same thing with a partner, but the breathing can be challenging. With that you’d want to get off mainly on the intimacy itself rather than the places testosterone tends to focus my attention.
They aren’t normal for me, unless I really seek them out unfortunately as sex or masturbation while not taking a bunch of prep time or taking certain drugs that make that green easy to fully open, but, “heartgasms” are a thing. And are lightening, they make you feel light and floaty with a hint of a good nights sleep. Relaxing, but not tired. I’m male though supposedly it gives females vital rather than spiritual energy, I’d guess it might feel different for them and my partner’s reactions are different. But hard to disentangle because frankly male and female orgasms always seem… different. Energy aliens or not.
Hardest to do right, but works best with a physically incarnate partner. You have to actually love them, mutually though.
Sometimes though, I’ve had situations in which other-dimensioned partners have joined in. Those have been some good heartgasms… often though unaccompanied by physical ejaculation. Not all other dimensioned partners are good though… I was having a good meditation session and got heart energy going pretty good. Then I feel this cold presence but also this burning sensation below my heart centered on my genitals. Pleasurable in a selfish way. Then I had an auditory hallucination with a bunch of hallucinatory rather aggressive pornography, the voice said serve yourself. Bit on the nose, but it and my “diverse polarity” in terms of sexual fantasy, a liking for being (temporarily) possessed or coerced in this case, led me to go against what one should do and, you know, have sex with a disincarnate demon. After that I felt itchy, horrible, and drained. But not going to lie, for a pure lust orgasm, it was the strongest I’ve had. But there is a sharp divide between sex with love and sex with desire or power. I think succubi and incubi have some basis in reality now.
Sex without love or masturbation to shallow pornography, particularly that reliant on novelty such as most of the visual kind, is like hitting a nicotine vape or having a little bit of cocaine. Consuming in the moment, but done too often leaves you feeling drained. But paradoxically wanting to do it again, again, again.
Both sides of the divide allow you to know yourself. Though one side of that divide contains knowledge of myself I wouldn’t mind forgetting. Sex with love is affirming and life promoting, sex without love is not but sometimes it’s really hot like how sometimes I WANT the processed chocolate candy that will kill me and I want to eat the whole box and try all the flavors rather than mindfully eat the perfect fruit.
But if I can achieve heartgasms and connect sexually to the multiverse, then most likely you can. Because it isn’t power or control or luxury goods (besides food and drugs) that tempts me, it’s just hedonism. Very difficult to convince me that something that feels really good is wrong, I usually learn the hard way.
As for improving your spiritual path, doesn’t any true love given or received? I think unfortunately though an… extreme dedication to sex… helps more in polarizing negatively. Rasputin, Ghengis Khan, all the violence and competition for “possession” of women.
And that sucks because I want nothing to do with cruelty or slavery, but I also want stds and aging past a certain point to not exist and a weekly orgy or two to be mainstream while maintaining a favorite full love life partner/best friend with whom you have orgasms and heartgasms. Unfortunately while this human me would choose free love and pleasure over spiritual growth, it’s been repeatedly hammered into me by… more evolved fractals of the creator that I don’t really want to be involved more than oneness demands, with our usually reprehensible but sometimes sexy, negative er… friends. Sooooo, uh, heartgasms and only having physical sex with one human, at a time, and repeatedly getting slapped in the face by catalyst. Yay…
Like this kundalini thing mentioned in a Ra link in this thread. I moved that thing up before it was ready. It felt good, how could it be bad? And very recently had kundalini psychosis and learned a bit more about NOT being agreeable to certain things. It’s not fair though, those things can just read you and thus concoct the perfect temptation if said temptation is something other than unconditional love. I have finally learned that sexy demons are still demons. It was not fun. Besides the fun parts. Very unfun overall though! FYI if you ever get offered all the pleasure you want by disembodied entities, you should say no, as counterintuitive as that is.
Are energized more during the activity? If it’s… frantic, it’s probably not green.
Do you feel better and more whole rather than drained and suddenly a bit disgusted with yourself after? Probably green… or you really needed an orgasm.